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It's your mom that's the huge one. I think there are actually other people in here... is this your dad?
Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:05 am
Joined: Apr 26, 2007
Posts: 670
Location: AfghanWarriorsClub (AWC)
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
It's your mom that's the huge one. I think there are actually other people in here... is this your dad?
just like for an ant a drop of water is like the sea, for a tape worm the intestine is enormously huge. at the end your just a wriggly worm covered in shit.
Not really... you already said I was a bunny and by that pic you showed I was big enough... it's your MOM that has the weight problem. She has to stop eating my semen, it's loaded with too many nutrients for a normal human being. 1 teaspoon of my semen contains 100g of protein, 100g of fat and 1000g of carbs, not to mention all the vitamins and minerals that are good for you.
This nutrient density is normal for a bunny demi-god like myself, but for an everyday mortal it is strictly forbidden. That's why your mom has got from 600 pounds to 1.000 in just a few days. She won't stop growing if she doesn't stop. Please tell her to stop.
Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:28 pm
Joined: Apr 26, 2007
Posts: 670
Location: AfghanWarriorsClub (AWC)
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Not really... you already said I was a bunny and by that pic you showed I was big enough... it's your MOM that has the weight problem. She has to stop eating my semen, it's loaded with too many nutrients for a normal human being. 1 teaspoon of my semen contains 100g of protein, 100g of fat and 1000g of carbs, not to mention all the vitamins and minerals that are good for you.
This nutrient density is normal for a bunny demi-god like myself, but for an everyday mortal it is strictly forbidden. That's why your mom has got from 600 pounds to 1.000 in just a few days. She won't stop growing if she doesn't stop. Please tell her to stop.
you never met my mom jackass jazz rabbit. and i am sorry we just hunt and barbecue rabbits for nutrients, its simply delicious that way.
btw my mom isint fat unlike your fat fuck battletank mom "HILDA-MATILDA-SHIT-BUILDA". I guess at home you dont need a pillow cause you sleep on your moms chubby butt! hmmm comfy eh? except at night when it gets cold you crawl into her arsehole and cuddle with warm poo-poo
Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:07 pm
Joined: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 778
captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
we hunt and barbecue rabbits
"WE" as in plural? So the 1.000 pound truck can still move? And be athletic enough to hunt rabbits? You fat people are amazing. You're like the humans from the movie Wall-E if you've seen it. They're all fat. And very stupid too.
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:39 pm
Joined: Apr 26, 2007
Posts: 670
Location: AfghanWarriorsClub (AWC)
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
"WE" as in plural? So the 1.000 pound truck can still move? And be athletic enough to hunt rabbits? You fat people are amazing.
which fucking truck weights 1.000 pound moron? yes a 1.000 bullet is pretty effect against furry wimps, overkill i'd say, but hey its fun. your mom papapaaaaa....the 1,000 pound truck, can move all right. all i do is with my muscular pulsar cannon legs, give your mom a nice tight kick in the butt migai and lo! 1 2 3...she goes rolling all the way, smashing bunnies in her way. eventually bitch hits the stone and wakes up, lol, your mom migay is a great fat machine!
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
You're like the humans from the movie Wall-E if you've seen it. They're all fat. And very stupid too.
sorry i dont watch fat stupid movies, they are exclusively meant for fat stupid ppl like you.
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:02 pm
Joined: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 778
Pugwash you're copying my ideas again. First this and then the 1.000 pound truck. And could you stop calling me a bunny and a wimp? Clearly you need more wrinkles on your face so you can be even "tougher" with us wimpy bunnies. Your personality makes me
Where was to give you a spanking when you were a child? With the other prostitutes on the highway, clearly.
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:12 pm
Joined: Apr 26, 2007
Posts: 670
Location: AfghanWarriorsClub (AWC)
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Pugwash you're copying my ideas again. First this and then the 1.000 pound truck.
huh? ideas? you havent come up with 1 so far.....still waiting.
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
And could you stop calling me a bunny and a wimp? Clearly you need more wrinkles on your face so you can be even "tougher" with us wimpy bunnies. Your personality makes me
i see, my personality makes you dissolve into dust. wow i mean i knew i was popular, but apparently not so popular. ok wimpy bunny i will try
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Where was to give you a spanking when you were a child? With the other prostitutes on the highway, clearly.
wow so your mom is ho migay? very brave of you to disclose. whats the price ? can you give me a discount since we are best friends? my dog adolf luvs fat women like your mom migay.
