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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:24 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 356

I recently picked up and finished Deus Ex HR. It was awesome. It left me with he feeling of epicness, when you look around and everything you see just seem worthless after what the game brought you trough.
I was a master hacker and a stealth specialist. Felt like playing System Shock 2 again. I was sneaking by everything, took down a few guards in the process, but later I intentionally searched for the security hubs to swich off cameras, then went in for the hunt to take down all of the guards one by one so I can freely roam the place afterwards and hack the shit out of everything.
Carried only a stun gun and a fully upgraded pistol (even saved Malik using only takedowns, the stun gun and some gas/emp grenades). I found the 10mm pistol the best weapon in the game although I only used it against bosses. It negates all armor bonus and score huge damage really fast, although aiming was crutial. It only tok minimal space in my inventory (I always had enough space without upgrades) and... well I found it a fitting weapon for my infiltrating spy-detective playstyle. Rocket launchers are for noobs.
This game was epic and nicely executed. It was very well thought with the humanity front to the radio broadcasts and everything. Telling us how it all went down.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:14 pm Reply with quote
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Couple O' questions to Craterface

1.When you stun the guards,do they wake up after an interval?
2.I only played an hour of the 1st game before a relative cunt formatted my hard drive(Dont have time to play vidya ever since)
3. Are you from Europe or the Americas?
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:38 am Reply with quote
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Just finished Call of Juarez. It was a strange design decision to begin with the worst level but overall I liked the game. I even didn't mind the Billy (i.e. stealth) parts, they helped to keep the game varied and prevented it from being boring as generic shooter # 173.278.

It was a bit short though, but not ridiculously short.

Hopefully part 2 is just as good.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:47 am Reply with quote
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Currently playing:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat
Natural Selection 2 Beta (see my post in this forum)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Waiting for:

Fallout 4
The Elder Scrolls VI: Black Marsh
The Elder Scrolls VI: Summerset Isles (the next game will show whether or not Bethesda becomes BioWare).
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2!!! (better have voice acting)
Dragon Age III (can never forgive BioWare and EA for their DLC bullshit money-grubbing marketing though so might just not play it)
Mass Effect 3 Day 1 DLC? Meh, i'll play it when its 10 dollars for the whole game now. Everyone else who wants to play it should do the same.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:25 pm Reply with quote
Flame Me
Flame Me
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Posts: 12

i just got done playing Infamous 2. Holy shit that game is fantastic and criminally underrated. I guess that the Marketing/PR budget for that game wasn't big enough to buy them some good reviews because that is by far better than just about any of the 10/10, A++, 5/5 review games that I have played in the last couple of years. Not the greatest story ever but great combat and the boss battles are like Serious Sam. They all take place in huge open areas where you blast a fifty foot high monster with everthing you got. Awesome.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:13 am Reply with quote
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Fallout4 wrote:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

What's your character?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:13 am Reply with quote
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doctor_kaz wrote:
i just got done playing Infamous 2. Holy shit that game is fantastic and criminally underrated. I guess that the Marketing/PR budget for that game wasn't big enough to buy them some good reviews because that is by far better than just about any of the 10/10, A++, 5/5 review games that I have played in the last couple of years. Not the greatest story ever but great combat and the boss battles are like Serious Sam. They all take place in huge open areas where you blast a fifty foot high monster with everthing you got. Awesome.

Infamous is only for Playstation though, so that is like automatic -9/10 giving you a score of 1/10.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:17 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 356

i heard that Alan Wake is gonna hit PC or already did. never seen anything about it, but a fella of mine (who has a laptop for net and a ps3 for games, i know... i know) told me it's a good one and the pc version is a good port with better textures and everything.
someone might review that too.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:43 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Fallout4 wrote:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

What's your character?

I've always played as Breton for some reason, using mostly magic but some one handed weapons also. Bows are also much better in Skyrim so I've been enjoying that. It seems easier to play as a combination of mage and warrior (battlemage or spellsword) in Skyrim than in Oblivion and maybe Morrowind.

I just wish the dialogue had more options. You can't be sarcastic or nice or whatever anymore. You just sit there and accept quests.

