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> Graphics(9.8/10): I have to be Honest here this is one of the BEST looking games I've ever played on my PC ! At max settings this looks Superb and it also has AMD support
This is how a Hitman Game should look like !
but i still have some problems with the graphics its always so bright there's so much bloom in this game... it needs that "normal" look of blood money
> The Game is unnecessarily focused on the story (I NEVER liked this series for its story but for its gameplay like DMC)
I don't know WHY they had to fill the game with nonsensical cut-scenes it just seems like a Uncharted wannabe i honestly don't give a fu*k about the story i just want to play and enjoy an art of a game where only the brush talks held by the player
> 3rd person "Behind the shoulder" perspective and lack of a genuine map
(No need for Stupid magic vision ! Look at your GPS Dumbass 47!)
Hitman was never about taking cover and shooting your enemies it was about exploring&Observing your environment and waiting for a chance to strike avoiding any company as much as possible
In 3rd person its really not easy and that's why you have that stupid feature from Arkham city/assassins creed "X gay cheat vision"
I wouldn't be complaining at all if they didn't include X-ray magic cheat vision and gave me an option to freaking Zoom out to look at the environment and aim with my genuine mouse precision
The Beauty of Hitman games used to be its cold realism&ruthless nature
The gameplay was so elegant.. now its just broken down to linear set pieces of mazes like arkham asylum rather then a BIG area to explore and experiment
I admit i'm not a pro Hitman player i got my ass kicked in Pro mode trying to get a better rank but that was FUN ! this game doesn't let you do that anymore.. because it feels so dang linear i guess that's why they removed the map because they made it so linear gameplay wise
You get that Slow-mo feature from Max payne3 or splinter cell Conviction where you just slow down time in shootout and this makes it even easier by just making multiple targets automated
LIKE WTF ? how does Hitman slowdown the time and shoot 10 people in the head simultaneously?
Checkpoint system.. why ?
You can now hide a 7 inch Sniper in you JACKET !
You no longer need to carry it in a box or hide is somewhere you have "Magical pockets"
You Regenerate Health ! like call of duty...
They screwed up Hitman's character too made him into a typical emotional docuebag
QTE's WHY ?? that **** doesn't belong anywhere else but god of war and shemune !
> No more Creativity or fun in assassinations anymore
The very reason why i left Assassins creed series is because its assassination sucked and lacked any kind of "Assassin" depth the first game had a neat concept of surveying the area and waiting for the orders to strike but then it was just made into an action game
This game shows the same problem it dwells too much on the action side missing out the creativity of the older games
The A.I is kinda dumb like from Arkham city of course they maybe better in harder mode but in normal they're retarded as hell and to top it all off there are bins everywhere like haystacks in assassins creed
The targets die in cutscenes.....
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU WHY ? IT USED TO BE SO FUC***NG satisfying to just bully your target and freaking headbuttt that motherfker to death Or just watch that sun of a gun die in your ingenious trap !
> Final Verdict(7/10): Square Enix go back and make final fantasy game No 300
Don't make Hitman games... you can't make a good hitman game as a hitman game i'd give this a 4/10
I Like this game NOT as a Hitman game but as a linear 3rd person shooter with set pieces it just uses hitman's elements and puts them into a 3rd person shooter because this game FORCES you to fight the disguises don't work you'll often run into enemies many times you'll just have to kill kill kill
geez when i come to think about it many games in next-gen transition has lost its value
I hate to say this but DmC is more faithful to the original games then Hitman Absolution is
Its a worthwhile and easily forgettable game for me..
cus I've already played Splinter Cell Conviction,Uncharted,Assassins creed and Arkham City and the story honestly doesn't seem to pack a punch so i'll just finish the review
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:56 pm
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 01, 2006
Posts: 2350
It is quite incomprehensible because it is a complete mess, but it sure got some interesting elements. I suppose this could be made into a pretty decent review simply by rearranging the sentences.
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:55 pm
VGS Admin
Joined: Aug 14, 2003
Posts: 509
You want to adjust it?
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:43 pm
A Winner is me!
Joined: Dec 23, 2012
Posts: 521
Location: Makkah
I could've done a lot better on my Walking Dead review, it sounded fanboyish and it wasn't funny enough.
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:34 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 01, 2006
Posts: 2350
Suislide wrote:
You want to adjust it?
That's not what I meant, I meant to say that it does have potential and that the author could redraft it, it is not complete rubbish.
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:36 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 01, 2006
Posts: 2350
zachofat wrote:
I could've done a lot better on my Walking Dead review, it sounded fanboyish and it wasn't funny enough.
Too bad, you'll have to live with this disgrace for all eternity.
Hopefully your next review will benefit from the experience and if not, you may find it back in the forum here, just like the one in the start post of this topic.
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:21 pm
A Winner is me!
Joined: Dec 23, 2012
Posts: 521
Location: Makkah
Somehow it has a 4.7 average, I guess you guys embrace shitty reviews
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