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Never got into warcraft. And I especially dislike World of Warcraft
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:32 am
Joined: May 05, 2009
Posts: 101
puk wrote:
Alez wrote:
Do you think it's fucking cool to have all those lame videos ON PURPOSE? As in "ohh it's not bad or shitty because that's how we want them to be"?
You mean the video footage clips? They're really gay. They were kick ass and very real in C&C1 and Red Alert 1, but then they just turned queer
The designs are not that bad...the core game tho has been fcked up....
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:55 am
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ZippyDSMlee wrote:
The designs [of Command and Conquer] are not that bad...the core game tho has been fcked up....
well the gameplay elements are definately better (go back and play the original, and you'll notice so many problems, like the AI not being smart enough to shoot through a sandbag barrier) but it's lost its soul.
Gone is the amazing story, the gutsy violence, the authentic war time video feeds.
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:59 am
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Posts: 101
puk wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
The designs [of Command and Conquer] are not that bad...the core game tho has been fcked up....
well the gameplay elements are definately better (go back and play the original, and you'll notice so many problems, like the AI not being smart enough to shoot through a sandbag barrier) but it's lost its soul.
Gone is the amazing story, the gutsy violence, the authentic war time video feeds.
Oh so the gmaeplay dose not suck?*scribbles done to play it then*
What hasn't? Gaming has become commercialized mainstreamized fodder, its TV its film it mostly sucks.
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:33 am
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Ya I can't quite explain it, but I can feel that games have started to suck terribly. Why is it that every game on the NES was so good, yet the majority of the games on XBOX/PS3 are unbearable?
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:40 am
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puk wrote:
Ya I can't quite explain it, but I can feel that games have started to suck terribly. Why is it that every game on the NES was so good, yet the majority of the games on XBOX/PS3 are unbearable?
Simpler times IE lower expectations and a business made by and for gamers and fans.
Now adays modern corporate mentalities rule design direction to the nith degree add in normal amounts of expectations and you are basically fucked because they will maxmize effort to do as little as possible...
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:29 am
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Sounds like warcraft 3? That was a pretty easy game. Or at most average. Nice game but nowhere near this nightmare that is Men of War.
But god fucking damn it, i hate warcraft 3 now because of the hero and level up trend it started. Yeah, i'm looking at you Dawn of War 2, you fucking turd.
Anyway puk, i meant the videos. It seems like more than half of the attention of development is going on the videos. I wanted to know the opinion of a C&C fan. Because i thought maybe i was missing a point, not being a long time fan or something. I simply don't understand what the fuck is up with those videos and the huge amount of attention they receive.
I understand the whole B movie thing but being "so bad it's good" DOESN'T FUCKING WORK when you're doing it on purpose.
You see people on gayspot forums with Kane avatars, a stereotypical bad guy. What the hell am i missing? There is nothing cool, interesting, funny or intelligent in the videos.
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:35 am
Joined: May 05, 2009
Posts: 101
Alez wrote:
Sounds like warcraft 3? That was a pretty easy game. Or at most average. Nice game but nowhere near this nightmare that is Men of War.
But god fucking damn it, i hate warcraft 3 now because of the hero and level up trend it started. Yeah, i'm looking at you Dawn of War 2, you fucking turd.
Anyway puk, i meant the videos. It seems like more than half of the attention of development is going on the videos. I wanted to know the opinion of a C&C fan. Because i thought maybe i was missing a point, not being a long time fan or something. I simply don't understand what the fuck is up with those videos and the huge amount of attention they receive.
I understand the whole B movie thing but being "so bad it's good" DOESN'T FUCKING WORK when you're doing it on purpose.
You see people on gayspot forums with Kane avatars, a stereotypical bad guy. What the hell am i missing? There is nothing cool, interesting, funny or intelligent in the videos.
Meh WC3 sucks because the AI is stupid and you are limited in units you can use at one time.... WC/SC is better.
Infernal,Evil dead,Star wars,Star trek is so bad its good or at least funny, Kane and lynch,2 fast 2 furious,Fast lane,ect is just bad....
