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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:58 pm Reply with quote
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craterface wrote:
Well.. I don't belong to any religion either. That's what I"d like to state first. Never red any bible, koran, tora, nobody did any kind of religional ceremony on me before.. basically that makes me some sort of a pagan.. A pure entity, free of any religious bullshit, left to chose his own path through the maze of mysticism. Did really god created man? Or maybe the other way around? Such questions I leave for others to answer, but I know a little about each religion and islam is no exeption.
excellent intro speech, however it failed to impress me. in other words i know your a smelly Muslim. or perhaps should i call you by your other name? the name of "pukE"

craterface wrote:

_Master_ wrote:
if a woman accidentally shows her skin, she will be wipped by the moral police? recently in malasia a woman was sentences to wipping because she wore jeans. what nonsense religion is this?

Every ideal has it's extremists but they are not common.
dear ignoramus asscraterous, how blissfully blind and naive you are. what ever little knowledge you know, you remind me of a noisy rattling kettle, hollow and without any mettle. so i wonder do i need to belittle?

craterface wrote:
Not every islamic woman has to look like an imperial royal guard from star wars (heard that wearing stuff like that is like being in a mobile sauna.. not too hygenic so they do smell as the dumbasster said).
and you know they smell because?

craterface wrote:
There were movements against it in afganistan even in the sixties so your statements came a bit late.. like 100 years late.
hey buttcrater just WTF are you talking about? are you in another universe, the one in which Taliban suck on lollipops and distribute cotton candies to children? As of today, meaning sept26th 2009, taliban rule of most Afghanistan. The north-west frontier province (NWFP) and south of it. They also freely move about in pakistan and well into the port of karachi, the main trade center in Pakistan. In all these areas you have the islamic law called Shari'ah law. also please have a good look at this documentary children of the taliban not 100years, but rather it was shot this year. the year 2009.

craterface wrote:
Now everyody has the right to wear jeans, or maintain the respectabilities and wear a saree/sari..
yes, but not the burqa which is a security hazard. how the fuck do you what is inside the blackbox?

craterface wrote:
Of course in the usa/kanada/france islamic people dress like everyone else.
oh really genianus? i had no clue. well then if the woman wear jeans then they are not following the quran. so they are not muslims, just people who want to escape islam.

craterface wrote:

_Master_ wrote:
so fuck islamist pigs and also islam supporters. in islam you can marry many wifes and have as many children as you want.
Wrong again.. you can only carry as many wifes as you can keep/fund.
it is you who needs a nice hot rod up your asscrater to get you thinking a little bit.

craterface wrote:
They are dependents such as the children. There is no aid or support, no money that you get after each of your little apparents to the throne.. Of course you can always divorce anytime, it's a matter of three words (and you are free to get another wife yaaaay..).
if they actually thought that way about family planning then there would be no need in the first place to keep as many wifes as you please as it is there in the koran. which tells you that they dont want family planning and they only want virus like reproduction. so the kids dont get proper attention and become terrorists. they grow up and pass their terrorist pig genes. islamic people are like to be underdeveloped and
use the koran to the full excuse to stay in their barbarian ways.

craterface wrote:
Of course islam got it wrong just like most of the religions. At least in my opinion.
it was never right to begin with. its a violent religion that encourages destruction and barbaric way of life. and btw is not my opinion its a fact.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:25 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 356

thought that you are accusing me for being a muslim.. so typical of you to jump from either edge to the another. actually i lost interest after your second paragraph.. since you do not stick to the facts and failing to correctly respond to what i said. wich is not supposed to be a problem, but since you're attemplting to make that impression.. it is.
rambling around while being in a tantrum is not something that is common among even wannabe zen masters.. but thanks for takeing that much effort to react to my post. by the looks, it took quite a time.
unfortunately i"m not willing to make the same gesture towards you since you are behaving childish.. thus wandered too far the the objective that you and i were supposed to aim. but i must admit that writing all this is actually quite fun. guess i should thank you for that.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:38 am Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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craterface wrote:
thought that you are accusing me for being a muslim.. so typical of you to jump from either edge to the another.
you got it wrong as usual asscrater. i stick to my fact islam is a disease and have proved evidence of it. You are a Muslim or not, doesnt alter those facts. perhaps your mom, sister or gf should be wipped and thrown stones for you to wake up and come around.

