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Well you say things make us violent, i say WE make violent things because that's what we want.
It's perputual, I will concede that, but I still contend that violence in movies/games rubs off on us.
Alez wrote:
Remember the times when people were getting killed in arenas? There were no rambo movies, no gta games and yet people cheered while other people got stabbed to death.
yes, and that's b/c we have become much more civlized since then
Alez wrote:
Edit: The short version is that some people will FUCKING SNAP no matter what. So you need better control of guns and other means with which they could hurt those around them.
There are 'crazies', but lets stick to the majority. Also, you can't ban all dangerous weapons (knives, forks, saws, bats, beer bottles...)
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:39 am
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puk wrote:
It's perputual, I will concede that, but I still contend that violence in movies/games rubs off on us.
Like Mihai I feel exactly the opposite. Getting your frustrations out in games / music (in my case; in someone else's case it can be sports or movies or maybe still something else) prevents them from being released in a more anti-social way.
puk wrote:
and that's b/c we have become much more civlized since then
You really think so? I think the arenas would now be full too if we still had the arena fights. People want sensational stuff (look at the garbage that's most popular on TV), now as much as then. The people who banned it (the political elite) have become more civilized but I think the general public has not, or at any rate to a much lesser extent.
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:00 am
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Video games are not can't physically assualt a series of pixels.
I've been playing so-called violent FPSers for yrs, but I have no criminal record, and no desire to kill's the underlying mentality of the person, I mean you can make the same argument for porn, ie, a rapist is caught and they find porn at his home therefore it's the porn's fault.
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:14 am
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berzerker wrote:
Like Mihai I feel exactly the opposite. Getting your frustrations out in games / music (in my case; in someone else's case it can be sports or movies or maybe still something else) prevents them from being released in a more anti-social way.
Drinking in Liberty City doesn't stop my desires to drink in the real world.
berzerker wrote:
puk wrote:
and that's b/c we have become much more civlized since then
You really think so? I think the arenas would now be full too if we still had the arena fights. People want sensational stuff (look at the garbage that's most popular on TV), now as much as then. The people who banned it (the political elite) have become more civilized but I think the general public has not, or at any rate to a much lesser extent.
Read up on the old emperors, Gauius alone had a man beaten witch chains, a women was whipped until she lost an eye, Augustus tore a tribunes eyes out himself b/c he thought he had a concealed weapon, one of the emperors (I think Nero) raped a vestel virgin, Tiberius broke these two boys' legs b/c they complained that he had raped them...Things have changed.
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:31 am
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A fucking NUTS kid will snap no matter what. If it's not violent games it's violent tv, if not that then it's music or some other shit that MILLIONS of people are doing every day and not going ape shit insane. If it's not violence then it's SNAILS LOOKING FUNNY AT THEM. They're nuts and the triggers could be anything.
This is fucking retarded. Millions and millions of people play games yet there is no clear link between violence and that. I'd understand something like 100 people in the world eat vegies while listening to coldplay in the same time they are touching their ass, being classified as usefull evidence if 5 out of those 100 were killers but not when a few in MILLIONS do it.
All the killers in the entire history of mankind....BREATHED AIR. Holy fuck, i think i'm on to something here!
When shit hits the fan and somebody goes nuts you analyze their ENTIRE fucking life. Even if in the worst case, video games DID play a part, they sure as fuck were not the only ones. So ban movies, music and the internet too while you're at it. Fuck, ban tv and newspapers and books too.
Problem is, killers live on the same fucking planet as us. They will use the same fucking technology as us. So you might see them posting on this very site. Then that would mean we should ban it?
_________________ Sigs are for n00bs!
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:31 am
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puk wrote:
Drinking in Liberty City doesn't stop my desires to drink in the real world.
The need for food, drink, sex, shelter, wealth etc can obviousely not be fulfilled in a game. I would think the need for violence (if such a thing exists, it is probably an adrenaline thing) can. If you feel games and movies may make you more aggressive, then I would suggest finding another hobby, they are not supposed to have that effect.
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:09 am
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I guess losing WWII is still having its after effects. Let them do what they want, they're just a lowly protectorate of our's anyway.
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:44 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2350
Kalafan wrote:
they're just a lowly protectorate of our's anyway.
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