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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:05 am Reply with quote
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Without aggressive force there is no push to move from your cesspool.
Religion is a piece of shit and must die, including atheism.

So you actually support Zionism/Israeli aggression against helpless Palestine?
Atheism is the rejection of all's not a religious statement, it's a philosophical one.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:06 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

No I do not support anything. The cryptic zionists are greedy rats, here is a good explanation of take over countries - read the first few pages and be intrigued:

All religion is retarded, including athiesm. They have a church and shit, so fuck them. PUT YOUR "FAITH" IN YOURSELF that is all. Fucking people have alot of catching up to do. The current cultures are pretty stupid too. Zionists are thieving cowards, and Palestinians are pussies.

Everybody is FUCKING. DUMB.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:17 am Reply with quote
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All religion is retarded, including athiesm. They have a church and shit, so fuck them. PUT YOUR "FAITH" IN YOURSELF that is all. Fucking people have alot of catching up to do. The current cultures are pretty stupid too. Zionists are thieving cowards, and Palestinians are pussies.

Everybody is FUCKING. DUMB.

I think we'd both agree that the world would be far better off without the scumbag Zionist's/Jews who've infiltrated America and various other it is, these morons risk bankrupting the USA, and if that happens, other countries will suffer, so I want these fucks exposed and justice meted out.'s just the rejection of Gods, and should be the rejection of all "religions", ie, any doctrine that promotes some higher power/s which then enable horseshit anti-individual dogma.

Re-Palestinians.....are the 8-9 years old girls who take up arms pussies?
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:32 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

well yes.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:12 am Reply with quote
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well yes.

MORE this in relation to my whole post or whether or not young girls bearing arms are "weak"....
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:34 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

Pogma9 wrote:
well yes.

MORE this in relation to my whole post or whether or not young girls bearing arms are "weak"....

Everything. Weak ass fuck. Everybody is weak ass fuck.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:38 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
well yes.

MORE this in relation to my whole post or whether or not young girls bearing arms are "weak"....

Everything. Weak ass fuck. Everybody is weak ass fuck.

Most people are weak and brainwashed, but, if people with knowledge FAIL to help, then do you think things will be better or worse in general, and specifically for YOU....?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 2:28 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Zionism is pro-Israel/Jew at the expense of's a hardcore political theory that believes in the superiority of the "Jew"{which is detailed in their holy books, ie, God's chosen people}.

I think being "pro-Israel" is not worse than being pro-any other country.

Believing in jewish superiority will probably only be done by jews themselves, in which case it is (agreed) highly undesirable, but hardly uncommon. Zealots of any religious group will share this sentiment.

BTW I finished the book by now. Zionism, as Herzl (its founding father) envisaged it, was a secular movement mind you.

If I understand you correctly, you have a problem with jews as a race, irrespective of their religion. So a jew who renounces his religion would still be a problem to you, right?

Anyway, using the term zionism to label the racial group, as you seem to do, is not the common meaning of the term, and is therefore confusing.

Pogma9 wrote:
I'm anti the religious mentality, but oddly enough, some of the nicest people I've met are religious{typically Xtians}, but if I put on my philosophy hat, I reject all religion= I'm a hardcore atheist.

I think most people here would agree with you on this, including me. But this is not something that relates to Jews in particular.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:55 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

If I understand you correctly, you have a problem with jews as a race, irrespective of their religion. So a jew who renounces his religion would still be a problem to you, right?

My major problem is with Zionism aka Jewish, should you make the effort to determine who{by and large} controls the US MSM and by extension America itself, you'd notice a whole bunch of Jews=Zionist's.

I'm an atheist and also someone who rejects all religions as bogus, so before you holler racist, don't forget that I'm also anti an Australian Xtian......that's not to say I despise these people, it's moreso that the underlying philosophy of religion is bogus.

As to your specific question..."jew who renounces his religion", yes, that's perfectly fine, granted, I still expect one to have a meaningful ethical system.

So, it's like I've always said, I reject Zionism and ALL religion, but one's race is typically irrelevant.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 3:05 am Reply with quote
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Just to be sure: now people who are practising the jewish religion are in charge of the US mass media, and this is a problem, yet it wouldn't be a problem if these persons had (truthfully) renounced their faith and behaved accordingly? Or would they always be suspect somehow because of their (racial) background?

