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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:29 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

That is the problem throughout Europe: the immigrants hardly mix in but stick to their own groups and old habits, even when their home countries do evolve. It is only during the last few years that this is no longer considered acceptable by governments throughout Europe.

Can you elaborate on this. B/c I think the matter is more complicated than simply blaming the immigrants, but I want to give u a chance to clarify your position first
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:47 pm Reply with quote
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Suislide, don't look at this message or you will faint because of the amount of letters.

berzerker wrote:
Kasrkin wrote:
the most important and decisive element is the power structures (i.e. international jew lobby, muslim oil lobby, etc...) created by them.

So you have these huge conspiracy theories about jews (they rule the world if I understand you correctly) and the best example you can come up with is the "international jew lobby"? Why would they lobby if they make all important decisions anyway?

To influence what they don't directly decide, and to decide what they can.

berzerker wrote:
There are about as much jews worldwide as there are inhabitants in a small country like the Netherlands or a big city like New York (metropolitan area), so I guess you would have to be Einstein to understand how such a small group can dominate the entire world.

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA are you serious? Chinese and indians are fucking billions and they don't decide a shit. Who have more power, 100 million of chinese peasants or 1 CEO of Exxon? Numbers doesn't matter, power does.

berzerker wrote:
And the "muslim oil lobby" would that be OPEC, with members such as Angola, Venezuela, Ecuador and Nigeria (of which only the latter is half muslim)?

I've said "MUSLIM OIL LOBBY" and not "OPEC", but if you wish that:

Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

They seem more "muslim", no?

berzerker wrote:
Suislide wrote:
Karskin is a moron

Well, I guess Kasrkin (the same goes for Pogma9) is not too well-informed about the history of Europe in the first half of the 20th century. If he was he would know what anti-semitism (or racism more in general) can lead to.

It's you who isn't informed about history. Jews have been hated in EVERY country they were, since Rome times. In the Middle-Age they were kicked from several nations, including England and France in the 13 th century and Spain in 1492 for conspiring against the goverment through his economic power. They were fully dedicated to loan money at interest, to control the bigger amount of it and to place themselves in the upper positions of the society.

berzerker wrote:
Sadly enough Israel now effectively has an apartheid-regime itself. Jews suffered a lot from racism, you would not have expected them to turn into racists themselves.

They have ALWAYS been racist. They called the non-jews something like "goyim", that means "cattle", in their idiosyncrasy "non-jew" is equal to "stupid" and "easy to manipulate". Their traditional texts, including the Torah, are full of hate to the non jews.

For fucks sake, they kill each day several thousand of palestinian kids with missiles, neither have seen that?

What happened with the jews in the 20s and 30s of 20th century is that certain portions of german people decided they wouldn't take anymore shit from them (they controled a significant part of german goverment, corporations and universities).

berzerker wrote:
Kasrkin wrote:
To get as many aliens as possible from the most thirld world country avaible to avoid another european identity revolution not welcoming the jews like the one from World War Two.

This is somewhat confusing. icon_scratch.gif

How exactly did the jews convince all those muslims, blacks and gypsies to emigrate to Europe? And how did they convince the governments there to allow these people access? So it was not a simple matter of poor people being attracted by a seemingly rich Europe?

Now they even succeeded in getting Rumenia into the European Union, so these gypsies will not even need governmental clearance any more for emigrating to Italy. And the jews are of course also behind the lobby to get Turkey into the EU, I wonder why I didn't see that before! sign13.gif

Couldn't we blame the jews for global warming too? drunken_smilie.gif

Europe was richer than Africa back in 18-19th century and very few niggers dared to immigrate in that time... know why? BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T ALLOWED. What changed in post World War II? THEY WERE ALLOWED.

And every single monkey in control of something called "a country" is trying to enter the EU because like women, they want to stick to the most powerful, for money. Just like Mexico and every other country of America would want with US.

Jews don't fucking control every single country in the fucking world because they don't need it: just with US, Russia and partially the EU they have enough.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:59 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Kasrkin wrote:

Pogma9 wrote:
Are you religious?
I agree with you about the Jews.

No I'm not, why?


Because even though the Jews are the worst, Xtians are still crazies.
I'm anti-ALL religion......and anyone who bases their ethical codes on fairytales can't be too bright.

