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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:59 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma apparently does not know that there are 2 categories in books: fiction and non-fiction. He reads all this fictional stuff of his (about conspiracies, no matter which one) falsely assuming that it has any bearing on reality. He then uses these purely fictional insights to establish his 'truths', and then claims that anyone who is unwilling to take them seriously is 'brainwashed' .....

Simply reading non-fiction equals being 'brainwashed' in pogmanian ......

It is rather hilarious really. laughing11.gif
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:37 pm Reply with quote
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Actually, the bulk of my books are NON FICTION, they're mainly on PHILOSOPHY/PHILOSOPHY of SCIENCE, SCIENCE, HISTORY, SOCIAL when I form an opinion, it's based on FACTS and EVIDENCE, as that's what a rational and honest person should do.

But let's look at you and your REAL fairly tales about Israel of all places icon_profileleft.gif
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:40 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

berzerker wrote:
Pogma apparently does not know that there are 2 categories in books: fiction and non-fiction. He reads all this fictional stuff of his (about conspiracies, no matter which one) falsely assuming that it has any bearing on reality. He then uses these purely fictional insights to establish his 'truths', and then claims that anyone who is unwilling to take them seriously is 'brainwashed' .....

Simply reading non-fiction equals being 'brainwashed' in pogmanian ......

It is rather hilarious really. laughing11.gif



Berserker? Are you there? Can you come out of your dumb fucking shell already? Or are you going to stay locked up?

YOU, ARE A FUCKING, TOOL,. Licking up all the droppings from enforced, legislation.

Read the link, bitch.

aaahahahahaha, I can fucking degrade anything, whether it be it blacks, jews (like yous), packies, sand niggers, jamiacan patties, gaylords, chinks, hunkies, chunkies, spicklies, mixies, jew-whops, ching chong coops, double homos, doom sponges, and the you know whos'... oh, right. I already said them - NIGGERS.

But if I had to degrade someone THE MOST, it would be:


You are a fucking slave, and won't get it, UNLESS... you start reading my shit. You too master.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:39 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Actually, the bulk of my books are NON FICTION, they're mainly on PHILOSOPHY/PHILOSOPHY of SCIENCE, SCIENCE, HISTORY, SOCIAL when I form an opinion, it's based on FACTS and EVIDENCE, as that's what a rational and honest person should do

Sure, 'facts' like the 'fact' that the holocaust never happened. I have 3 shelves still to read about WWII (it seemed to make sense to do WWI first) but I bet that not a single book on those shelves will support your 'fact'. And these books were randomly collected over the years from various sources, no bias involved in collecting them at all, because I got most for free and purchased the remainder second-hand without looking at the actual contents (merely at the subject). But surely all those books must be wrong and written by brainwashed sheep.

Real fact is that you are insanely biased and call everything that fits your ludicrous conspiracies a 'fact' or 'truths' and dismiss every fact that contradicts your 'truths' as 'brainwashed'. Your truth is in the eye of the beholder only.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:14 am Reply with quote
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Holocaust denial on the Donahue Show.

The Holocaust is the only "known" historical event that can't be openly studied in certain countries, ie, it's illegal and in FACT, the legal team can also be jailed for defending a holocost denier.

The holocost "number" has been revised over the years, even by European Governments.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:19 am Reply with quote
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Berserker? Are you there? Can you come out of your dumb fucking shell already? Or are you going to stay locked up?

FYA, remember that I've been trying to reason with this brainwashed "person" on and off over the years for ZERO result, ie, he seems to be terminally brainwashed.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:25 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
The Holocaust is the only "known" historical event that can't be openly studied in certain countries, ie, it's illegal

And why do you think that is the case?
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:26 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:

Berserker? Are you there? Can you come out of your dumb fucking shell already? Or are you going to stay locked up?

FYA, remember that I've been trying to reason with this brainwashed "person" on and off over the years for ZERO result

Yet you do not give up, this is your gift to humanity I presume. icon_cheers.gif
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:33 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
The Holocaust is the only "known" historical event that can't be openly studied in certain countries, ie, it's illegal

And why do you think that is the case?

Because it's a HOAX, and if historians, forensic scientist's and investigators were given free reign, they'd do an even better job of cataloging the hoax, IOW, more precise information would support the denial of the holocost.

Jewish people did die in WW2, and I'm sure many were mistreated, but there's NO EVIDENCE of 6million Jews gassed/burned other than as fiction created by the Zionists.

It's important to remember that the Zionist's use the average Jew as a pawn, they don't care about Jew or Goy, only CONTROL.

Last edited by Pogma9 on Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:34 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:

Berserker? Are you there? Can you come out of your dumb fucking shell already? Or are you going to stay locked up?

FYA, remember that I've been trying to reason with this brainwashed "person" on and off over the years for ZERO result

Yet you do not give up, this is your gift to humanity I presume. icon_cheers.gif

It all goes into search engines whether retards like you get onboard or not.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:27 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
It all goes into search engines whether retards like you get onboard or not.

ROFL, you are posting here to get noticed on the web? I would suggest using one of your own successful forums instead of this one, which hardly anyone visits, and which shows up very low indeed in any search engine indexes.

And spreading the word, that is preaching again. You may not be religious but you sure act as if you were.

Beside, you do not succeed in convincing anyone here, those who read all your posts, so how can you expect to convince anyone who doesn't and who comes here via a search engine?

