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And also, can we have a topic in which reviewers, especially suilside announce when they start....reviewing a game? So other won't waste time needlessly.
I like that idea too.
So is it me did suislide stopped talking in the forum? It's like he doesn't wuv us anymore.
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Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:47 am
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berzerker wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
Please go on making these posts all the time. This will amount to forum vandalism and will get you banned once again.
Needlessly including empty lines also qualifies as vandalism in my book.
i donot see why it should be seen as a form of vandalism or reasons to ban some1 who is informing others to stick to the forum topic. your current conversation blabbers something about reviews and the topic of the post is currently playing. if some1 where to be banned, then each and every1 of you who posts off topic which is of no relevance to currently playing must also be banned. also please keep your personal rules to yourself and they donot seem to be the rules of VGS.
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Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:37 am
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berzerker wrote:
As to the others, you could PM M0nkey about this
It would be making mountains out of molehills
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:39 am
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Alez wrote:
And also, can we have a topic in which reviewers, especially suilside announce when they start....reviewing a game?
I was going to suggest that you request Suiside (get it?) to make it a sticky, but then the captn would just spam that too, claiming Terms of Use Violations.
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:40 am
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I'm going to go make a borderline violation of the Terms of Use topic just to piss off the captain.
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:42 am
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Play Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood
This game is amazingly standard. I just barely played it and already i had the turret "defend this zone from retarded enemies that just charge you like zombies" mission.
So fucking fucking OK. So...patheticly standard.
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Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:46 am
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Alez wrote:
Play Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood
This game is amazingly standard. I just barely played it and already i had the turret "defend this zone from retarded enemies that just charge you like zombies" mission.
So fucking fucking OK. So...patheticly standard.
So it's like Prince of Persia then.
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:49 am
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If you mean the latest game in the series, the one that's only called prince of persia, then not really. That was a bad game, standard piece of console shit game. This one isn't bad, it's not good either. Just MEH.
Oh and it has the most retarded cover system EVER.
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Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:53 am
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The problem is I have no incentive to play these games. It's like watching a bad documentary, or reading a long poem.
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:16 am
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Alez wrote:
. I just barely played it and already i had the turret "defend this zone from retarded enemies that just charge you like zombies" mission.
What's that you say alez? They also have the "AI companion drives a vehicle while you have to shoot enemies that chase you?" I don't believe it...I wonder what's next.
Losing all the guns and resorting to stealth for a while? having to escort someone and making sure they don't die?
Well at least they have SAVES. It actually has a quicksave. After noticing so many checkpoint saves i just wanted to see it pressing F5 did anything, just so i can hate the game even more. But god damn it, it actually works. Amazing, a shooter in 2009 that can actually save when YOU want to.
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Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:19 am
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Alez wrote:
Alez wrote:
What's that you say alez?
For future reference don't refer to yourself in the third person. It'll make us assume the Captn hacked your account
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:20 am
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puk wrote:
I'm going to go make a borderline violation of the Terms of Use topic just to piss off the captain.
let this be a stern example when what happens when you break the law at VGS!! now let us all continue back on our main topic. happy browsing gentlemen!
A piece of cock shooter that looks like it's from 2000. I didn't actually play more than 1 minute of it. Too bad all the cutscenes lasted about 5. BOLD 0/10 BOLD
Ay dios mio, this is a christian rts game! I understand it's from a series of books. Whatever, the game looks like it's from 1995. Fucking shit. Incredibly retared micromanagement requiered. While it does have some interesting twists to the usual RTS formula, it sucks the major cock. BOLD -5/10 BOLD
PS: all the bold shit is because i'm fucking tired of not being able to select a text and click bold to make the selected text bold. Because this site is fucking ancient shit technology.
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Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:25 pm
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Why are you torturing yourself with all these obscure titles that 98% of gamers will never play? Get ArmA II, review sites say it's good.
Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:27 pm
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I dunno...i keep asking myself that.
I'll wait for a crack to appear on my trackers for arma II. And maybe some patches because i heard it's kinda buggy.
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Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:46 pm
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Why are you torturing yourself with all these obscure titles that 98% of gamers will never play?
Yeah, some people do that, some even play this one.
Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:59 pm
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Yeah well I saw a trailer of it on Youtube and it was with a dancing Stalin and stuff and I thought it was good.
Well here's a mainstream game. All i have to say it WTF? I can't even give it a mark. So it has superb offtrack map, it lets you explore a huge teritory....but no damage and close to 0 destructable landscape and shit.
Ok, it would have been shitty to have no damage with the buggies, shitty and pretty much unnaceptble (at least something VISUAL for fuck sake)...but no, they don't. BUT WHAT THE FUCK, you don't fall down from your bike?? That's the whole point of dirtbikes, of offroad racing. You fall down, you crash, you HAVE FUN. There is no point in touching your opponents, they don't fall either.
Jesus, this is incredible. It's like playing a demo. All the FUN taken out.
Imagine flatout(anyone wanna play?) without damage...i know, madness. This game is fucking retarded. It's not a bad game, they obviously had a big budget so i don't understand that decision. WTF?/10
Edit: THis reminds me. This site could really use a "preview" or "partial opinions" or something like this. I just played a little so i can't do a review but i can still give some info. Yeah, i'm just dreaming i know...
_________________ Sigs are for n00bs!
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:19 am
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Alez wrote:
Edit: THis reminds me. This site could really use a "preview" or "partial opinions" or something like this. I just played a little so i can't do a review but i can still give some info. Yeah, i'm just dreaming i know...
i guess thats why this part of the forums exist? you know you can just post a new topic with appropriate heading and viola!
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Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:57 am
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Yeah but nobody reads the forum. It would be a nice little feature on the home page. Eh whatever...anyway
Call of juarez bound in blood is actually pretty damn good. I wasn't wrong at first, it starts out boring as shit but picks up the pace and becomes quite engaging. I don't like westerns, i can't stand watching them yet i kept playing this one to see what happens next. Once you reach the indians in the storyline the game gets good, until then it's a 6/10 but after that i'd say 8/10.
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