This Zionism book I've read starts with describing the position of the jews in Europe in the 19th century. The French revolution has preached equality and gave them equality in law in many countries, but (i) this was hardly complete equality in practice, and (ii) the French revolution didn't affect all countries (most notably Russia, where there situation was most appaling - apartheid pales in comparison - and that was the country where the greatest number of jews lived).

The Zionist movement started precisely because jews wouldn't be allowed to fully assimilate, even in enligthened western European countries, no matter how hard many of them they tried (and it followed the trend of nationalism which was very much on the rise at the time). Your attitude seems to based, but correct me if I'm wrong, on the same ideas that caused the distinction at the time between the legal equality and the actual inequality.

And maybe it is a comfort to you, but one of the more striking aspects of the book to me was the constant bitter struggles between the jews themselves. Only a small majority of the jews supported the zionist movement. Most were either indifferent or opposed, and the religious leaders were generally among the opposition.

What also seemed interesting was that zionism was almost exclusively a European movement. Only because of WWII (when the European jews were exterminated) the US jewish movement became important.

Finally, there were many rich and very rich jews (many many more poor and very poor jews of course), but few, if any, of these rich jews supported the zionist movement. This too changed only because of WWII.

When zionism started (with Herzl's book "Judenstaat") there was no Arab nationalism yet, let alone Palestinian nationalism. So when the Ottoman empire was repartitioned after WWI, and the Arabs got several large states (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria), it didn't seem unreasonable to give one small part of the region to a people who had their historic home there but didn't have a single state of their own. The jews had in the dispora always been in the minority and needed to be in the majority in their newly proposed state, otherwise in essence nothing would be gained. With the rise of Arab and Palestinian nationalism, this became more and more troublesome of course, and since neither party wanted to back down, war was inevitable.

I suppose after that, the only way out would be the solution that was carried out when the Greek - Turkish war ended in 1922: the Greek population in Turkey was moved to Greece, and vice versa. I.e. ethnic cleansing with mutual agreement (that is agreement between the governments involved, not necessarily the inhabitants involved). In 1948 there were some 700,000 jews in the Arab world and a similar number of Arabs in Palestine.

Since that was apparently not an option, it is hard to see how the situation can be solved now. The current Israeli apartheid regime would seem as unsustainable in the long run as the South-African regime was in the 80's (the only difference being that the blacks were in the majority there).
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:51 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
yet it wouldn't be a problem if these persons had (truthfully) renounced their faith and behaved accordingly? Or would they always be suspect somehow because of their (racial) background?

If they behaved accordingly, then they could take over the whole world....."but", if you look at the behaviour, it's hard not to consider the possibility that Zionist Jews are attempting to take over/control the world, with their motivation being the teachings of their holy books which place them on top of the food chain and also degrade others as gentiles=cattle.

You know, over the years I keep reading that Jews have been kicked out of numerous countries{pogroms}, in fact, the www that I linked highlight Jewish control of media/America mentions something like 89 times.....but I didn't see any reference for it, so I wonder if you know anything about this?

If true, and I think it probably is, it signifies something, ie, it strongly suggests that Jews always seem to act in a cult like manner and at some point the host country figures this out and gives them the boot, now, I don't mean to imply the average Jew as being fully responsible, as it's probably the Jewish leadership/Jewish agitators who're mainly responsible......either way, if this is a persistent pattern, we need an explanation, and that explanation can only be one constant=Jewish holy you can understand my problem with religion!!

One more thing to consider.....pretend for a second you're an Iraqi.....okay, now, how should a knowledgeable and rational Iraqi feel about the average Australian given our role in the coalition of the killing?.....are you aware of the mass record protest regarding the Iraqi war?....if so, wouldn't you feel grateful to those Australians who at least tried to stop the war, and wouldn't it be obvious that the average Aussie isn't the problem, but instead, Australian extremists aka Australian politicians/policy makers who ignored/defied what appeared to be general public sentiment...?
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:37 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
If they behaved accordingly, then they could take over the whole world....."but", if you look at the behaviour, it's hard not to consider the possibility that Zionist Jews are attempting to take over/control the world, with their motivation being the teachings of their holy books which place them on top of the food chain and also degrade others as gentiles=cattle.