Those fairytales belong to another time, is like trying to fully understand a computer only with the theory from an abacus. Religion should have been overcomed but sadly, general human condition is so fucking stupid that it's still impossible (a lot of people need to think they are going to hell if they aren't good).

puk wrote:
Well they are generally aggressive. For example, engage a Turkish person into a discussion as to whether or not Turkish people are aggressive. He'll probably get angry.

I was raised in Canada so I don't like aggressive traits (Turks, Russians, Arabs, Iranians)

Yeah, attitude is the matter, but they are so fucking blind because of the antirracist jewish-made manipulation, they fucking can't see it.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:52 am Reply with quote
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puk wrote:
berzerker wrote:
That is the problem throughout Europe: the immigrants hardly mix in but stick to their own groups and old habits, even when their home countries do evolve. It is only during the last few years that this is no longer considered acceptable by governments throughout Europe.

Can you elaborate on this. B/c I think the matter is more complicated than simply blaming the immigrants, but I want to give u a chance to clarify your position first

I do not think I have anything to add to what I already wrote.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:23 am Reply with quote
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Kasrkin wrote:
Who have more power, 100 million of chinese peasants or 1 CEO of Exxon? Numbers doesn't matter, power does.

Tell that to the former white apartheid rulers in South-Africa / Rhodesia or to the British colonial powers in India.

Powers have come and gone over time, but somehow this tiny group is supposed to have kept power for over centuries?

I've said "MUSLIM OIL LOBBY" and not "OPEC"

That's why I asked if it is the same. If it isn't then there must be another organisation of the muslim oil lobby. Which is that, or is that a secret organisation too?

They seem more "muslim", no?

Yes, the majority is muslim, but AFAIK OPEC decides by uninamous vote, not by majority vote, so any non-muslim member can block any decision.

Jews have been hated in EVERY country they were, since Rome times.

Any minority group anywhere in the world is in a potentially vulnerable position, and this will materialize in times of depression, civil unrest, or simply dubious leaders looking for a scapegoat. So the mere fact that in a period of 2000 years jews have had their problems with guest countries proves nothing. Every minority anywhere has, but since jews were minorities in so many countries this springs more to the eye. Maybe only gypsies are comparible, and you see the same there.

They have ALWAYS been racist. They called the non-jews something like "goyim", that means "cattle", in their idiosyncrasy "non-jew" is equal to "stupid" and "easy to manipulate". Their traditional texts, including the Torah, are full of hate to the non jews.

Well, jewism as a religion is no different in this respect than other religions. This subscribes that religions are to be avoided but it does not constitute racism in itself I would think.

Europe was richer than Africa back in 18-19th century and very few niggers dared to immigrate in that time... know why? BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T ALLOWED. What changed in post World War II? THEY WERE ALLOWED.

Many things changed. Just a few that come up:
1. the world had simply become less racist (apart from the US and South Africa I guess). A black man would not have stood a chance of achieving anything anywhere in Europe before; this changed somewhere around WWII;
2. colonial powers withdrew from Africa and were replaced by corrupt local leaders (hence people there became even more disillisioned and poor);
3. mass media (TV) became more wide spread (showing poor people in Africa how different life in Europe was);
4. means of swift mass transport became more widespread.
5. population grew rapidly.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:31 am Reply with quote
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Kasrkin wrote:
Religion should have been overcomed but sadly, general human condition is so fucking stupid that it's still impossible (a lot of people need to think they are going to hell if they aren't good).

Humans want to belong to groups and groups want to oppose other groups. I wonder if abolishing religion would really solve anything because people would find other bases for creating groups (race, country, class, intelligence, language, you name it).
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:15 am Reply with quote
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Kasrkin wrote:
Suislide, don't look at this message or you will faint because of the amount of letters.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:17 am Reply with quote
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Kasrkin wrote:

I've said "MUSLIM OIL LOBBY" and not "OPEC", but if you wish that:

Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

They seem more "muslim", no?

I'm not sure what you're getting at here, but Saudi Arabia shouldn't be in there since they are ones responsible for usurping OPEC's power. Venezuala is the one responsible for bringing it back to life
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:20 am Reply with quote
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Kasrkin wrote:
Jews have been hated in EVERY country they were, since Rome times.

It would be more accurate to say that anti-semitism is a Christian creation. The muslims got along well with the Jews until the early 1900's when the Jews started moving into Palestine, and then finally started hating the Jews after the forced migration of the Palestinians following the Palestine Partition (see The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Illan Pappe)
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:20 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Jews have been hated in EVERY country they were, since Rome times.

