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This is called 'getting old'. Once you reach a certain age, you remember only good things from the past and tend to disqualify new stuff. That's human nature I suppose. It is the same with music, for instance. Most people like the music from their youth best.
your last comment....i would like to add its abt keeping an open mind too. for example i dont listen to the music i used to listen 12 years back. in fact i have expanded my tastes to accommodate other styles too. so if you have free time and an open mind you can reprogram yourself to assimilate new content.
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Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:17 pm
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Quick, someone give this guy a LISTENING TO OTHER MUSIC THAN YOU USED TO 12 YEARS AGO medal!!
Nobody listens to the same thing for that long. Except if they're fucking simple in the head, in which case i bet they have consoles too.
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Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:33 pm
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Alez wrote:
Quick, someone give this guy a LISTENING TO OTHER MUSIC THAN YOU USED TO 12 YEARS AGO medal!!
a very generous gesture, but alias i cannot accept this material gift.
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Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:25 am
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Alez wrote:
Nobody listens to the same thing for that long.
I think you'd be surprised how many people do not change their musical taste any more after their teens and think the music from that period is the best ever.
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:38 am
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berzerker wrote:
Alez wrote:
Nobody listens to the same thing for that long.
I think you'd be surprised how many people do not change their musical taste any more after their teens and think the music from that period is the best ever.
interesting, can you throw us some figures? like x% of ppl in the age range of 20-30..etc etc. standard deviation would be nice too!
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Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:25 am
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_Master_ wrote:
can you throw us some figures?
Of course, 24, 56, 123, 4, 986, 500, would that be sufficient for now?
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:52 am
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very shoddy and pathetic work. i was looking to a profession style graph with bargraphs..etc with some statistical data. you do realize i demand this only because as you say "it is a professional website"
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Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:22 am
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_Master_ wrote:
you do realize i demand this only because as you say "it is a professional website"
You have convinced me. I admit finding the numbers you asked for here.
Since this is a professional site, I should have referred to this site instead, which reads:
Music preferences become more set with age; for the general population of school children, music preferences seem to become quite set by the age of 15 or so.
you do realize i demand this only because as you say "it is a professional website"
You have convinced me. I admit finding the numbers you asked for here.
i think your a bit dull. i asked numbers specific to the conversation above, not some stochastic process. i am giving you a D-
berzerker wrote:
Since this is a professional site, I should have referred to this sitethis site
hmmmm i am pleased by your efforts. i shall digest and let out the fresh air of wisdom soon....
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Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:25 am
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at the site it seems i fall in the other group category(i woudint say trained, rather self taught). one thing their research seems to have left out is musical instruments. you cannot only consider singing in major and minor and non standard time signatures. you should also take into account the ability to compose in non standard time signatures. the last point on that site is a good one. as i read thru that site something triggered my irritation. this research is not very accurate because they dont look into genres in detail. also from that i conclude that their assignment of personality traits to a genre is also flawed by the same error above. also the data was collected undergraduate students at the university + 500 listeners across the country. Great way to come to a conclusion. i cant believe how much money this univ is wasting on this low grade research.
they seem to say "Alternative, heavy metal and rock music are in the Intense and Rebellious group and individuals preferring this type of music are inclined to be curious, risk-takers, physically active and intelligent". note the last attribute intelligent. obviously who ever did this research was a fan of that smelly shit metal music. I guess all scientists like Hawking and Einstein listened to a lot and i mean a lot of heavy metal. great fucking research. using logical conclusions its obvious those who do heavy metal are frustrated individuals, who dont have a good voice, but want to fucking sing anyway. but i must admit those chicks in leather look hot and evil with all the piercings. speaking of which pierced clits and boobs are hot too.....hmmmmmmmmmmm
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Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:44 am
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I'm not reading all that!
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:57 am
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puk wrote:
I'm not reading all that!
there is a hot chicks phone number in there!!
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Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:46 am
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_Master_ wrote:
puk wrote:
I'm not reading all that!
there is a hot chicks phone number in there!!
not falling for that one (again)
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:01 am
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puk wrote:
not falling for that one (again)
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Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:14 am
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First user reports about the demo show it sucks (at least it is no Gothic game, which is not good for a game called Gothic 4).
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