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Arcania is the new Gothic 4 game. I've read IGN's preview for it and I'm sure it's gonna be 2x worse than Gothic 3.
The game is scheduled this fall and we even have an ingame video of it: You can see for yourself that the game sucks, we have that feminine character which is probably a girl. Oh noes! A girl! And yes, no more nameless hero, they changed the character! Crap!
My impression that I got out of the preview is that this is gonna be some gay crap oriented towards magic (the name Arcania is a pretty good hint that the game will suck). Not only the name, not only the character, they want to change other aspects too that were the core of games like Gothic 1,2 and 3. Oh, and Piranha Bytes won't be producing the game, the guys from Spellbound will make it! A pretty low-fame company with crappy (and few) games!
And the saddest part is that they didn't choose the name Arcania because they couldn't use Gothic 4, they chose it because they wanted to! I'm not 100% sure, I'm only 99% but a big yayks anyway!
Re: Who thinks Arcania will suck?
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:58 am
A Winner is me!
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Arcania is the new Gothic 4 game. I've read IGN's preview for it and I'm sure it's gonna be 2x worse than Gothic 3.
The game is scheduled this fall and we even have an ingame video of it: You can see for yourself that the game sucks, we have that feminine character which is probably a girl. Oh noes! A girl! And yes, no more nameless hero, they changed the character! Crap!
My impression that I got out of the preview is that this is gonna be some gay crap oriented towards magic (the name Arcania is a pretty good hint that the game will suck). Not only the name, not only the character, they want to change other aspects too that were the core of games like Gothic 1,2 and 3. Oh, and Piranha Bytes won't be producing the game, the guys from Spellbound will make it! A pretty low-fame company with crappy (and few) games!
And the saddest part is that they didn't choose the name Arcania because they couldn't use Gothic 4, they chose it because they wanted to! I'm not 100% sure, I'm only 99% but a big yayks anyway!
You forget the most important reason: it will be released on the consoles (unlike Gothic 1 - 3) so it will most definitely suck (on the PC).
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:49 pm
Joined: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 778
This game is gonna suck more ass than Forsaken Gods. I've been disappointed with Gothic 3 and this game is guaranteed to disappoint even further.
Crap, Gothic I & II were so fun to play, what is it with these game producers? Do they want to suck ass just because they enjoy gay sex?
Why are games getting worse and worse? I guess we're destined to replay old games for the rest of our life, because 90% of the new ones suck.
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:42 pm
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Why are games getting worse and worse? I guess we're destined to replay old games for the rest of our life, because 90% of the new ones suck.
This is called 'getting old'. Once you reach a certain age, you remember only good things from the past and tend to disqualify new stuff. That's human nature I suppose. It is the same with music, for instance. Most people like the music from their youth best.
In reality in the past most games sucked too, but you have forgotten all games that sucked and remembered the ones you liked.
Furthermore, you cannot expect the first experience of something cool (a good game) to ever be exceeded by a second experience even if it is an *improved* version of the same thing.
I fully agree that Gothic 1 and 2 were great but I am getting old too. If you let a kid play those games he would probably think these suck (crappy graphics, awkward controls, boring, overly complex inventory and leveling up system, etc).
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:04 pm
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Really, well then how old are you? I'm making 17 in a few months, and I've played Gothic I a few years ago (actually 2004 I believe). So I don't think it's about getting old, it's about the games getting crappier.
Really, everything in entertainment. gets crappier. For example the cartoons from Cartoon Network were fucking awesome when I was a kid and I love them now too. But if you switch to the new Cartoon Network you will throw your TV through the window because TV sucks and cartoons were the last watchable thing on television.
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:15 pm
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Next gen games are supposed to be out at the end of the year....granted they'll still be multi-platform, but game engines are better.
Other than that, we'll have to wait for a handful of PC exclusives and then the new consoles that have more power than todays most powerful PC.
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:52 pm
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Really, well then how old are you? I'm making 17 in a few months, and I've played Gothic I a few years ago (actually 2004 I believe). So I don't think it's about getting old, it's about the games getting crappier.
OK, I guess you will understand my point somewhere within the next 10 years. I am not a good example myself, because I started gaming only 7 years ago (at which time my youth had already passed) and I do not like the music from my youth any more.
Maybe it is not exactly about age but about experience.
Let's put it in other words: would you be willing to play old classics, of, say, 1985 - 1995? Or would you, as I do, discount them from the outset purely because of the fact that they are so dated? The oldest game I played was System Shock (of 1995 if I am not mistaken) because I felt I needed to play that before starting System Shock 2, but I would not think of playing even older games, even that means I will never play some real classics.
Really, everything in entertainment. gets crappier. For example the cartoons from Cartoon Network were fucking awesome when I was a kid and I love them now too. But if you switch to the new Cartoon Network you will throw your TV through the window because TV sucks and cartoons were the last watchable thing on television.
Doesn't this proves my point exactly?
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:14 pm
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Posts: 778
Nope, that proves that since Cartoon Network changed a few years ago, their shows got incredibly stupid. It's not perception, the cartoons of today really ARE bad.
But I understand that there is some truth in what you're saying.
I for once ask myself why retired people seem so stupid with new technology. My answer is that people do not like change. But your answer makes me think.
Edit: I'd like to play old games like Doom 2, PoP 2 (the old one), Mario, Descent etc that I liked when I was younger. Games older than that I have not played, but I don't know if I would like them.
