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Why must violent tendencies come from games / films (maybe music too) as you seem to think?
I meant the media in general.
I don't mind death, like when Leon died at the end of the Professional. But I hate these movies where 2 dozen cars blow up...that's over 2 dozen people dead who had families...I hate senseless violence.
I read books about violence all the time (Sister Diana Ortiz being tortured and gang raped, Father Romirez being assassinated, that inmate who had her nipples burned with cigarettes by the SAVAK) so I'm not some mom bitching and complaining about too much mercury in our drinking water.
One case that really bothered me was that level in COD 4 where you are bombing the village from above. This is at a time when the US is bombing Iraq back to the stone age. I thought that was inappropriate.
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:54 pm
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captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
puk wrote:
Well I'm an atheist, but I believe that the break up of the family leads to many problems. So I support religion's attempts to bring the family together.
did your parents break up?
LOL no. I'm Iranian. The country is run by a muslim theocracy so we gave up on religion.
When the mom and dad work all day long, and the kid is at school for 8 hours, the family starts to disentegrate. I was comparing it to the feudal era when the father would work on the farm, then the mother and the kids would come to help the father later (gleaning), and it was the father's responsibility to educate the children...So much we've changed
good night guys (England)
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:12 pm
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puk wrote:
berzerker wrote:
Why must violent tendencies come from games / films (maybe music too) as you seem to think?
I don't mind death, like when Leon died at the end of the Professional. But I hate these movies where 2 dozen cars blow up...that's over 2 dozen people dead who had families...I hate senseless violence.
What are you? Gay?
Rambo 4 = best movie ever
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:19 pm
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puk wrote:
LOL no. I'm Iranian. The country is run by a muslim theocracy so we gave up on religion.
When the mom and dad work all day long, and the kid is at school for 8 hours, the family starts to disentegrate. I was comparing it to the feudal era when the father would work on the farm, then the mother and the kids would come to help the father later (gleaning), and it was the father's responsibility to educate the children...So much we've changed
good night guys (England)
now this shit makes a normal persons head Xplode. fortunately i am above normal. arent you from Manhattan ?
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:56 pm
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Suislide wrote:
Rambo 4 = best movie ever
That was the shitiest movie ever.
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:14 pm
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berzerker wrote:
Kasrkin wrote:
I don't see why you all make fun of that site
Take a quick look at the comments to the reviews. I pick just one (from the comments to the Max Payne 2 review):
I bought this for my 8 year old and was horrifed to hear the F word.
So he does not mind his 8 year old virtually killing others but is totally opposed to improper use of language?
Who in his right mind would buy MP2 for an 8 year old in the first place?
Hahahahahah that old people thinking "video games = kids" must die and deserve the worst, fuck them.
And yeah, it's fucking ludicrous buying your 8 years old son Max Payne 2 (one of the most depressing and hopeless ambienced game) and to be surprised of the word "fuck". But is one of the many hypocrisies of US modern society, where in a game Teen Rated you can bury alive in concrete a peaceful construction worker while he is screaming or kill anyone you want with a baseball bat in daylight and escaping easily, but you can't see your girlfriend naked and when some geek fan allows it, it turns into a fucking National Security matter debated in Congress (GTA 3 San Andreas if someone doesn't figured it out). What the fuck, all girls in US are virgin when reach marriage so teens would be fucking scared of that? By what I know, they are extremely whores and have been gang banged several times by the age of 16.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:57 am
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puk wrote:
Suislide wrote:
Rambo 4 = best movie ever
That was the shitiest movie ever.
So a fair compromise would be that it is just another movie? A more grammatical compromise would be that it is the best shitty movie ever.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:20 am
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Kasrkin wrote:
So he does not mind his 8 year old virtually killing others but is totally opposed to improper use of language?
Ya like a few weeks back, we took these [British] girls back and it was obvious we were going to (censored to preserve mihai's sanity) make love to them, but when I used the 'F' word, the girl said it was inappropriate...really makes you want to scream.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:15 am
A Winner is me!
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puk wrote:
Kasrkin wrote:
So he does not mind his 8 year old virtually killing others but is totally opposed to improper use of language?
Ya like a few weeks back, we took these [British] girls back and it was obvious we were going to (censored to preserve mihai's sanity) make love to them, but when I used the 'F' word, the girl said it was inappropriate...really makes you want to scream.
1. the quote was mine, not Kasrkin's.
2. who are "we"?
3. are you talking about one or more girls, your post is confusing.
4. why is the nationality of the girls of any relevance? Would Canadian or Pakistani (or whatever) girls have reacted any differently?
