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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:15 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
STFU, way too much negativity over a game that u don't have to complicate.

Played the game only for a short period and got bored so I quit, but if craterface's comment is accurate (I assume it is, since apparently you couldn't counter his claims) it is pretty deadly for an RPG.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:16 am Reply with quote
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As I've said elsewhere, the game sux for at least 1 hr, but as you build your store of weapons, unlock the huge open world and pile up the side quests, it'll be much more enjoyable.

Don't forget that u can fast travel, and also set your time of day/night, so u can play in daylight all the time or night, of course, night compromises the GFX and the scale, but might be more scary.

As for Craterfaces objections, I suggest that u don't worry about the level of depth the game can offer, and find a detailed online guide outlining what each of the perks are etc+ FO3 is a game that can use some hints and tips.

The RPG side of FO3 is extensive but also has it's unnecessary elements, ie, you can be effective and complete the game without having to complete every single side quest and use every single perk to the max.

I also found the open world, scale and draw distance hugely impressive, plus I liked the gritty feel of the game, but that seems lost on craterface, and that's why he should be institutionalized.

The game can also be made extremely difficult, so if u really want a challenge, u can have it.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:54 pm Reply with quote
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It's been dumbed down (the RPG side)for the console/alienware market,atleast that's what i think craterface is gettin made ign's top 25 xbox games.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:41 pm Reply with quote
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Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
It's been dumbed down (the RPG side)for the console/alienware market,atleast that's what i think craterface is gettin made ign's top 25 xbox games.

Don't agree, this is a great game, and has very satisfying RPG modes and interaction.
Remember that this is moreso a shooter than a RPG, but there's plenty of NPC interaction.

It should make every game reviewers short list.

The 2 best games ever made are FO3 and GTR Evo{played over a 1000hrs on it and still having fun}
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:28 am Reply with quote
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actually after playing it for a few days, i have to admit, it turned to be quite fun. killing with the vats is satisfying, and although there is an option for fast travel, i like to wander around just like i did in morrowind. pogma has some valid points although i wonder if he played the original fallout. bethesda did a great job to make the unique atmosphere that makes fallout games so good, and the npc-s finally looks like actual people not like the fat freaks of oblivion. quests are interesting and entertaining with various endings and often good rewards.
although the option to turn on ethernal night is more like cheating with the night person-perk (+2 to perception and intelligence till sunlight), or permanent daylight with the solarising-perk (or something like that) that gives regenerating health under the sun. and come on, my PC can still communicate like a normal person even with 1 point on intelligence when in the previous games, characters with 3 INT were so stupid it was funny. they even had difficulties pronouncing the words, and when someone sad a sentence with more than 5 words in it, our list of answers was usually "whaa? he? aamm..." or something like that. carrying a minigun with 1 STR is also common in this game.
nevertheless, i already theoughtfully planned my character (after finally sculpted a face that is ok ingame too) and he won't take the unforgivable all stat maxing perk. well, it's an PRG that's sacrificing some of it's PRG elements to be a bit more on the action-side. maybe that is not supposed to be a problem for most of us as it's still good for a game on it's own right, but doesn't quite live up to heir the legacy of fallout. but being the only successor, i guess it will be fine.
i remember playing morrowind and actually wishing that bethesda should develop the next fallout game since they know how to implement the lone wanderer-play. so i guess i should be happy for this dream come true.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:03 pm Reply with quote
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Thing is crater, FO3 is the first RPG type of game I ever played, and when I first played it, I just tried to blast every mofo, but then had to restart and pay attention to the leveling up process.

Even though I think Mass Effect does it best, FO3's RPG and interaction are far superior to say Stalker, and it helps keep the game interesting and challenging beyond just run and gun, and some of the gun fights are heaps of fun in this game, granted real time gunplay is difficult, but of course, VATS solves all our problems and I never got tired of using it.

I tried to convince my brother to play Far Cry 2004, this was fully maxed on his 22in CRT, yet he didn't like it.....but he never said boo about the GFX, the open world, the character animations, the vehicle animations, the driveabilty of all the vehicles, the gun models, the slick PC smoothness of the weapons, the awesome firerates, none of that seemed to appeal to him.

This is a problem when reviewing games, in that aspects that I find appealing may not rate as highly to you, for example, you seem to be more focused on the complexity of the RPG side, whereas all of the physical elements of FO3 that I finds so appealing seem overlooked.

If anyone's reading this, and you're contemplating buying the game, make sure u get the GOTY edition, and also be aware that ytube video segments can't do a developed story justice, and VATS looks awesome fully maxed on my 26in LCD.

There's also a 3gig hi resolution texture pack that u can add to FO3.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:42 pm Reply with quote
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Medal Of Honor-decent
NFS:hot pursuit-fun/addictive
COD4:Modern Warfare-Boring.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:01 am Reply with quote
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Playing FO3 finally, and I'm getting Dragon Age Ultimate Edition for Christmas.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:44 pm Reply with quote
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ok, my opinion of MW has changed slightly.''All ghillied up'' where you're a sniper, in a ghillie suit and ''mile high club'' are great missions that've saved this shooter from being so mediocre.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:24 pm Reply with quote
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Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
ok, my opinion of MW has changed slightly.''All ghillied up'' where you're a sniper, in a ghillie suit and ''mile high club'' are great missions that've saved this shooter from being so mediocre.