I just installed the Morrowind Graphics and Overhaul 2.0 mod and my frames per second went from like 150 to 10. It looks SO MUCH different. It's pretty demanding graphically though.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:57 am Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Have you maxed your bow?
I was worried about combat and especially the bow, but as it turns out, combat is quite good and the bow is pretty's got some reasonable physics behind it.
I'm a nord with traditional heavy combat+bow....2 handed battleaxes for the win!!!

I'm at 1920x1200, no aa, 16xaf+ the Bethesda HD pack installed via steam....looks quite beautiful at times as I also installed a darker nights mod, so the aura's really look the part now.

Incredible environments and GFX makes this one of the best and most convincing game worlds ever made, it would take an almighty effort to top this.

Even FO3 with the HD texture mods has tragic draw distance image quality, Skyrim is one of the first to really capitalize on draw distance, and I find myself constantly stopping and staring.

I haven't heard of the MW mod, I'll go googy it...
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:10 pm Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2350

Fallout4 wrote:
Infamous is only for Playstation though, so that is like automatic -9/10 giving you a score of 1/10.

LOL, his first post dates back from 2006, this was his second post, so expect a reply around 2018.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:07 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 125

craterface wrote:
i heard that Alan Wake is gonna hit PC or already did. never seen anything about it, but a fella of mine (who has a laptop for net and a ps3 for games, i know... i know) told me it's a good one and the pc version is a good port with better textures and everything.
someone might review that too.

Alan Wake is so gay that I stopped playing just after the intro. Seriously its gay. I bought it because of the HYPE, because I had just gotten back into playing games and didn't realize how bad marketing for videogames has gotten.

We need to eliminate marketing entirely.

Your "weapon' is a flashlight and your "enemy" is some faggy paranormal activity shadow except even gayer because its not even a real demon just some dumb shit.

Also your "character" is a boring fictional novel writer. Yea that really sounds like someone I want to be in a videogame, much less in real life...
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:37 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Fallout4 wrote:
Infamous is only for Playstation though, so that is like automatic -9/10 giving you a score of 1/10.

LOL, his first post dates back from 2006, this was his second post, so expect a reply around 2018.

.......bzzzzzzzzzzz hello dear friend hello2.gif
....bzzzzzzzzz.....that is assuming it is a constant linear distribution....however there is no definite proof and others namely...

1. exponential distribution ....bzzzzzz
2. parabolic distribution ....dzzzzzzzzz
3. trigonometric distribution .....tzzzzzzzzz
4. probabilistic distribution such as stochastic processes ....jizzzzzz
5. pseudo-random using Poisson distribution ......pizzzzz
6. other distributions, etc .......kizzzzzzz
........must also be taken into account

catch me if you can
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:19 am Reply with quote
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356

Fallout4 wrote:
craterface wrote:
i heard that Alan Wake is gonna hit PC or already did. never seen anything about it, but a fella of mine (who has a laptop for net and a ps3 for games, i know... i know) told me it's a good one and the pc version is a good port with better textures and everything.
someone might review that too.

Alan Wake is so gay that I stopped playing just after the intro. Seriously its gay. I bought it because of the HYPE, because I had just gotten back into playing games and didn't realize how bad marketing for videogames has gotten.

We need to eliminate marketing entirely.

Your "weapon' is a flashlight and your "enemy" is some faggy paranormal activity shadow except even gayer because its not even a real demon just some dumb shit.

Also your "character" is a boring fictional novel writer. Yea that really sounds like someone I want to be in a videogame, much less in real life...