Last edited by berzerker on Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:47 am
A Winner is me!
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berzerker wrote:
1. the quote was mine, not Kasrkin's.
berzerker wrote:
2. who are "we"?
me and some friends and I
berzerker wrote:
3. are you talking about one or more girls, you post is confusing.
there were 3 girls, but only one that flipped out
berzerker wrote:
4. why is the nationality of the girls of any relevance? Would Canadian or Pakistani (or whatever) girls have reacted any differently?
b/c canadian girls don't over react under such situations. Only prim-and-proper british girls do
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:52 am
A Winner is me!
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puk wrote:
b/c canadian girls don't over react under such situations. Only prim-and-proper british girls do
So the other 2 were not British? If they were, wouldn't it be fair to conclude that it is not the nationality but the 'prim-and-properness' of the girl in question that is relevant?
Try Pakistani girls . You should be able to find plenty of them in England.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:56 am
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You can't move 2 feet in Englastan without seeing a Paki.
The fact is, the British love the Paki's and want as many as they can get.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:14 pm
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Pogma9 wrote:
You can't move 2 feet in Englastan without seeing a Paki.
The fact is, the British love the Paki's and want as many as they can get.
It's part of the jewish plan to annihilate the european heritage:
-England: Pakis and niggers
-France and Belgium: [Don't know what the pejorative term is in english to describe the muslims from North Africa] and niggers
-Germany: Döner-turks
-Spain: South American indians and gipsy-rumanians
-Holland: Niggers
-Italy: Albanians and gipsy-rumanians
To get as many aliens as possible from the most thirld world country avaible to avoid another european identity revolution not welcoming the jews like the one from World War Two.
PS. "Gipsy-rumanians" aren't "rumanians", they are gipsies from that country. Fuck if more rumanian females would come too as they are normally very hot and not as conceited as the ones from here.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:44 pm
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Kasrkin wrote:
It's part of the jewish plan to annihilate the european heritage:
so basically what your saying is everything is a jewish plan, including those huge supermassive black holes that rip apart any matter that comes their way.
According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, as mass is added to a degenerate star a sudden collapse will take place and the intense gravitational field of the star will close in on itself. Such a star then forms a "black hole" in the universe.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:40 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
Kasrkin wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
You can't move 2 feet in Englastan without seeing a Paki.
The fact is, the British love the Paki's and want as many as they can get.
It's part of the jewish plan to annihilate the european heritage:
Are you religious?
I agree with you about the Jews.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:49 pm
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Pogma9 wrote:
I agree with you about the Jews.
so its okay to diss jews, but its quite fine to pick up a book and read about Scientology? thanks for reminding me how extremely idiotic humans can be, i had forgotten abt it until now.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:54 pm
Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 193
captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
Kasrkin wrote:
It's part of the jewish plan to annihilate the european heritage:
so basically what your saying is everything is a jewish plan, including those huge supermassive black holes that rip apart any matter that comes their way.
According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, as mass is added to a degenerate star a sudden collapse will take place and the intense gravitational field of the star will close in on itself. Such a star then forms a "black hole" in the universe.
Bingo, Einstein was a jew too.
Pogma9 wrote:
Are you religious?
I agree with you about the Jews.
No I'm not, why?
The religion itself doesn't matter nowadays because nobody follow his respectives statements (were conceived in very different social circumstances), the most important and decisive element is the power structures (i.e. international jew lobby, muslim oil lobby, etc...) created by them.
Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:03 am
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Kasrkin wrote:
the most important and decisive element is the power structures (i.e. international jew lobby, muslim oil lobby, etc...) created by them.
So you have these huge conspiracy theories about jews (they rule the world if I understand you correctly) and the best example you can come up with is the "international jew lobby"? Why would they lobby if they make all important decisions anyway?
There are about as much jews worldwide as there are inhabitants in a small country like the Netherlands or a big city like New York (metropolitan area), so I guess you would have to be Einstein to understand how such a small group can dominate the entire world.
And the "muslim oil lobby" would that be OPEC, with members such as Angola, Venezuela, Ecuador and Nigeria (of which only the latter is half muslim)?
Last edited by berzerker on Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:32 am, edited 4 times in total
Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:10 am
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Karskin is a moron
Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:29 am
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Suislide wrote:
Karskin is a moron
Well, I guess Kasrkin (the same goes for Pogma9) is not too well-informed about the history of Europe in the first half of the 20th century. If he was he would know what anti-semitism (or racism more in general) can lead to.
Sadly enough Israel now effectively has an apartheid-regime itself. Jews suffered a lot from racism, you would not have expected them to turn into racists themselves.
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