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:22 pm
Joined: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 778
Captn Pugtrash you know I'm referring to your mother. I came up with the smilley: And you are constantly copying it. That's what she is: a huge tank full of spam. This is my opinion out of direct experience, very much experience actually (every night in her bed).
Actually your personality makes me wish I'd kill my brain and disappear completely, that's how bad it is.
If I were to compare you with an animal I wouldn't, cause you're already an animal: Pigtrash.
And I guess you named your dog after your great spiritual leader of course, Adolf of Germany.
Captn Pugtrash you know I'm referring to your mother. I came up with the smilley: And you are constantly copying it. That's what she is: a huge tank full of spam. This is my opinion out of direct experience, very much experience actually (every night in her bed).
and you came up with this in a godforsaken place like Romania ? let me quote the famous lines "you need to be institutionalized and sodomized"
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Actually your personality makes me wish I'd kill my brain and disappear completely, that's how bad it is.
my cool personality makes ya feel bad bout tha gravity of your reality
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
If I were to compare you with an animal I wouldn't, cause you're already an animal: Pigtrash.
yes thats right i am dangerous like a panther!
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
And I guess you named your dog after your great spiritual leader of course, Adolf of Germany.
Come on, you'll have to do better than this. Such replies are pretty pathetic (admittedly they fit the 'discussion' you two have, maybe one of you should be the wisest and stop).
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:13 am
Joined: Apr 26, 2007
Posts: 670
Location: AfghanWarriorsClub (AWC)
berzerker wrote:
Come on, you'll have to do better than this. Such replies are pretty pathetic
not as pathetic as you are
berzerker wrote:
(admittedly they fit the 'discussion' you two have, maybe one of you should be the wisest and stop).
here is something wise=> "please take your advice and shove it up your tight ass ok?"
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:49 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 01, 2006
Posts: 2350
I suppose you won't be the wisest then. No surprise there.
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:57 am
Joined: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 778
I think Pugwash really is from Afghanistan. He emigrated from Afghanistan to Canada, is that correct? This forum is filled with third world ex homosexual convicts: puk is from Iran and also emigrated.
Anyway, the nerve of Pugtrash actually making fun of MY third world country, when his third world country clearly is worse.
General, I think this is enough information for you so you can proceed in tracking down the bastard's exact location immediately.
P.S.: He is probably hiding in a trash can and looks like a pig. The robot portrait is ^ a few posts up ^.
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:50 pm
Joined: Apr 26, 2007
Posts: 670
Location: AfghanWarriorsClub (AWC)
berzerker wrote:
I suppose you won't be the wisest then. No surprise there.
i can live with the second place for a while before i instantly bounce back on the top, but man from where i can see you, that deep-deep down below
Last edited by captnPugwash_halabalobale on Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:01 pm
Joined: Apr 26, 2007
Posts: 670
Location: AfghanWarriorsClub (AWC)
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
I think Pugwash really is from Afghanistan. He emigrated from Afghanistan to Canada, is that correct?
~ A tilted load won’t reach its destination ~
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
This forum is filled with third world ex homosexual convicts: puk is from Iran and also emigrated.
we already knew you where a homosexual, old news. the latter stmt has no connection to the former.
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Anyway, the nerve of Pugtrash actually making fun of MY third world country, when his third world country clearly is worse.
okay now we talking about your dad again.
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
General, I think this is enough information for you so you can proceed in tracking down the bastard's exact location immediately.
P.S.: He is probably hiding in a trash can and looks like a pig. The robot portrait is ^ a few posts up ^.
take it easy with your dad okay?
btw Afghanistan is a great-great nation, the pride of the world, possessing the finest warriors the world has ever seen. we kick everyone's ass including fat** chubby ones
--------------------------- LEGEND --------------------------------
** = ( migay's mom aka *HMSB= is included )
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:06 pm
Joined: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 778
captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
--------------------------- LEGEND --------------------------------
** = ( migay's mom aka *HMSB= is included )
NO ONE talks about Hilda that way
Edit: Oh, except...
You're her son after all. That much freedom I'll give you. BTW, in the near future I'll be able to call you a son too. Everything's going well with me and Hilda, and in a few months I can officially be your dad, son.
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