Well, Chinese and Dutch had a history of being traders, Germans as being industrialists, Italians are good at design / fashion, I suppose each group or country has some specialty, and this probably has both cultural / historic reasons, but maybe also racial reasons (one type of culture or race is better suited for profession X than Y). Jews have been banned out of many occupations throughout history, I'm not sure whether the press was banned or not. If it wasn't, then them specializing in the press industry makes historical sense, and if it wasn't, then maybe there is some other (cultural or racial) reason behind it? I'm not prepared to see a sinister conspiracy here. But it is (theoretically) possible of course that they are really smarter than the bulk of the rest of us, including me, and that therefore I don't see their great master plan.

Pogma9 wrote:
You know, over the years I keep reading that Jews have been kicked out of numerous countries{pogroms}, in fact, the www that I linked highlight Jewish control of media/America mentions something like 89 times.....but I didn't see any reference for it, so I wonder if you know anything about this?

Pogroms were normally not state-sponsored (but often state-accepted). They were thrown out of Spain for religious reasons, but pogroms in Russia and Poland in the 19th and 20th century seem to have been mainly scapegoat searches. They were rather large minorities there and kept to themselves mainly, this will arouse suspicion, I suppose that is human nature. This 'keeping to themselves' decreased in the countries that were affected by the French revolution, but the fact that the holocaust was instigated by one of those countries seems to suggest that the anti-jewish feelings had not disappeared, but merely repressed.

Pogma9 wrote:
If true, and I think it probably is, it signifies something, ie, it strongly suggests that Jews always seem to act in a cult like manner and at some point the host country figures this out and gives them the boot, now, I don't mean to imply the average Jew as being fully responsible, as it's probably the Jewish leadership/Jewish agitators who're mainly responsible......either way, if this is a persistent pattern, we need an explanation, and that explanation can only be one constant=Jewish holy you can understand my problem with religion!!

I think so yes, I don't have a better explanation than the one I gave above, and that is not entirely satisfactory. But your deduction seems a bit too simple. Minority is also a persistent pattern, for example. Maybe you could say that gypsies are in a similar situation, and they were (and are) treated rather similarly, even though they do not share the jewish religion, but do share their diaspora/minority status.

BTW I don't think there really was a 'jewish leadership' in the diaspora. Even Herzl of Weizmann, in the time of relatively modern communication techniques, could not claim leadership in the sense that they could steer the group somehow. As specified in an earlier post, fractionalism within the community is particularly striking. There was so much fighting within the group that it is hard to imagine that they would be able to agree on one direction.

Pogma9 wrote:
One more thing to consider.....pretend for a second you're an Iraqi.....okay, now, how should a knowledgeable and rational Iraqi feel about the average Australian given our role in the coalition of the killing?.....are you aware of the mass record protest regarding the Iraqi war?....if so, wouldn't you feel grateful to those Australians who at least tried to stop the war, and wouldn't it be obvious that the average Aussie isn't the problem, but instead, Australian extremists aka Australian politicians/policy makers who ignored/defied what appeared to be general public sentiment...?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but I would think that the average Iraqi would consider the western coalition that drove out Saddam as the problem (the creator of the violence), not the solution (the bringer of peace). What does that have to do with zionism anyway?
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:12 am Reply with quote
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Regarding the Iraqi example....I wrote that to emphasize that it's irrational to blame an entire nation, especially if you have evidence of opposition on the part of the people, so in Australia's case, it'd be irrational for a knowledgeable Iraqi to blame the Australian people as a whole, as it was the politicians who committed the action and ignored/defied strong public compare this to my views on Zionism whereby I don't blame the average Jew, ie, it's the politicians/extremists who're at fault when it comes to Zionism.

