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FFS, notebooks are for work and watching wrestling videos, they're certainly not for games, especially as your power output is much, much lower on battery power vs the AC plug.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:29 am
A Winner is me!
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Pogma9 wrote:
FFS, notebooks are for work and watching wrestling videos, they're certainly not for games, especially as your power output is much, much lower on battery power vs the AC plug.
WTF, a pogma reply in which he does not call the other guy "cunt"? Even not if that guy just expressed the intention to play old games? I suppose this means that this post is not by pogma but by an impostor!
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:10 am
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berzerker wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
FFS, notebooks are for work and watching wrestling videos, they're certainly not for games, especially as your power output is much, much lower on battery power vs the AC plug.
WTF, a pogma reply in which he does not call the other guy "cunt"? Even not if that guy just expressed the intention to play old games? I suppose this means that this post is not by pogma but by an impostor!
it contais some usefulness and that's all that matters to me. but your comment is also a bit suspicious i mean usually DIYA is the one who use to comment the lines of others instead of the actual topic. i bet the serious "hope that it helps"- info will come from you out of all people here. and i'm still expecting it.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:04 am
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It's been too long since I played PS:T (and could never get into the BG-games), so I cannot help you with those.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:42 pm
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berzerker wrote:
I suppose this means that this post is not by pogma but by an impostor!
No's the real POGMA, and remember, my only clone was the Mihai clone ahahahahahaaa
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:50 pm
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Posts: 356
Pogma9 wrote:
berzerker wrote:
I suppose this means that this post is not by pogma but by an impostor!
No's the real POGMA, and remember, my only clone was the Mihai clone ahahahahahaaa
but what's so glorious in haveing a clone? i mean you even announced it like some plan for world domination came to a climax or something.
anyway i'm going for the netbook. saw some very powerful notebooks produceing awesome gfx but that can wait for now. fallout 3 was the only game that got me interested so i guess i can live with infinity rpgs and gba for a while. actually i've saved some really lenghy games for the latter also.
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:21 am
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craterface wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
berzerker wrote:
I suppose this means that this post is not by pogma but by an impostor!
No's the real POGMA, and remember, my only clone was the Mihai clone ahahahahahaaa
but what's so glorious in haveing a clone? i mean you even announced it like some plan for world domination came to a climax or something.
It's in being a clone.
He lied about it when challenged and thinks that is cool. It is about as cool as Master denying being the captn.
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:40 am
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craterface wrote:
but what's so glorious in haveing a clone? i mean you even announced it like some plan for world domination came to a climax or something.
anyway i'm going for the netbook. saw some very powerful notebooks produceing awesome gfx b.
I found it funny because I knew the admins could out me anytime and Mihia and I were net buddies yet I was the one cloning him.....what r friends for, LOLOLOL.
Netbooks for games.....remember that off your battery, you lose a HUGE amount of performance, something like 40-60%.
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:41 am
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berzerker wrote:
He lied about it when challenged
I didn't LIE, it's not a lying matter, I simply failed to tell the truth.....
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:09 pm
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Pogma9 wrote:
berzerker wrote:
He lied about it when challenged
I didn't LIE, it's not a lying matter, I simply failed to tell the truth.....
So everyone knew you were the T3 clone who made nothing but silly and annoying posts, and told you it was you, and now you come proudly telling us that it was you?
Anyway, what was the point in not telling the truth when prompted to do so back in April 2009 (both by Mihai and me)?
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:49 pm
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berzerker wrote:
Anyway, what was the point in not telling the truth when prompted to do so back in April 2009 (both by Mihai and me)?
The value of "mystery" hahahaahahhaaaa
Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:05 pm
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I guess it is good that at least one person had some fun with this. It's a pity it was at the expense of all others.
Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:56 pm
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berzerker wrote:
It's a pity it was at the expense of all others.
Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:31 pm
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Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:00 am
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Pogma9 wrote:
bzzzzzzzzzzzzz....ooh i peek into your mouth now human!!
bzzzzzzzzzz......such a nice smelly mouth
bzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....such yellow dirty teeth!
bzzzzzzzzzz.....please laugh more!!tehhehehehe
_________________ catch me if you can
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:41 pm
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weird cunt
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:48 pm
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Posts: 356
currently playing with fallout 3. the game is somewhat good, but nowhere near as the first two. half of the skills and PERKS vanished.. and why do i get a perk at EVERY level up?! the game will be far too easy this way not to mention that at lvl 30 there will be a perk that basically sets every single stat to the max.. it does not matter what type of character you like, since it will all look the same at the end. not to mention that every skill will be maxed also. WTF? so you want to be a sniper? a negotiator? a brute with the flamethrower? doesn't matter since after you reach lvl 30 it will all be the same since the game makes sure to become boring afterwards.
also i spent more than half an hour to make a decent face to my character only to look like shit ingame, totally different. not even resembles what i did in the character creation screen..
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:14 am
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also since i get 29 perk at lvl 30, my character will be a mixed bag of everything.. you start as a melee ninja, than end up useing miniguns because you just keep leveling up and since sneak and lockpick are maxed, you'll end up putting points to energy weapons and barter.. (also i can use a minigun even with 1 STR.. who's idea was this?)
if i want a sharpshooter, i take a few perks like sniper, finesse, gunslinger/commando, better criticals.. etc. maybe a few utility-perks like educated and that's supposed to be all. i don't want child at heart or animal friend just because i already got all the neccsary ones that MAKE a character. so what should i do, take life giver? master trader? or some other shitty perk that might prove useful but surely doesn't fit my character in any way? because this game forces you to pick some of these and spit into your own characters face. OR you can pick intense training thus slowly makeing your character a full 10 of everything. bullshit.. why can't they stick to the original formula of the first two episode? also no traits = lame
and the almost perfect-perk is the most fucked up idea on the planet.
aslo i have to repair my weapons? and it's only possible if i have another one in my posession? so the character who use a pistol will have 12341235 more in his inventory while only useing one... brilliant. it's like they intentionally tried to fuck it up. they must have had a long brainstorming on the topic: next fallout game - how to ruin it?
Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:26 pm
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STFU, way too much negativity over a game that u don't have to complicate.
Also, this is a huge open world 3D game, nothing like the first 2, so they can be fucked off to the dustbin of the history of DOS.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:14 am
A Winner is me!
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I got a copy of Boom Blox, the Wii puzzle game with Steven Spielberg's name on it.
This is sort of a reversed World of Goo because you have to collapse structures made of blocks. You do this by throwing balls against specific parts of those structures causing the whole structure to topple.
If sounds pretty boring but so far (after a few hours) I'm having some fun with it. It's worth a try if you're into puzzle games at all.
There are some shooter parts in it too but these only show what a horrible device the wii-mote actually is for shooters, it's much too imprecise.
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