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:28 am
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Nope, that proves that since Cartoon Network changed a few years ago, their shows got incredibly stupid. It's not perception, the cartoons of today really ARE bad.
You are not their target audience any more. Would someone who is part of their target audience agree with you? Would someone who knows only the new cartoons feel the same after you showed him a few of the old cartoons? It does not seem likely (but it is hard to say from here, knowing neither the old nor the new cartoons).
I recently replayed Outcast during lunch breaks at work, and got some comments from younger collegues that it looked like shit. And of course it does, but the only true function of graphics is not stand in the way of immersion and not to distract from gameplay I suppose. It is still the best game I ever played (only rivalled by Thief 2 and System Shock 2), but I am not sure I would feel the same if I played it today for the first time. Maybe the dated graphics and awkward controls would have me uninstall the game within the first half hour: if you know it might be a gem you can put up with the graphics and learning curve, but if you treat it as just a game you discard such games easily (just like Pogma discarded Dead Space for its awkward controls: I would give it more time because the reviews learn it might be a gem).
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:24 am
A Winner is me!
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berzerker wrote:
[(just like Pogma discarded Dead Space for its awkward controls: I would give it more time because the reviews learn it might be a gem).
Pogma knows best.
I developed my own scoring system where I awared points for things like the controls{necessary because most games are console ports}....and Deadspace is fucked by every measure, however, neither COD4 or Fear2 are retarded, despite both also being multi-platform, IOW, the developers were lazy or fucking retarded and fucked Deadspace up.
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:14 am
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berzerker wrote:
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Nope, that proves that since Cartoon Network changed a few years ago, their shows got incredibly stupid. It's not perception, the cartoons of today really ARE bad.
You are not their target audience any more. Would someone who is part of their target audience agree with you? Would someone who knows only the new cartoons feel the same after you showed him a few of the old cartoons? It does not seem likely (but it is hard to say from here, knowing neither the old nor the new cartoons).
I recently replayed Outcast during lunch breaks at work, and got some comments from younger collegues that it looked like shit. And of course it does, but the only true function of graphics is not stand in the way of immersion and not to distract from gameplay I suppose. It is still the best game I ever played (only rivalled by Thief 2 and System Shock 2), but I am not sure I would feel the same if I played it today for the first time. Maybe the dated graphics and awkward controls would have me uninstall the game within the first half hour: if you know it might be a gem you can put up with the graphics and learning curve, but if you treat it as just a game you discard such games easily (just like Pogma discarded Dead Space for its awkward controls: I would give it more time because the reviews learn it might be a gem).
Maybe old people that watched old cartoons like Popeye say the same about the newer ones that I like. I agree with your target audience argument. If they make retarded cartoons, they must be for retarded children if they're having success. And retarded children abound.
Gothic though has many devoted fans, and changing the series to a turd in a box is not a good choice naturally (that it's bad to make shitty games) and is not a good choice in terms of profits.
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:17 am
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Anyways, to return to the actual game, a lot of people have been disappointed by how the game looks right now. At Youtube there are people hoping that the video that I linked to in my first post is NOT Gothic IV (or Arcania, wtf). I am in the same situation with those people.
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:12 pm
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This game is gonna suck guaranteed. Just have a look at this video:
The hero looks like he's decapitated in the beginning...
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:34 pm
A Winner is me!
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
This game is gonna suck guaranteed. Just have a look at this video:
This video shows virtually nothing about the game, so this, on its own, does not seem to warrant the conclusion that the game will suck I suppose.
The hero looks like he's decapitated in the beginning...
This may be a sign that the combat is slightly changed to the effect that the nameless hero now plays as one of the beheaded kamikazes from Serious Sam ( and is supposed to take Sam out with a team of nameless heroes.
Last edited by berzerker on Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:50 pm
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Posts: 778
It doesn't show much but I have a REALLY bad feeling about this game.
The in-game footage is enough proof that the game will suck. After countless recent hours of playing Gothic 2 NotR it doesn't look at all like Gothic. Maybe it's a fake video, I HOPE it's a fake video.
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:54 pm
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terminal velocity, shadow warrior, cool games from a forgotten era
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:45 am
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captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
terminal velocity, shadow warrior, cool games from a forgotten era
It seems you can still buy them: ($ 15,-) and ($ 10,-) respectively, that's pretty cool. Unfortunately, in the case of TV "the floppy disk version has been discontinued".
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:01 pm
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15 and 10$? The idiots should hand them out for free.
Anyways, checking on Wikipedia the game isn't that old as I first thought: release date 1997. But still I don't know what to say... the game is pretty good I played it myself (Shadow Warrior) but when a game gets very old I think the producers should put the game on their site for free. That would make publicity for them anyway in the eventuality of a Shadow Warrior 2.
I'm not really sure if I'm right about this one though... because in the future games will be so graphically advanced that you won't make any serious distinction between a present game and a 10 year old game. I don't know who would pay money for Shadow Warrior though.
It explains why they choose Spellbound as the developer:
One of the most convincing and central arguments for choosing Spellbound was the scope of RPG experience brought in by Spellbound team member Jochen Hamma, who was involved in creating the legendary "Nordlang Trilogy" based upon the Pen&Paper RPG "Das Schwarze Auge".
So the fact that one team member had RPG experience is supposed to have been decisive?
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