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PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:44 pm Reply with quote
osama bin laden

shush george thats our secrect plan me qween u king right
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:46 pm Reply with quote
George bush

heres my new anthum o say the sky is light
o say long live the king o say us rules all
o say we loyal to u for all
o say long live the ruling man
who makes our citys safe all time.

great isnt it osama
the us empire will form
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:49 pm Reply with quote
osama bin laden

funny how these nazi fools think they will resurect their religios terrost
group when we rule germany with spys ourselves hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahhahahaha
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:51 pm Reply with quote
George bush

right but u shouldnt be here osama never know when some of ur cave men will become suspicios if they walk in seeing u talking to great king george
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:51 pm Reply with quote
osama bin laden

good idea we could blow our whole plan signing of king

With love
PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:32 am Reply with quote
Joined: Feb 11, 2005
Posts: 99
Location: Panama City, Florida

This topic sucks. And why cant GW and Osama get a chat room to cyber in? Did I mention this topic sucks?

My whole fucking life is like Vice City
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Re: your a stupid cunt just hitler just like that cunt hitle
PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:07 pm Reply with quote

Grumpy_Boy wrote:
fuhrer wrote:
*whips out flame thrower alien 2 style*

I tell yer if you like Nazis so much ,fuck off the to Germany then you silly liite stupid fucking retard.

Expect the Nazis put retards like you in the gas chamber too, in fact if you were alive during the war and in germany I expect the Nazis whould let a Jew out of the gas chamber just so they could fit a stupid fucking sad lttile gay jerk off like you in.

Your probaly a repressed homo anyway just like hitler.

What happend you little stupid fool, did your dad touch you up when you were a kid, not doubt he still is, expect now he pays you (15 bucks a fuck probably).

Fuck off you backward moronic racist wanker.

(ahhh thats better)

Now you're being a moronic racist wanker.. first of all.. there were more germans AGAINST the nazis than for .. just because it happened about 60 years ago doesn't mean germany is still actually like that.. there are neo nazis wherever you look, and just because because germany did that doesn't mean it is crawling with them.. get some knowledge you fucking douche bag.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:39 pm Reply with quote

"claps" for the Bush and Osama skit gj icon_rr.gif
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:08 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Feb 11, 2005
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Location: Panama City, Florida

This topic still sucks.

My whole fucking life is like Vice City
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:35 pm Reply with quote
Flame Me
Flame Me
Joined: Dec 16, 2005
Posts: 5

jews killed jesus we r all suffering because of there sins
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:39 pm Reply with quote
Flame Me
Flame Me
Joined: Dec 16, 2005
Posts: 5

jews complained when passion of the christ came into the public eye
but don't complain when a movie about the holocuast comes out.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 5:42 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Posts: 63

Here's a good one:

Here's another good one:

And to all of our resident Jew-tools:

To attempt to silence a man is to pay him homage, for it is an acknowledgement that his arguments are both impossible to answer and impossible to ignore.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:09 pm Reply with quote
VGS Admin
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Who gives a shit about the ethnic make up of people who "control" the media. If people don't like shit they don't watch/read it.

If you believe in a subversive ethnic based plot you're a fool who's been selectively choosing which information to ignore and which to absorb. Those men are trying to make money. They are not co aligned to push some Jewish agenda on America. Its about money not ethnicity.

Ever hear of David Icke? He convinces some people that reptilian creatures control the planet... how? Same way these neo-Nazis convince people there's a Jewish plot against humanity. Selectively reporting information and drawing conclusions on extremely thin threads of logic that do not stand up to scrutiny.

Give me a break.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:35 am Reply with quote
Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Posts: 63

Got Proof?

Lies. It's what's for Media. drunken_smilie.gif
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:25 am Reply with quote
VGS Admin
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Do you speak for yourself or can you only link to garbage?

So lets go over your last link to "proof"...

"Concealed Truth #1: Jews themselves have been actively involved in mass murder and would, if they’d had their way, have been involved in much more"

Hmmm. saying that a race of people wants to commit mass murder even though anyone with a high school education knows that ALL religions including Christianity and Islam have been at the root of many wars and millions of deaths... yet somehow its a "concealed truth" that Judaism has caused violence? The bible alone contains massive amount of crimes perpetrated by people of the Jewish faith.... its a good thing that the bible is so concealed and this Nazi website has opened our eyes to this hidden truth of religion related violence. They are only pointing our violence caused by one religion and ignoring the others to further their agenda.

"Concealed Truth #2: Many more Gentiles than Jews died during World War Two"

How does that in any way indite Jewish people? There's not even weak logic in this one, there's none. Simply having not been the majority would not in any logical way lead to the conclusion that they control media. It only does when your conclusion is based on prejudice instead of reality.

"Concealed Truth #3: The concentration camps were liberated by war-criminals."

Again.... having been liberated by communist or not... what bearing at all does that have on this supposed hidden agenda?

"Ask yourself how often these facts appear in the Western media."

Well the ones that aren't bullshit actually DO appear in western historical texts. Where do you think this inbred got the shit hes quoting in that article?

Oh wait.. he sources it..... RIGHT before he makes that statment!

"The Guardian, 1st May, 2002"

Looks like a western media source to me.

I'm also not shure if by "media" he means we should be getting information on WW2 in cable news shows or somthing? News shows want to gain viewers... im sure that selectivly rehashing facts from WW2 to demonize a race of people would be just the ticket.....

Good luck with that champ.

Last edited by M0nKeY on Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:43 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Posts: 63

Quite the Kosher poster, now aren't we? icon_salut.gif

And just in case you thought the Jews were only backing the Allies in WW2...

I ain't gonna stop because I love being a pain in the ass. icon_geek.gif YOU, on the other hand, can abandon all efforts to reconvert my ass back to Politically Correct Goyim Thought any time you wish.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:58 pm Reply with quote
VGS Admin
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Location: New York

As I said... you can only really post links to stuff that's easily torn apart. None of that stuff leads to the conclusion of some kind of race wide conspiracy. Your not a pain in my ass. Overall I just find is sad that people can convince themselves that their views are based on some kind of fact. When in reality bigotry is bigotry no matter how much you may try to convince yourself its not.

When a [insert religion/race] murders someone and we don't hear about it on the news does that mean that [insert religion/race] controls the media and all [insert religion/race] want to murder us?

When member of [insert religion/race] supported the Nazis does that mean that the whole of [insert religion/race] supports the Nazis?

You have to be dumb hell to buy that.

The idea that NOT condemning an entire race based on the actions of some of its members is somehow being politically correct is laughable.

Theres nothing to convert you to. Your going to be a racist no mater what I type. I'm responding for the benefit of anyone else who reads this.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:20 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Posts: 63

Whatever. Just remember not to think TOO hard about any of it, because God fucking knows that people like Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Rupert Murdoch, Summer Redstone, Abe Foxman, Peter Chernin and Dianne Feinstein, among others, have next to zero influence over American culture and policy, you know.

Plus, this is funny:
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 9:14 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Apr 27, 2006
Posts: 46
Location: sydney,australia

youre a dickhead!

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we salute you allmighty ass!
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 1:39 am Reply with quote
Joined: Apr 27, 2006
Posts: 46
Location: sydney,australia

i am the greatest and jews suck hard cock

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we salute you allmighty ass!
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