Heeding this warning I downloaded it first to try if it's any good. Have to admit it's a bit gay yeah.. The protagonist is the most generic person seen in any video game. He looks and sound super generic. And he acts stupid and says so much bullshit.
He's a writer came to spend some days off with his wife to finally get away from the stress of work then he admits that he hasn't wrote a singe word in two years. Then when her wife surprizes him with a typewriter saying this place would be great inspiration, he gets hysteric and starts shouting and pushing her, then runs away to the wildeness.. WTF? I just don't understand his behavior.
And when encountering some supposedly scary moments (this game is NOT SCARY at all, it's not even tense) like when he finds himself in the tv he's starting to say shit like "That's me on the TV over there. Why am I in the TV? I have to get tot the bottom of this.." That's way too much thinking out loud. All he has to say is maybe something like: ...thafuq? or something like that and leave all the thinking to the player. I just can't relate to a character like this.
And also the game is basically take you by hand. It zooms to an enemy if it pops out and the music gets suddenly like TADAA! making sure that the player noticed the danger. And it's super linear. All you can do is move forward. There is no exploration, no adventure elements like in Silent Hill, you just need to go forward, you can't even go backwards, since the game makes sure that the door gets locked behind you, you get to jump from somewhere you won't be able to climb up, the bridge collapses behind you and so on. So you can only go towards a single direction, but the game even gives you a compass! I hate compasses. How the hell should I know where is the goddamn telephone in a place I've never been? But the compass shows it to you.
Also there are checkpoints after every step you take. It even displays it when you reached one with a white word CHECKPOINT in your screen totally ruining the feel of the game. Why does it need to be written out? It should've been just.. maybe a vauge light flashing one time at the low-left corner of the screen or something, but here it actually displays the word checkpoint.
So this game has it all to make it retard-proof. Did I mention the regenerating health? Also you are allways having tons of ammo with you since there are munition scattered around at every corner.
The enemies are lame yes... They arent even shadows. they just normal redneck people standing in the dark. They don't have any deformation and they move like normal people, not even stubling or crawling, they just walk or run. At least they should have been more shadow like with black stuff getting all around them like ink or smoke, but no.

I might continue playing but.. I don't know. There are some elements in the game that seems good, like the dialogues other people make (not your character) or the radio broadcasts.. the story might get good (I hope), but there are some faults that are inexcuseable. For example once I had a car crash and I just woke up in the edge of a cliff. How did I get there? Where is the road? Where is the object that I crased onto? No, my car is although wrecked, it just magically appeared at the edge of a cliff for no reason. That place is not even accessible by car no matter how I looked it. Who built these maps?
Stuff like this makes me want to stop playing.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:31 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 125

Pogma9 wrote:
Have you maxed your bow?
I was worried about combat and especially the bow, but as it turns out, combat is quite good and the bow is pretty's got some reasonable physics behind it.
I'm a nord with traditional heavy combat+bow....2 handed battleaxes for the win!!!

I'm at 1920x1200, no aa, 16xaf+ the Bethesda HD pack installed via steam....looks quite beautiful at times as I also installed a darker nights mod, so the aura's really look the part now.

Incredible environments and GFX makes this one of the best and most convincing game worlds ever made, it would take an almighty effort to top this.

Even FO3 with the HD texture mods has tragic draw distance image quality, Skyrim is one of the first to really capitalize on draw distance, and I find myself constantly stopping and staring.

I haven't heard of the MW mod, I'll go googy it...

If you have a computer that can handle the graphics, I would take a look at the Morrowind Graphics and Sounds Overahaul 2.0 mod. It has a kind of automatic installer that does most of the tedious stuff for you (you can also do manual install but its complicated). You can select different mods to activate as well because it is a combination of several famous mods on top of its own mod. If you're computer can set it at the highest setting and get good frames then I would definitely look at it just to admire the difference.

You might have to look for a torrent download to get it because I had trouble downloading it from their site. It's amazing that these modders spent like 10 years modding the game to get it to that point, and its free, and yet BioWare expects us to pay for their shit.

I am waiting to get a better computer before I play more Skyrim so I can use it at 1080p with ALL settings on Ultra. Right now I can only run it at 1600x900 with most settings on Ultra and the rest on High.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:30 am Reply with quote
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Not sure I could handle either MW or Oblivion...based on some ytube walkthru's, MW seems rather dated as does Oblivion, and I'm not sure any mods can save them.

MW's environments seem more enticing though.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:28 am Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Pogma9 wrote:
Not sure I could handle either MW or Oblivion...based on some ytube walkthru's, MW seems rather dated as does Oblivion, and I'm not sure any mods can save them.

MW's environments seem more enticing though.

