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Posted on Sunday, July 01 @ 15:45:37 EDT by Suislide
RTS ReviewsOk so this from Codemaster isn't exactly an RTS but more like an RPG/RTS/Action Game mixture...but I'm putting it under RTS so suck my fucking ass. This is a game which promotes evil and chaos as your character...we need more of this.

Graphics: Now the graphics are pretty damn nice. The environments have a large enough size though some can be kind of small and there is plenty of detail and wildlife and other shit around to make it look like there is actually something going on. Also there is tons of objects laying around that can be smashed and destroyer which is nice and also many different objects that your minions will wear. The environments are also quite varied as you travel to abunch of retarded locations like generic desert area, happy forest area, castle city area, mystical eleven forest area. So the environments are varied but varied with the same shitty fucking environments we have seen before a million times. How about some god damn variety? Anyways even though we've seen all this shit before they all look nice and there isn't too many damn loading points. The models for all the characters are well done too in the cartoonish style that fits the rest of the games graphics. The evil tower and everything else all looks pretty damn good. So the basically the graphics in this game are pretty good looking. One thing I must bring up is that they didnt overuse the fucking bloom feature! Its a fucking miracle! No longer will I have big gay white screen from taking one step outside or looking at the sun refract off the water. So the graphics are definitely good.

Sound: Finally a fucking game with some humorous dialog that is actually fucking humorous! Whoever wrote this shit deserves a hand shit and a dick suck because they actually say things that can actually be funny unlike the pathetic attempts at jokes in other games that makes me want to fucking strangle small children. Also the voice acting is all well done for the minions and pretty much most of the characters in the game except for two people. That big black guy and that Jewel chick who steals shit...they have the worst damn voice acting I have ever heard. I want to beat the shit out of defenseless animals. Animals are fucking stupid too, they deserve death. The music is not bad but nothing extraordinarily special. So the sound is pretty good.

Gameplay: So you are some big bad ass overlord and you can control these minions to kick some ass for you. Theres four types of minions, the brown warriors, the fire, water, and poison ones. Now to be honest all the fucking minions suck ass except for the browns. The browns will pick up armor and swords and do a shitload more damage than any of the other minions and decimate pretty much every boss in the damn game. The only time I used the other shitty ass minions is when I actually had to. The reds have this shitty fucking fire attack that misses everything and the greens and blues dont do shit for damage and die like old people in fucking heat. So of course you only start out with the browns and you get more as the game goes on. You kill enemies or other things to get essence of which you can summon more minions with. So you send out your minions to kick ass for you and they will run around and smash fucking everything in sight and its fucking great. I do enjoy smashing peoples homes and stealing everything they have. Basically the minions will beat the shit out of anything you target. You also get spells to make your minions better or of course the generic fire spells and shield spells. So you use all these to kick ass. Now the minion controls are fucking retarded as sometimes they are so fucking blind they wont pick up an object right in front of t hem. Also the controls for sweeping are the biggest piles of fucking shit I have ever seen in my life. Its like trying to control a retard to do something by making him follow a trail of candy. So anyways you kick ass with your minions and they will pick up objects to get more armor and do better damage. The minions basically do everything for you from collecting objects to get more health, mana, and max summon limit, to opening bridges and all that shit. In the beginning you just beat the fuck out of anything that you see but later on you have to some gay strategy shit like knowing when to pull your minions away or having some stay in area while others do some other shit. The strategy part isnt bad but can get fucking annoying at certain times. Also this game needs a better fucking save system than an autosave system because you fuck up and you have to start from way fucking back at the beginning of the autosave. Anyways so you can collect all these objects and upgrade you castle and also forge better armor and shit using your minions as sacrafices. Thats where the RPG elements come into play. So the major theme of this game is to do evil and of course i killed every fucking citizen I could at any time. These fucks WILL BOW TO ME. You can also be a bit nicer and help them and it lowers your corruption level but fuck that I MAXED IT OUT. Fuck people and elves and dwarves suck ass too. So the game is pretty damn fun having your minions kick all sorts of ass and get stronger and upgrading your castle. The quests are too bad and involve tons of ass beating. The only time the game gets annoying is controlling your minions sometimes to do things is so fucking piss poor.

Story: So you were some evil guy and you died but your minions brought you back from the dead or whatever the fuck happened. Then you set off to rebuild your tower and kick some fucking ass to make people ride your cock again. Eventually the old overlord comes back and you kick his ass too. I just spoiled it fuckers. The story isn't too bad but its nothing too spectacular either.

The game is pretty fun but has some shitty controls sometimes and gets a bit repetitive 7.5/10

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Re: Overlord (Score: 1)
by m9x (ret@rd) on Sunday, July 01 @ 19:51:48 EDT
(User Info | Send a Message)
the games great on the 360 :)

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  • Re: Overlord by NiggBUILDER on Thursday, July 05 @ 12:20:44 EDT
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