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Capcom Selling Cheat Codes as DLC
Posted on Wednesday, November 09 @ 19:43:16 EST by Suislide
Site News/General Bullshit

Check out the article HERE!

Capcom, known for making absolutely nothing but garbage fucking games which they sloppily port to the PC has now gone low enough to fucking barf out cheat codes as DLC. Way to go. Could you get any fucking cheaper you scumbag organization? Maybe if you stopped releasing the same damn Street Fighter game every 6 months and actually made a decent game. Seriously, Capcom has absolutely no good qualities and I was hoping that they would go out of business. They make nothing worth playing. Ever. Fucking waste of an organization.
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Re: Capcom Selling Cheat Codes as DLC (Score: 1)
by cBox on Wednesday, November 09 @ 19:55:08 EST
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I don't understand how they make any profits to survive anyway. They must be funded by the illuminati or something and hired to bring down gaming innovation. And you're suprised by that DLC? They literally took the same game, changed the player model and released it a second time. Holy shit what a bunch of jews. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd put in a new weapon and release the game a third time as Super Dead Rising Arcade Edition or something.

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Re: Capcom Selling Cheat Codes as DLC (Score: 1)
by Ape_Shall_Never_Kill_Ape ( on Thursday, November 10 @ 19:48:50 EST
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They're experts at milking their fan base of every penny. Been doin it for years.

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Re: Capcom Selling Cheat Codes as DLC (Score: 1)
by Dick_In_Your_Ass (EMO on Saturday, November 12 @ 13:51:23 EST
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where's the fucken review you cunt.

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