Btw, I'm a holocaust denier, ie, I not only don't believe 6m/4m/1.5m, I don't believe there was any organized plan to kill all Jews/6m.....that's not to say that Jews weren't rounded up, but the plan was detainment and displacement....of course, revisionist historians estimate the total number of Jew deaths to be 500-800 000, but the number of deaths as a result of gas chamber/oven as ZERO.

Hitler and various Germans blamed Jews/Jewish bankers for some of their nations problems, so they decided to remove them, but NO meaningful evidence of any planned holocaust exists, nor does any physical evidence that can't be logically explained by other causes.

If Jews are constantly being kicked out, it's a bit rich to blame the host nation 80+ times, it's like a woman being divorced 10 times and always blaming the seems to me that Jews are guided by their rabbi's, and their rabbi's are obviously guided by their holy books, and that's where the problem lies, ie, taking their ancient holy books as literal and acting in a parasitical and tribal manner{for the most part}.

It could well be that it's always a few % of Jews who create the problem, and the rest are lumped in with them, either way, it would seem incumbent on non-Zionist Jews to speak on behalf of humanity and decency otherwise one could assume compliance......remember, the Australian public spoke out loud and clear when it came to what they deemed an immoral war.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:05 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
I don't blame the average Jew, ie, it's the politicians/extremists who're at fault when it comes to Zionism.

The people controlling the US mass media are not politicians, so you would consider them extremists I presume?

Pogma9 wrote:
If Jews are constantly being kicked out, it's a bit rich to blame the host nation 80+ times, it's like a woman being divorced 10 times and always blaming the husband.....

Not the husband but male nature might be a closer analogy IMHO. BTW I'm surprised that a conspiracy theorist like youself here suddenly accepts the most logical explanation, as opposed to the most illogical one.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:16 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

The people controlling the US mass media are not politicians, so you would consider them extremists I presume?

He who controls the MSM controls public thought{by and large}, so the politicians are going to be a reflection of the values of the controllers of the MSM.

Not the husband but male nature might be a closer analogy IMHO. BTW I'm surprised that a conspiracy theorist like youself here suddenly accepts the most logical explanation, as opposed to the most illogical one.

LOL, where's your logic other than to do nothing but try and cast me as a conspiracy theorist and write me off as a loony?

I could show you a 100 problems in the US, and you'd have a NON Zionist answer for all of them, even though the Zionist's are clearly in control by virtue of being in control of the MSM= the MSM promote Israel friendly politicians and the brainwashed masses{that's you} vote for and/or rationalize their constant fuck ups

The US doesn't have a USA gov, it effectively has an Israeli one by proxy.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:07 am Reply with quote
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I'm euro thrash remember? So not from the US.

But it is true that I refuse to take holocaust deniers seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if you believed that Armstrong didn't set foot on the moon either.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:50 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
I'm euro thrash remember? So not from the US.

But it is true that I refuse to take holocaust deniers seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if you believed that Armstrong didn't set foot on the moon either.

You REFUSE to study and think, that's what you refuse, and NO, Armstrong didn't set foot on the moon IMO, but I don't want to discuss that atm.

Funny how it's ILLEGAL to publicly question the holohoax in some countries, and in fact, in some countries, lawyers who defend holocaust deniers can be charged under their demonic laws.

All you've done is studied biased history by the sounds of it, but you've never learnt to think critically as that takes a strong ethical foundation and COURAGE to know the horrible truth.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:49 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Funny how it's ILLEGAL to publicly question the holohoax in some countries, and in fact, in some countries, lawyers who defend holocaust deniers can be charged under their demonic laws.

That's something we agree about then, this shouldn't be illegal. Everyone should be allowed to make a fool of himself. icon_cheers.gif
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:00 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
Funny how it's ILLEGAL to publicly question the holohoax in some countries, and in fact, in some countries, lawyers who defend holocaust deniers can be charged under their demonic laws.

That's something we agree about then, this shouldn't be illegal. Everyone should be allowed to make a fool of himself. icon_cheers.gif

And you've done an outstanding job by all but admitting that critical thinking and proper historical study is something you REFUSE to do, and that's natural as you're a heavily and perhaps terminally brainwashed drone.

Congrats, you're a poster child for the JNWO.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:52 am Reply with quote
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