Yeah MW1 kicked ass.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:35 am Reply with quote
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Just got a copy of Risen and started it earlier this week. It'd be interesting to see if this turns out to be as addictive as the Gothic games (at least 1 - 3) have been.

I played only for an hour yet. Runs smoothly on my mid range machine so far at 1920 x 1080, everything high, looks decent.

It was sort of odd to see that it was easy to slay a wolf in the introduction part, whereas wolves were pretty tough opponents in G3. These Risen wolves wouldn't stand a chance against the Gothic-wolves!
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:37 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Just got a copy of Risen and started it earlier this week. It'd be interesting to see if this turns out to be as addictive as the Gothic games (at least 1 - 3) have been.

I played only for an hour yet. Runs smoothly on my mid range machine so far at 1920 x 1080, everything high, looks decent.

OK, I put in another 15 hours or so, and, like the Gothic games, it keeps me occupied way too long in the evening, so that's a good sign.

It feels quite a bit more limited than the Gothic games (the world exists mostly of pretty narrow paths separated by deep ravines and high rock formations, making the world feel much more confined). And the world is quite a bit smaller too, even smaller than the first Gothic, so much smaller indeed than Gothic 3.

There are quite a lot of NPCs who do nothing but stand at a particular spot all day and night, that is quite unlike Gothic (where they lead a life and slept at night etc), more like a TES game (based on Morrowind, the only one of those I played). I found that a bit disappointing (although most NPCs do have day and night routines).

So this feels like a Gothic-light game. Well worth my money so far.

Last edited by berzerker on Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:45 pm, edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:46 pm Reply with quote
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Yo Zerker, 2 questions:Did you play The Wither 2?
Where is puk?
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:55 pm Reply with quote
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No, didn't play either Witcher or Witcher 2 yet (I will some day).

puk is on a holiday with monkey I guess.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:38 am Reply with quote
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Both are masturbators who decided to cohabit with each other for the purpose of mutual masturbation.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:18 am Reply with quote
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I'm 40 hours or so in Risen and just started chapter 2. I have already maxed out strength and axe fighting skills. Why is strength capped at such a low level? This is ridiculous.

Other than that, so far the game is still pretty solid, no bugs at all (is this really a Piranha Bytes game?), but overall I find it slightly less impressive than the Gothic games.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 1:38 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
No, didn't play either Witcher or Witcher 2 yet (I will some day).

puk is on a holiday with monkey I guess.

According to Suislit,M0nkey still pays hosting bills for the few sites but is "fucking gone from life man."
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 1:41 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Thing is crater, FO3 is the first RPG type of game I ever played, and when I first played it, I just tried to blast every mofo, but then had to restart and pay attention to the leveling up process.

Even though I think Mass Effect does it best, FO3's RPG and interaction are far superior to say Stalker, and it helps keep the game interesting and challenging beyond just run and gun, and some of the gun fights are heaps of fun in this game, granted real time gunplay is difficult, but of course, VATS solves all our problems and I never got tired of using it.

I tried to convince my brother to play Far Cry 2004, this was fully maxed on his 22in CRT, yet he didn't like it.....but he never said boo about the GFX, the open world, the character animations, the vehicle animations, the driveabilty of all the vehicles, the gun models, the slick PC smoothness of the weapons, the awesome firerates, none of that seemed to appeal to him.

This is a problem when reviewing games, in that aspects that I find appealing may not rate as highly to you, for example, you seem to be more focused on the complexity of the RPG side, whereas all of the physical elements of FO3 that I finds so appealing seem overlooked.

If anyone's reading this, and you're contemplating buying the game, make sure u get the GOTY edition, and also be aware that ytube video segments can't do a developed story justice, and VATS looks awesome fully maxed on my 26in LCD.

There's also a 3gig hi resolution texture pack that u can add to FO3.

Set BLOOM TO 1000000000
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:03 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
I'm 40 hours or so in Risen and just started chapter 2. I have already maxed out strength and axe fighting skills. Why is strength capped at such a low level? This is ridiculous.

Other than that, so far the game is still pretty solid, no bugs at all (is this really a Piranha Bytes game?), but overall I find it slightly less impressive than the Gothic games.

Just finished the game, level 28, 45 learning point unused, what a waste. The end boss is pretty atrocious, still the game is surely not as bad as Suislide makes you believe, I'd give it a 7,5 overall.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:54 am Reply with quote
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Just played a few hours of Call of Juarez. Not bad so far, just not really challenging (health upgrades scattered all over the place). I recently bought Bound in Blood so it seemed good to play the first game first.

Also tried a bit of Crysis again but got bored quickly, I particularly hate these nanosuit powers.
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