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story of skin color
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:38 pm Reply with quote
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so you want to know about the mystery b/w black and white people? let me then tell you an ancient story from the scrolls carefully preserved and kept by the monks of the higher order from time immemorial, passed on from centuries and centuries and from generation to generation, somewhere in the secret caves in the mountains of the Himalayas......

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:51 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: Jun 18, 2009
Posts: 1711 the beginning there was the MAN, who was just a man who was colorless. he had no color on his skin. dont try to even imagine it, because we cannot even fathom the colorlessness of color. he roamed across the carpets of the continents in the prehistoric earth searching for food and fucks.

in the mountains of Caucasus in russia one day a Caucasoid was just retiring from a happy fragfest. however as he stepped from the mountains to the plains. And out of no fucking where, a huge Gigantic bird beast of some sort appeared. And then at that moment, by a strange coincidence a solar eclipse too was just swinging into action.

What now happends is that, the winged creature, lets out a splatter of white bird shit. "Man there was soo much shit that, it seemed it was a gift from the gods" exclained one of the monks who lived in that times. Unfortunately for our Caucasoid , he was all covered in the white bird shit.

Now Call it luck or sheer chance, the molecules in the shit started reacting with the rays of the sun from the solar eclipse and the UV rays caused mutation on the epidermis.

And there you have it gentleman, this happy colorless man became a white man, in the middle of the snow capped Caucasian mountains, the white bird shit still dripping around him...................

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:57 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 1711 meanwhile in the forests of africa in the same time, another skinless man was also happily retuning from his regular drum practice. he was jumping and swinging up and down, reminisin about how he would go and drum his babes bum....all so colorless and pure.

But But, unfortunately there was a dinosaur cow nearby, who had just eaten a mountain of grass.

Our colorless man was distracted by the swinging and jumpin, that he slipped, glided and landed right under the dinosaur cow's anus. And at that moment BAMM!! all one could see is thundershower of dinosaur cow dung on our dear colorless drum man.

well the rest is pretty straightforward and scientific. UV light from solar eclipse acts on dinosaur cow dung, blah blah blah and there you have a black man!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:04 pm Reply with quote
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so to recap the points scientifically, here are the equations

prehistoric bird shit + UV rays from solar eclise + epidermis@ latitude-longitude----> white pigmentation

dinosaur cow shit + UV rays from solar eclise + epidermis@ latitude-longitude ----> black pigmentation

I think it had become all very clear isint it folks? icon_cheers.gif

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:55 am Reply with quote
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I honestly didn't know any of this! I wasn't even aware men existed in the prehistoric age.

One question remains though: it seems you describe what happened to 2 unfortunate individuals. What happened to all other (colourless) individuals then? Maybe they died of jealousy? Then how did these 2 remaining individuals procreate (without turning everyone brown from then on)?

Maybe you could also enlighten us on the story behind men and women? Homosexuals and hetrosexuals? Smart people and dumb people?
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:59 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
I honestly didn't know any of this! I wasn't even aware men existed in the prehistoric age.
yeah well you know scientific theories these days always on the update.

berzerker wrote:
One question remains though: it seems you describe what happened to 2 unfortunate individuals. What happened to all other (colourless) individuals then? Maybe they died of jealousy? Then how did these 2 remaining individuals procreate (without turning everyone brown from then on)?
one can safely assume there where repeated incidences of scatocolorosis on other such individuals.

also in those times the human population was very scarce. and for every man there where like 100 women. once the pigmentation takes place, sex hormones increased exponentially. ofcourse for us, these levels are default. but in those times for the colorless man, they where quite hi for his anatomy. so thus it can be inferred that it was a gradual progressive process of color domination which inturn resulted in the buffered stock pool of white and black race buildin.

the rest is pretty straightforward and same of boring story told again and again....races explore new lands for food and water and inturn meet the other complementary race. have prehistoric wild orgies and produce various interesting varaties of skin tones, ranging from ultra bird whiteness to black hole blackness

there are some that maintain that even today among us there still breathes a colorless man!!! but since they are colorless, we cannot see them with our senses. Its pretty hard to comprehend colorlessness in the first place, since once cant visualize it. is is not transparency or invisibility you know. all fascinating isin it? the mind boggles sometimes.

berzerker wrote:
Maybe you could also enlighten us on the story behind men and women? Homosexuals and hetrosexuals? Smart people and dumb people?
i will need to visit the scared site for that, perhaps on my next expedition to the mountains. but mind you!! its a dangerous journey, not for the faint of heart.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:13 am Reply with quote
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God made black people so they can be slaves. Yes, I'm talking to you puk.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:20 am Reply with quote
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
God made black people so they can be slaves. Yes, I'm talking to you puk.
er didnt you just make him admin of your 1st website?

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:29 pm Reply with quote
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_Master_ wrote:
mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
God made black people so they can be slaves. Yes, I'm talking to you puk.
er didnt you just make him admin of your 1st website?

I made him moderator. He's my slave. Admins > mods

Admins rule!
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:29 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 1711

..............and so we continue our ground breaking research on this topic based on recent evidence reported by Dr Addis-a-Baba from African Republic University and Dr Schulz from the Alpasian University of Advanced Studies (AUAS)

According to Dr Addis-a-Baba there is an ancient cave that dates back to the time of Miti, when then wise ones where present on the earth. A misty cave that would take one to the land of the white mud. Dr Addis-a-Baba, says that this white mud referred in the texts frequently, is nothing but snow. If so how did the natives encounter it in the African continent, a place that is so hot that your can cook steamed rice in a pussy?? Very puzzling isint it?

The answer to that came from the brilliant Dr Schulz who holds twin degrees, both in archeology and genetic engineering. Dr Schulz insists that the XXXXX* monument present in the alps is where the first white person originated. Carbon dating of the rare white shit found only in the XB25 excavation site, strongly asserts this indisputable fact, insists Dr Schulz. More so the recent discovery of a cave bearing the same engravings as that of the Miti people of ancient Africa has triggered an excitement in the community.

"Perhaps its just simple matter of an african person walking thru the tunnel and coming out as a white person on the other side!" says Dr Schulz with an uncontrollable laughter.

..........will continue!

*due to security reasons the exact location is not revealed

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