What looks dated about Morrowind? Only the graphics I would think, and apparently these can be brushed up substantially with mods. Morrowind's core gameplay is good (I finished the game and one of the add-ons; couldn't finish the other add-on because I needed some objects I had sold in the main game long ago to raise additional money, and didn't feel like visiting all traders to get them back). No consolitis in this game, and it should be available for hardly any money nowadays, so it seems worth a shot (provided the graphics update by mods suffice for you).
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:33 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Not sure I could handle either MW or Oblivion...based on some ytube walkthru's, MW seems rather dated as does Oblivion, and I'm not sure any mods can save them.

MW's environments seem more enticing though.

I have not played Morrowind more than maybe 2 hours, and I have finished Oblivion. Oblivion is not that dated yet, I would recommend doing it even on the original (vanilla/un-modded) version. I personally would even play it on the Xbox, and on PC on Ultra it looks fine. The music and tone and colors are VERY RELAXING, moreso than skyrim.

As for Morrowind, the Graphics and Sounds Overhaul 2.0 mod was released within the last year, and it has its own mods combined with some famous mods like Better Bodies and such. It makes the game look like a modern game except for the mechanics. I highly recommend at least looking at the pictures of the game before and after installing the mod because it shows how much work modders have done FOR FREE.

THe mechanics are dated, however, and you have to read everything because Morrowind has almost no voice acting. But it at least looks good.

So to summarize: Oblivion is still good to play (Especially on PC) and you should probably play that if you have never played it. Morrowind, maybe not, but the mod is awesome.

Also the quests in Oblivion are much better than SKyrim -- the Dark Brotherhood storyline is waaaaay better and the mages guild and fighter's guilds are better as well.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:23 pm Reply with quote
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oblivion was good, but morrowind... it was AWESOME. that game was much more that oblivion in every way. oblivion had the same grassy forests all over, while morrowind has tons of different terrains and places from swamps, forests, the ashlands... and there were a lot of types of cities with completely different elements of architecure. in oblivion you only get the usual stone wall shit everywhere. the beast races were much cooler, in oblivion it was just a tiger face on a HUMAN BODY, now in morrowind the kajits and argonians looked a lot more animalistic.
There were tons of more equipment, shit-ton of weapons and armor and hellovalotof skills and magic (there is even a spell for FLYING). oblivion was a dubbed down morrowind BETA.
I remember when I was near at the end of the game (i mean i visited every place, done shitton of quests nd gathered tons of treasure, my character (a dark elven assassin) was like at demigod level. Thanks to 100 athletics and acrobatics + the boots of blinding speed with 100% magic res from various items and the atronach birthsign (why be a moronic breton when you can be a badass dark elf and still get enough magic res?), I was jumping like neo from the matrix from one mushroom to another.

that game is awesome I have the GOTY edition and played it for like a whole year. the game world was awesome and much more mooooody that in oblivion. i storngly recommend it.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:45 pm Reply with quote
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craterface wrote:
oblivion was good, but morrowind... it was AWESOME. that game was much more that oblivion in every way. oblivion had the same grassy forests all over, while morrowind has tons of different terrains and places from swamps, forests, the ashlands... and there were a lot of types of cities with completely different elements of architecure. in oblivion you only get the usual stone wall shit everywhere. the beast races were much cooler, in oblivion it was just a tiger face on a HUMAN BODY, now in morrowind the kajits and argonians looked a lot more animalistic.
There were tons of more equipment, shit-ton of weapons and armor and hellovalotof skills and magic (there is even a spell for FLYING). oblivion was a dubbed down morrowind BETA.
I remember when I was near at the end of the game (i mean i visited every place, done shitton of quests nd gathered tons of treasure, my character (a dark elven assassin) was like at demigod level. Thanks to 100 athletics and acrobatics + the boots of blinding speed with 100% magic res from various items and the atronach birthsign (why be a moronic breton when you can be a badass dark elf and still get enough magic res?), I was jumping like neo from the matrix from one mushroom to another.

that game is awesome I have the GOTY edition and played it for like a whole year. the game world was awesome and much more mooooody that in oblivion. i storngly recommend it.

I agree that Morrowind has much more variety in terms of terrain and the cities would all be considered better than Oblivion or Skyrim if they were made today with modern graphics.

Skyrim really started shrinking the sizes of cities to the point where it was so unrealistic it was almost gamebreaking.

Then again, in Morrowind you can jump from one side of the map to another with high enough skills so that is also stupid.
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