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HERE WE GO. I got a decent bonus from my job this year and what better fucking way to spend my money than to blow it on mediocre indie game titles? None of the good stuff like Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, or anything like that are out yet so instead you will get random shit that I purchased because it was super fucking cheap! Some decent games but most are mediocre crap that I found incredibly dull and/or boring. So without further ado here is a collection of indie game reviews for:
Antichamber, The Binding of Isaac, Deadlight, Eldritch, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, Monaco, Nihilhumbra, Papers Please and Pixel Junk Eden
Posted by suislide on Sunday, January 26 @ 20:01:49 EST (14971 Views) (Read More... | 6649 bytes more | 11 comments | Score: 3.66)
HOLY SHIT! Obsidian is a making a fucking old school isometric CRPG with all the writers from Planescape Torment, Fallout and Arcanum. GET IN HERE AND FUND THIS MOTHER FUCKER!
Because there is no god, religion is bullshit, and santa claus is fucking stupid, I am helping to promote Hitchmas! A celebration of Christopher Hitchens!
Capcom, known for making absolutely nothing but garbage fucking games which they sloppily port to the PC has now gone low enough to fucking barf out cheat codes as DLC. Way to go. Could you get any fucking cheaper you scumbag organization? Maybe if you stopped releasing the same damn Street Fighter game every 6 months and actually made a decent game. Seriously, Capcom has absolutely no good qualities and I was hoping that they would go out of business. They make nothing worth playing. Ever. Fucking waste of an organization.
Yes, our worst fucking nightmares confirmed even though we were reassured it would be true to the Deus Ex experience. However, after viewing videos of the gameplay it has becoming more obvious that what we are getting instead is some shitty fucking generic stealth action game which will rival the generic-ness of every other console piece of shit out there. There are numerous problems with this game and it is making my penis soft. Click to read the damning evidence.
Posted by Suislide on Sunday, March 20 @ 13:20:51 EDT (7290 Views) (Read More... | 5407 bytes more | 19 comments | Score: 4.19)