Anyway, I will continue to respond and call your ludicrous claims for what they are: complete and utter nonsense / fantasy at best.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:31 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Because it's a HOAX, and if historians, forensic scientist's and investigators were given free reign, they'd do an even better job of cataloging the hoax, IOW, more precise information would support the denial of the holocost.

There is an abundance of proof, you simply chose to ignore it. But that's what conspiracy folks do all the time; they wouldn't want to get their bubble pierced.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:32 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

Anyway, I will continue to respond and call your ludicrous claims for what they are: complete and utter nonsense / fantasy at best.

So Jews aren't major players in the US MSM?'s a simple yes/no question.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:09 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
So Jews aren't major players in the US MSM?'s a simple yes/no question.

You asked this beforre and I answered, as you very well know:

I consider the question itself false, so I'm not going to answer it with yes or no.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:50 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
So Jews aren't major players in the US MSM?'s a simple yes/no question.

You asked this beforre and I answered, as you very well know:

I consider the question itself false, so I'm not going to answer it with yes or no.

The TRUTH is, you're not going to even bother to check the identities, IOW, you're a perfect useful idiot, blissfully unaware and content to remain in a state of utter ignorance whilst having the gall to label good people as crazy/nutters etc.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:30 am Reply with quote
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I'm not going to check identities because there is no point in doing so. I don't know your identity either and couldn't care less.

But suppose that you are right ALL US mass media corps are completely dominated by jews. What is it to you? What would an Aussie care? Or aren't you an Aussie? Maybe you are a competitor, trying to take over their market, and using a sleaze campaign to get there. Or you are a Russian or Chinese secret agent, trying to undermine the US. Surely I could find (or, easier, fabricate) some evidence to support this, and if I then start hammering on those bits of evidence, while ignoring the rest, that will convince some fools.

Sounds familiar to you? It should, and it should also appeal to you. A conspiracy behind a conspiracy, what could be more appealing to a mind like yours? icon_albino.gif

I wonder who is worse off: someone like me who dismisses conspiracy theories out of hand (unless they sound plausible - not merely theoretically possible) or someone like you who accepts them all blindly.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 6:50 am Reply with quote
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may i respectfully suggest to the both of you to gtfo now or stfu immediately

this thread/flame is boring as fuck do you reallyexpect anyone to read all this dribble
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:27 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

I wonder who is worse off: someone like me who dismisses conspiracy theories out of hand (unless they sound plausible - not merely theoretically possible) or someone like you who accepts them all blindly.

I became aware of Zionism in early 2001, before 9/11, so rather than accept something blindly, I've had more than a decade to study and digest the theory.

You OTOH are so monumentally brainwashed that you REJECT any theory that isn't as simple as 2+2=4.....sorry, but one has to study the details, determine what's possible/likely/logical and then form a conclusion, and given that I have an interest in philosophy, the philosophy of science, science itself and history, I'm CERTAIN that 911 was an inside job and that there were NO PLANES.

What, no planes, are you completely mad pogma/piggie, WE ALL SAW THE PLANES ON THE TELEVISION{JEWISH CONTROLLED}, and that would mean that the Jewish media barons, Jewish central bankers are scumbags who'd kill and harm American's{Jews their own race, some don't consider themselves white either}....!!!!
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:28 am Reply with quote
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captnPugwash_halab wrote:
may i respectfully suggest to the both of you to gtfo now or stfu immediately

this thread/flame is boring as fuck do you reallyexpect anyone to read all this dribble

I read it, now STFU yourself unless you have something worthwhile to say.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:07 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
sorry, but one has to study the details, determine what's possible/likely/logical and then form a conclusion, and given that I have an interest in philosophy, the philosophy of science, science itself and history, I'm CERTAIN that 911 was an inside job and that there were NO PLANES.

What, no planes, are you completely mad pogma/piggie, WE ALL SAW THE PLANES ON THE TELEVISION

OMG IT WAS ON TELEVISION SO IT MUST BE FALSE. WOW, real logic. Eye witness accounts also don't count of course, because we SAW THEM ON TELEVISION TOO.

This opens a whole realm of reality. Australia doesn't exist because it is known from television only. More generally all these faraway countries are made up by the jews so if we were to find out the hideous truth (that they control the US mass media, that the US IS the world, so that they control the world mass media), we wouldn't think that they control the WORLD mass media. BUT OF COURSE THERE IS NO LIFE OUTSIDE THE US ALL THE REST OF THE WORLD MUST BE ZIONIST FICTION.

Pogma9 wrote:
{JEWISH CONTROLLED}, and that would mean that the Jewish media barons, Jewish central bankers are scumbags who'd kill and harm American's{Jews their own race, some don't consider themselves white either}....!!!!

You blame the jews but the only group who could pull this off are the MAGICIANS, "one has to study the details, determine what's possible/likely/logical and then form a conclusion"!

You are part of the scheme too: agents of the sinister US MM-owners (these may be jews but more probably other people in control behind them, I suspect the MAGICIANS) have set up conspiracy-websites which gather a small group of followers who make such extravagant claims that no one will take them seriously, thereby discrediting legitimate investigation. You too are probably being used by the (people behind the) US MM-owners, probably even without your own knowledge! You think you are doing good but you are serving evil, you evil preacher! drunken_smilie.gif
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