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3DRealms Shutting Down!
Posted on Thursday, May 07 @ 00:20:38 EDT by Suislide
Site News/General BullshitYeah it's fucking true and god dammit I'm pissed. You guys can read all about this retarded crap at Shacknews: 3d Realms Closing

Seriously though, how fucking retarded...they spend 13 fucking years making a god damn game that I have been waiting for since 1997 and they go out of business. This is the biggest fuck up since Diakatana...spending over a decade developing a game without any sort of frame for release or completion time. RETARDED. WELL NO SHIT, you have to release video games to make money and selling the title to small companies to make shitty cellphone and DS games isn't going to bring in the proper income to fund a huge title. The only question that remains is what status is Duke Nukem Forever in and will it be released?

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Re: 3DRealms Shutting Down! (Score: 1)
by ZippyDSMlee on Thursday, May 07 @ 01:18:03 EDT
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I some how doubt the world would notice if it was good or not when crappy gun and run regenerating FPSs are the common fodder of the day.... I bet the consoletards would cry the game is to hard if it had health packs in it 0-o
A shame it is....

BTW Diakatana was better than Dues ex 2 and Doom 3 combined.......

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Re: 3DRealms Shutting Down! (Score: 1)
by berzerker on Thursday, May 07 @ 16:14:35 EDT
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On usenet ( I found this reaction, which I thought was nice:

Has it really been that long? Let's put things into perspective shall we?

Channel Tunnel 6 years
Eiffel Tower 2 years
Empire State building 1 year
Hoover Dam 5 years!

And my personal favourite:

NASA inception 1958
First manned moon landing 1969

11 years! We went to the moon in less time than it took these chumps to finally give up on a video game!! MASSIVE FAIL

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Re: 3DRealms Shutting Down! (Score: 1)
by Alez on Thursday, May 07 @ 19:41:09 EDT
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I'm the only one on the planet who didn't play duke nukem.

Either way, fucking pathetic that they didn't end up releasing SOMETHING. One level, a demo, SOMETHING. They're a joke...

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Re: 3DRealms Shutting Down! (Score: 1)
by Suislide (FUCK YOU@penis in my on Thursday, May 07 @ 21:46:39 EDT
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I'd give them both 8/10

The gun combat is still crappy

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Re: 3DRealms Shutting Down! (Score: 1)
by Ape_Shall_Never_Kill_Ape ( on Thursday, May 14 @ 16:01:29 EDT
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Oh well. Time to replay Duke 3D and Manhattan Project (very underrated imo).

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Re: 3DRealms Shutting Down! (Score: 1)
by berzerker on Monday, May 18 @ 05:17:45 EDT
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Valve has bought it: (slightly funny, don't expect too much)

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