craterface wrote:
actually i lost interest after your second paragraph.. since you do not stick to the facts and failing to correctly respond to what i said.
like i said you are an immature twat. if you read my responses which i know you actually did anyways, then you would probably sulk and feel bad the whole day. icon_pale.gif

craterface wrote:
rambling around while being in a tantrum is not something that is common among even wannabe zen masters..
thats funny cause i thought the same about you, wannabe mr pure mystic.

craterface wrote:
but thanks for takeing that much effort to react to my post. by the looks, it took quite a time.
not really, 5mins break in b.w work is actually productive.

craterface wrote:
unfortunately i"m not willing to make the same gesture towards you since you are behaving childish..
i have provided the facts and responses to your childish assumptions. a link to a documentary to the pbs site was also provided. i am well aware you also saw it. so please dont try to lie like a small kid. as for you not able to comprehend what i wrote, its not my fault that your a dumb dodo...prolly do you better to stay away from the forums and play some game like 1980 boxing for atari

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:29 am Reply with quote
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356

next time try to be a bit more original and try to invent your own insults. stop useing mine, or at least not that ones i just threw at you recently.
and come ooon just how infantile and stupid logic you have according to what you've said. you obviously don't like muslims, and anybody who corrects your stupidity. so that makes me a muslim. you try to think about who i would be, but by doing that you only shows what would you do in my place, thus showing me how your idiotic mind works. so if i follow your logic, then it tells me that you are a jew then. either way if you are or not, i could not care less about your religion or anything about yourself. but you are surely a damn fanatic one.. a true loser. stupid videos are easily motivates your hatred against people who you haven't even met before. you are an excellent material for being a very nice and obedient suicide-bomber if only you were muslim..
also.. according to your genious detective skills, i'm puk now.. that's the 3. or 4. name you given me. what will be next? just who's left anyway? D? Suislide? Come on just think of the huuuge fail-factor that comes with these accusations. especially after all these misses.. you really do not need to make yourself more miserable.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:01 am Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711

craterface wrote:
next time try to be a bit more original and try to invent your own insults. stop useing mine, or at least not that ones i just threw at you recently.
stfu bipolar kiddo. stop blabbering

craterface wrote:
stupid videos are easily motivates your hatred against people who you haven't even met before.
that video was done by pbs-frontline, who are professional journalists. so what makes that video stupid can you please clarify? that video tells you everything you need to know. it shows you islamic countries and how it affects the lifes of people. i did not make that video and i donot work for pbs. so if you find it hard to accept the facts, perhaps you are better off gulping a hard dick.

craterface wrote:
also.. according to your genious detective skills, i'm puk now.. that's the 3. or 4. name you given me. what will be next?

craterface wrote:
with these accusations. especially after all these misses.. you really do not need to make yourself more miserable.
sorry to disappoint, i dont feel any misery at all. bit sorry for your handicap.

so next time come up with some credible hardfacts ok? till then go do some reading.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:40 am Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2350

_Master_ wrote:
craterface wrote:
also.. according to your genious detective skills, i'm puk now.. that's the 3. or 4. name you given me. what will be next?

Please explain. He seems to make a valid point (3 or 4 may be a bit exaggerated however).

BTW howcome you're so obsessed with muslims? I always thought muslims in the US are hardly a problem (unlike in Europe where many do not integrate). And if they want to treat women badly in Saudi Arabia or whatever, that's their loss (it holds their own society back).

Last edited by berzerker on Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:57 am, edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:55 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 2350

puk wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
my age is def > twice your age and your is def < 15

Are you kidding me? I thought you were an idiot b/c you're young.

