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These are all posts of more than a month ago, then why suddenly the complaining now?
Anyway, may I conclude it was the captn, Pogma9 (once in relapse) and general_Pugwash that caused you to post your objections?
- Pogma9 has not had relapses for quite some time now and his other posts seem quite normal.
- general_Pugwash seems no longer active (BTW I fail to see the incoherency in his posts, but the fact that the account has got a new owner may have removed this problem anyway).
- The captn, well, wat to say about him? Let's just say he may be a bit strange from time to time, but IMHO this forum would not be the same without him.
Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:41 pm
A Winner is me!
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ya sorry, that last few weeks I stopped posting here (b/c of the posts I just complained about), so my bitchin is in response to whenever these butt-fucking homos arose.
Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:13 pm
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puk wrote:
[quote=the_captain]let me interject some words of wisdom......most humans are like dull animals. just like animals cant figure out stuff like quantum electrodynamics ( your can try explaining to a cow if you dont believe ). similarly certain questions are beyond the intelligence of humans to answer. for example we can do 3d visulaizations by thinking of xyz coords, but now you goto 4d and then your fucked. your brain cant think of a 4d spatial representation. so obviously the best thing to do is to get 2 bitches and fuck away to glory instead of Scientology cowdung.....this will conclude todays words of wisdom. gosta go and eat some afghan-chicken icon_pirat.gif
I actually thought this post was quite funny, especially the conclusion.
Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:55 pm
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puk wrote:
People like u are a pain in my ass b/c I have to do work to prove my point.
captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
now this got me wondering are you pogmas mom? pain in the ass is an indication of some forced anal activity, possibly causes: homosexual behavior or your not eating too much fiber
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:39 pm
Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 193
I don't see why you all make fun of that site, I've read some reviews and they are good, pointed to people with no pc game knowledge nor much experience but ok in that field because normally that kind of style fucking sucks huge dick and seems pointed to mentally challenged downies.
He rates nudity, profanity and so in a negative way, to me that's ok because he is still very fair and objective with the technical part, gameplay, etc...
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:58 pm
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basically he's the anti Suislide?
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:04 pm
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Kasrkin wrote:
He rates nudity, profanity and so in a negative way, to me that's ok because he is still very fair and objective with the technical part, gameplay, etc...
Yeah, if you skip all the religious bullshit then the reviews there are basically OK. But that would be like saying that Suislide's reviews are OK if you skip all the swearing and humour (i.e. the only thing that makes the reviews stand out between all those other reviews).
Last edited by berzerker on Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:55 pm, edited 2 times in total
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:16 pm
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Is it actually religious, or are you exagerating (I can't be bothered to look over 10 reviews right now)
They're right, but they are, sadly, fighting for a dead cause.
It's like pointing out that the public educational system is inherently totalitarion...well if maybe, but if you don't go to school, you are, sadly, screwed.
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:17 pm
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puk wrote:
They're right
They oppose nudism, do you still think they are right?
BTW the problem I have with religious groups is not their beliefs (they may believe all they want), but the fact that they invariably seem to want to force their beliefs onto others.
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:55 pm
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berzerker wrote:
They oppose nudism, do you still think they are right?
...force their beliefs onto others.
Well I'm an atheist, but I believe that the break up of the family leads to many problems. So I support religion's attempts to bring the family together. I have to admit that TV and video games have made me much more violent.
But I don't support the fact that one religion disregards another religion (imagine if we had two versions of Science, and one ignored completely the other =P )
The nudism issue is one I have thought a lot about, b/c it ties in heavily with the Philosophy of futility (as it pertains to fashion). No one is comfortable in their own skin anymore. By nudism you mean anything from butt naked to no t-shirt right?
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:16 pm
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puk wrote:
I have to admit that TV and video games have made me much more violent.
You are kidding I hope?
But I don't support the fact that one religion disregards another religion (imagine if we had two versions of Science, and one ignored completely the other =P )
Intolerance to non-believers seems to be the corner stone of religions IRL.
By nudism you mean anything from butt naked to no t-shirt right?
It's not the question how I interpret 'nudism' but how they will. This word comes up all the time in their reviews. My best guess they will have a very wide definition, and that anything beyond "no T-shirt" will even be considered pornography.
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:23 pm
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Kasrkin wrote:
I don't see why you all make fun of that site
Take a quick look at the comments to the reviews. I pick just one (from the comments to the Max Payne 2 review):
I bought this for my 8 year old and was horrifed to hear the F word.
So he does not mind his 8 year old virtually killing others but is totally opposed to improper use of language?
Who in his right mind would buy MP2 for an 8 year old in the first place?
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:26 pm
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berzerker wrote:
puk wrote:
I have to admit that TV and video games have made me much more violent.
You are kidding I hope?
Dude all I think about is ripping someones flesh off with a particle canon. Little House on the Prarie didn't do this to me.
berzerker wrote:
Intolerance to non-believers seems to be the corner stone of religions IRL.
I don't support any institutions of power, with the single exception of the family. I support what religion is supposed to be: a set of moral guidelines. But I don't support the Vatican steamrolling over Sinead O'Connor records.
berzerker wrote:
By nudism you mean anything from butt naked to no t-shirt right?
It's not the question how I interpret 'nudism' but how they will. This word comes up all the time in their reviews. My best guess they will have a very wide definition, and that anything beyond "no T-shirt" will even be considered pornography.
Their probably extremist Christians. Also, bear in mind that when Christians present a view point that isn't in line with capitalist thought, capitalism steam rolls all over them. Look at the whole creationism issue (which I don't support). Capitalism needs science, so it squashed the christians. Same with gay rights (which I support). Hollywood has all the money, so they completely outmaneuvered religion.
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:35 pm
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puk wrote:
berzerker wrote:
puk wrote:
I have to admit that TV and video games have made me much more violent.
You are kidding I hope?
Dude all I think about is ripping someones flesh off with a particle canon. Little House on the Prarie didn't do this to me.
i think you need to see a shrink if your not already doing so ASAP
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:36 pm
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berzerker wrote:
So he does not mind his 8 year old virtually killing others but is totally opposed to improper use of language?
Who in his right mind would buy MP2 for an 8 year old in the first place?
i thought it was a site making fun of Xtans. are you sure its not?
Last edited by captnPugwash_halabalobale on Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:37 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2350
puk wrote:
Dude all I think about is ripping someones flesh off with a particle canon. Little House on the Prarie didn't do this to me.
Why must violent tendencies come from games / films (maybe music too) as you seem to think? You are male (I presume) and male have violent tendencies by nature. In modern society you are expected to suppress those tendencies, so I guess you are simply uncivilized.
Don't watch films / play violent games for a few years and see if your violent tendencies disappear. I Predict they won't.
And I thought porn was all you thought about, or was that the old puk?
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:38 pm
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berzerker wrote:
And I thought porn was all you thought about, or was that the old puk?
i think what you probably want to say is the 'real puk'
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:40 pm
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puk wrote:
Well I'm an atheist, but I believe that the break up of the family leads to many problems. So I support religion's attempts to bring the family together.
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