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Video Games Suck: RTS Reviews

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Starcraft 2
RTS Reviewscraterface writes "Okay, I'm not much into writing reviews, but I figured what the hell I finished Starcraft 2, so why not write about it until the download finishes.

Posted by Suislide on Sunday, February 27 @ 09:55:59 EST (7216 Views)
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Supreme Commander 1
RTS Reviewspuk writes "Pretty good game. Frustrating at times, but at the end of the day it is a really solid RTS."
Posted by Suislide on Saturday, February 19 @ 20:28:58 EST (4509 Views)
(Read More... | 2721 bytes more | 11 comments | Score: 1.85)
Overlord II
RTS ReviewsFUCK YEAH, The sequel to this game comes out. I liked the first one because it was a fresh idea, using minions to attack, puzzle solving, and building up your evil empire. While this game provides all the same shit, IT FUCKS ME OVER BY BEING A PIECE OF SHIT. They needed to fix the errors in the last game, improve the AI, keep the same humor, and improve the puzzle solving. Instead they fucking did NOTHING but basically provide a new set of levels for you to go through which are fucking boring. Here we go, Overload II.
Posted by Suislide on Monday, June 29 @ 23:35:13 EDT (3745 Views)
(Read More... | 4518 bytes more | 8 comments | Score: 2.58)
Sim City 4
RTS Reviewspuk writes "I'm drunk, I'm in Germany (possibly redundant), and I'm bored, so I'll do a review. "
Posted by Suislide on Sunday, May 31 @ 00:03:51 EDT (6496 Views)
(Read More... | 3328 bytes more | 7 comments | Score: 4.4)
Earth 2150: The Moon Project
RTS Reviewspuk writes "So this is a game that was released back in 2000 and I still spend hours a day playing this (when I'm not drinking of course)."
Posted by Suislide on Wednesday, May 27 @ 12:03:09 EDT (3745 Views)
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Command and Conquer
RTS Reviewspuk writes "Dude this game kicked ass when it came out. Fuck You EA. Fuck you for ruining a promising franchise."
Posted by Suislide on Wednesday, May 20 @ 20:08:25 EDT (3781 Views)
(Read More... | 4478 bytes more | 12 comments | Score: 4.6)
RTS ReviewsSo Gas Powered Games was actually a video game developer that I liked. I throughly enjoy the Dungeon Siege games, they were fun action RPGs with just enough depth an entertainment. Then they released Space Siege, an absolute fucking turd. I was thinking Dungeon Siege in Space. Instead I got a game where you could only level up in one direction, no character choice and no skills choice. I thought it was just a fluke and that they fucked up, but then they released this game. It is filled with SO MUCH...just so much potential but its a let down and that fucking kills it. The game is just brimming with quality art work, POTENTIALLY good gameplay and then it squats and takes a huge fucking shit down my throat. Here is the RPG/RTS combo...Demigod!
Posted by Suislide on Monday, April 20 @ 22:23:54 EDT (3581 Views)
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RTS ReviewsSEGA failed so hard with that piece of shit dreamcast. Somehow they managed to stick around to make abunch of shitty fucking games. Apparently the new Sonic games weren't enough to make everyone fucking puke themselves to death. So they try and pass off this fucking game as something that is actually acceptable. It's not...Sega proves themselves by making another totally shit game. This is game basically only like 50% game since half the fucking time you can't do anything, so this game is a 50% RTS.
Posted by Suislide on Tuesday, March 24 @ 23:52:42 EDT (3488 Views)
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RTS ReviewsOh man so after all the hype and excitement Spore is finally released. Well you might as rename this game BORE because its the most shallow fucking experience in gaming one could have since Sim City: Societies. Seriously, this game is the most fucking boring experience EVER. I almost wanted to puke at how it DID NOT live up the hype. Well here it is SPORE! Prepare to take a fucking nap!
Posted by Suislide on Wednesday, September 10 @ 00:04:28 EDT (6453 Views)
(Read More... | 8935 bytes more | 13 comments | Score: 3.92)
RTS ReviewsOk so this from Codemaster isn't exactly an RTS but more like an RPG/RTS/Action Game mixture...but I'm putting it under RTS so suck my fucking ass. This is a game which promotes evil and chaos as your character...we need more of this.
Posted by Suislide on Sunday, July 01 @ 15:45:37 EDT (4830 Views)
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Would you fuck Zelda Williams now that Robin Williams is dead?

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