Maybe it is because he's old and senile then?
Just trying to help. icon_cheers.gif
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:13 am Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711

berzerker wrote:
Please explain. He seems to make a valid point (3 or 4 may be a bit exaggerated however).
no explanation is needed at this time. you are highly encouraged to continue with your other research activities.

berzerker wrote:
BTW howcome you're so obsessed with muslims? I always thought muslims in the US are hardly a problem
not a problem in the US. because of 9/11 they better behave or else the alternative is quite unpleasant. i luv it seeing how goody goody they behave in the us. also in the us you cant have more than one wife. its not permitted by the law and you can be jailed. But currently i am in india and these idiots can do anything here. have many wifes and reproduce like pigs. govt here wont do shit, because like i said its their vote bank. they are so anti indian, but still the authorities dont do anything. so fuck you muslim pigs, i spit on your faces. the idiot govt instead give them free trip to mecca!! wtf? are they fucking insane? money could have been used for other purposes.

do you know about the architect of the taj mahal, one of the great wonders of the world? the muslim emperor shah jahan after having build it, ordered his hands to be cut off so that he may not be able to build another one.

berzerker wrote:
(unlike in Europe where many do not integrate).
europe should be more strict like france.

berzerker wrote:
And if they want to treat women badly in Saudi Arabia or whatever, that's their loss (it holds their own society back).
yes, true but they dont care. and you in uk are going to be affected by it in some way or the other. islam is not a tolerant religion. even if you dont believe in other religions islam says there is only allah. and non believers must be punished. sorry dont buy this shit. i am very happy muslims where tortured in secret cia cells and qurans flushed down toilets. they 100% deserve it.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:15 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
puk wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
my age is def > twice your age and your is def < 15

Are you kidding me? I thought you were an idiot b/c you're young.

Maybe it is because he's old and senile then?
Just trying to help. icon_cheers.gif
or maybe i am dealing with a bunch of idiots who play pc games and lurk around in gay bars. btw thanks for the help you can relax now.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:41 am Reply with quote
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_Master_ wrote:
i am dealing with a bunch of idiots who play pc games and lurk around in gay bars.

Shit, how did you find out? icon_monkey.gif
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:27 pm Reply with quote
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_Master_ wrote:
the idiot govt instead give them free trip to mecca!! wtf? are they fucking insane?

is that for real? hooooly shit, that must be a lot of money to waste.. then only one small modification is needed to make you happy:
the ticket should be one way only.

_Master_ wrote:
do you know about the architect of the taj mahal, one of the great wonders of the world? the muslim emperor shah jahan after having build it, ordered his hands to be cut off so that he may not be able to build another one.

i heard about that too. but that's nothing to do with the islam. stupidity can be found everywhere independent of ranks, religion or ages.. tortureing architectures (or jewelers) was a habit of kings and emperors everywhere. in europe they used to blind them by the steam of boiling horse-pee.. how creative.
i think mihai can surely fill you in with the muslims advance towars europe if he's from romania.. that place was taken by the turks for a while in the middle ages. until the hungarians kicked their asses despite the horrendous advantage they had in numbers.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:52 am Reply with quote
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_Master_ wrote:
the idiot govt instead give them free trip to mecca!!

Any link to confirm this (couldn't find it myself)? Who would qualify? Surely not all muslims in India.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:32 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
the idiot govt instead give them free trip to mecca!!

Any link to confirm this (couldn't find it myself)? Who would qualify? Surely not all muslims in India.

haj subsidy
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:39 am Reply with quote
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craterface wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
the idiot govt instead give them free trip to mecca!! wtf? are they fucking insane?

is that for real? hooooly shit, that must be a lot of money to waste..
yeah see link above

craterface wrote:
then only one small modification is needed to make you happy:
the ticket should be one way only.
yeah but you see the world is more complex. muslims who go from india to Saudi Arabia are treated as inferior compared to muslims there. so while many go to get divine blessing from allah, no one wants these ppl there in saudi arabia either. also remember in saudia arabia theey have sharia law!! and would rather stay in india because of the many comforts they enjoy from the govt. plus the cultural and the geographical changes might be too much for them to handle, apart from reading quran n times a day.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:48 am Reply with quote
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_Master_ wrote:
haj subsidy

OK, this seems actually a disguised subsidy of Air India. Ridiculous though, I agree.
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