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"Should the nazi pope die?" | Login/Create an Account | 21 comments
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Re: Should the nazi pope die? (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, February 14 @ 15:14:46 EST

He was in the Hitler youth, but it's not like a young boy growing up in Germany at the time would have a choice.

To me he isn't a Nazi but if he was it would be preferable to him being a pedophile protector, for that alone he should should be dragged through the courts and made to pay for his crimes, only then does he have my permission to die.

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Re: Should the nazi pope die? (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, March 17 @ 23:40:51 EDT

Just seeing the eyes of that fucker is enough to evoke images of death and destruction. i say kill the bastard.

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Re: Should the nazi pope die? (Score: 1)
by FUCK_YOU_ALL on Sunday, April 14 @ 15:23:40 EDT
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The Pope is part of this worlds disgusting Oligarchy.

Therefore, he must die, as well as the rest of that filth.

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