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Command and conquer Generals/Zero Hour
Posted on Wednesday, October 29 @ 17:33:16 EST by Suislide
RTS ReviewsGreenie writes "The original game, plus expansion review

Gameplay was good, but missions are fucking short, as is the amount of missions. there is like 5/6 missions for all the campaigns but that equals 15/18 missions so it isnt too bad.

Missions are so fucking easy aswell, i mean i completed most of em with 3 or 4 units and the enemey sucks cock, even in skirmish with hard enemeys on. they cant at all think, like you can send one man into the center of the base, then with your million tanks (which for unkown reason they dont fucking realise untill your next to them ffs...)creep up from the side and destroy the entire base while their small army destroys your one man...

Sound/Video: was pretty good movies, but EA games made the fatal fucking mistake of having the movies play while the game loads the next level its runs so fucking shite, and i used a movie player to play the movies in the end (out of game)

Expansion: Well the expansion was a good idea, since C&C Generals came with few missions and units, but i have to say, zero hour bought very little to the game

Replayability: a bit, but not much, i mean there is various skirmish medals for doing things like building all the Superweapons (which are lethally good btw) but it is repetetive in general

In a nutshell, good game overall, and i can contend with is bad parts...



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Re: Command and conquer Generals/Zero Hour (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Wednesday, October 29 @ 17:34:58 EST
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your reviews are too damm short make them longer dammit!

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Re: Command and conquer Generals/Zero Hour (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Thursday, October 30 @ 00:52:50 EST
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Games wasnt bad but If you've already played the original game, Red Alert ECT. this will seem like a total fucking letdown. No where near as cool.

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