Any minority group anywhere in the world is in a potentially vulnerable position, and this will materialize in times of depression, civil unrest, or simply dubious leaders looking for a scapegoat. So the mere fact that in a period of 2000 years jews have had their problems with guest countries proves nothing. Every minority anywhere has, but since jews were minorities in so many countries this springs more to the eye. Maybe only gypsies are comparible, and you see the same there.

They have ALWAYS been racist. They called the non-jews something like "goyim", that means "cattle", in their idiosyncrasy "non-jew" is equal to "stupid" and "easy to manipulate". Their traditional texts, including the Torah, are full of hate to the non jews.

Well, jewism as a religion is no different in this respect than other religions. This subscribes that religions are to be avoided but it does not constitute racism in itself I would think.

berzerker wrote:
Humans want to belong to groups and groups want to oppose other groups. I wonder if abolishing religion would really solve anything because people would find other bases for creating groups (race, country, class, intelligence, language, you name it).
very well said indeed berzerker, you seem to be slightly more knowledgeable than i assumed. karjack should frame this and put it in his room
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:22 am Reply with quote
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Kasrkin wrote:
Suislide, don't look at this message or you will faint because of the amount of letters.
his reviews have lots of letters, so why the fuck should he faint reading yours? unless of course its probably marinated with dog shit that could make a person faint.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:26 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
That is the problem throughout Europe: the immigrants hardly mix in but stick to their own groups and old habits, even when their home countries do evolve. It is only during the last few years that this is no longer considered acceptable by governments throughout Europe.

You have it the wrong way around, the local European populations do not allow the immigrants to mix in, and thus you get these ghettos forming full of 'non-natives', and eventually the whole situation erupts like it did in France a few years back. Europe is not Canada/America, well ppl accept you for who you are. They have a very strong sense of national identity. The Germans especially so, and I've gotten into some conversation when I literally could not believe what I was hearing. To Germans, a true German has blond hair and blue eyes, anything else, is not German!!
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:28 am Reply with quote
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captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:46 am Reply with quote
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puk wrote:
You have it the wrong way around, the local European populations do not allow the immigrants to mix in

How did they do that exactly? These people came to Europe to work and got jobs, they had everything in their own hands from there. But many of them didn't even bother to learn the local language.

thus you get these ghettos forming full of 'non-natives', and eventually the whole situation erupts like it did in France a few years back. Europe is not Canada/America, well ppl accept you for who you are.

There are more ghetto's in the US than in Europe I guess (don't know too much about Canada). I am not sure the blacks in the US would agree that they were accepted very well, particularly not in the 60s (that's when the immigration to Europe really started) and before. In addition, both the US and Canada are much pickier who to allow (Europe allowed basically everyone back then).

They have a very strong sense of national identity. The Germans especially so

You really think French or Germans are more nationalistic than Americans? I most certainly don't.

and I've gotten into some conversation when I literally could not believe what I was hearing. To Germans, a true German has blond hair and blue eyes, anything else, is not German!!

Well, this guy probably voted NDP, you have narrow minded people all over the world I guess.

Last edited by berzerker on Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:15 am, edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:52 am Reply with quote
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puk wrote:
You have it the wrong way around, the local European populations do not allow the immigrants to mix in,
this is true compared to the us. i think this is because of the language issue. imo german and french are not easy to learn
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:56 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
In addition, both the US and Canada are much pickier who to allow (Europe allowed basically everyone back then)
in Sweden if your not of Swedish origin you cannot become a citizen. that will hold true for your kids who where born there for the next 3 generations. Canada is the most easiest to migrate to.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:45 am Reply with quote
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captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
i think this is because of the language issue. imo german and french are not easy to learn

If you do not want to learn German, you would be a fool to emigrate to Germany I would think.

Last edited by berzerker on Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:00 am, edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:48 am Reply with quote
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captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
in Sweden if your not of Swedish origin you cannot become a citizen. that will hold true for your kids who where born there for the next 3 generations. Canada is the most easiest to migrate to.

Being allowed into a country is something completely different from being allowed to obtain the nationality of that country.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:41 am Reply with quote
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Maybe M0nkey could move all posts in this topic about jews / immigrants etc to the general banter / flaming forum?
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:20 am Reply with quote
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captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
berzerker, you seem to be slightly more knowledgeable than i assumed.

sign10.gif apparently someone hacked the captn's account or held him at gunpoint.
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