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 12:20 pm
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Posts: 778
I have almost finished the Plants vs Zombies review. I'm just not very talented at reviews but I'm improving. This is going to be another 3 stars out of 5 review.
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:47 pm
A Winner is me!
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Alez wrote:
I simply don't understand what the fuck is up with those videos and the huge amount of attention they receive.
I understand the whole B movie thing but being "so bad it's good" DOESN'T FUCKING WORK when you're doing it on purpose.
You see people on gayspot forums with Kane avatars, a stereotypical bad guy. What the hell am i missing? There is nothing cool, interesting, funny or intelligent in the videos.
The original videos in C&C1 were really good, in fact the whole game was an experience from start to finish.
The installer introduced itself as EVA (Electronic Voice Agent, but also a reference to Eve), then when the thing finished it said something like "Welcome Commander" and the game started. From there, the game jumped right into a news clip that was very authentic (not the over the top crap from C&C 3). The signal kept fading so every once in a while you'd get static and saw different logos behind the footage (a scorpion or an eagle). Finally the signal degrades completely, the news feed goes away, and you're given a choice to select the Brotherhood of Nod feed (Scorpion) or the Global Defense Initiative feed (Eagle). And that's how you choose which side to play. Pretty cool huh?
Anyways, the movies are more real, like the way you are introduced to Kane is when his right hand man Seth (reference to Abel) betrays him, and is giving you orders and then Kane comes and blows his brains out! Contrast that with C&C3 where Kane kills that traitor chic by a stupid gun shot to the chest.
At the other end, the final movie has Kane's 3 cyber junkies hacking into the GDI defense grid and taking over the Ion Canon, and he turns to you and says that since u won him the victory, u can choose where to strike. I think the four choices were the white house, the Kremlin, London and Geneva
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:49 pm
A Winner is me!
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The story was kick ass too...I should do a review of C&C 1...hmm, the only problem is that the thing keeps crashing (I have the new first decade thing from EA)
Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:59 am
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Posts: 193
The thing started to go down the hill when EA bought Westwood. They started the childification of the series with the lame "not serious on purpose videoclips" and unrealistic units in Red Alert 2, to end in the shitfest called Red Alert 3.
I remember playing C&C back in 1996 when I was 10, I managed to finish it with the Brotherhood of Nod and I can't remember if with GDI too because I shared all games with a friend and when one had the NOD cd, the other had the GDI one. It took me like 1 year and a half to finish it, but with Red Alert 1 I needed a strategy book because some missions where insanely difficult.
I didn't get a shit of the dialogues because I didn't speak english back then, even I needed to train some units first to fucking know what the hell they were, like the "flamethrower" or the "engineer" (I was hoping an ubercommando because it cost the same as 5 normal soldiers but then seemed to me an expensive bastard who didn't even shoot).
Try a nowadays kid of 10 to play a game like C&C or Red Alert and he would start whining where the cover system is, why the units don't regenerate themselves and where are the gamepad options.
Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:14 am
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Kasrkin wrote:
The thing started to go down the hill when EA bought Westwood. They started the childification of the series with the lame "not serious on purpose videoclips" and unrealistic units in Red Alert 2, to end in the shitfest called Red Alert 3.
Ya I didn't even bother with Red Alert 2 or 3
Kasrkin wrote:
I remember playing C&C back in 1996 when I was 10, I managed to finish it with the Brotherhood of Nod and I can't remember if with GDI too because I shared all games with a friend and when one had the NOD cd, the other had the GDI one. It took me like 1 year and a half to finish it, but with Red Alert 1 I needed a strategy book because some missions where insanely difficult.
ya it took me months to finish C&C 1 as well. I loved how they gave you two CDs so you could play against eachother. It was pure genius.
Kasrkin wrote:
Try a nowadays kid of 10 to play a game like C&C or Red Alert and he would start whining where the cover system is, why the units don't regenerate themselves and where are the gamepad options.
LOL, games are so easy now it's a joke.
Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 10:16 am
A Winner is me!
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Ohh i loved red alert 2. I just didn't get the lame videos but i enjoyed the units. They were interesting to use and i worked for me.
But thanks for clearing shit up, so it started to go stupid from red alert 2 and after EA bought Westwood shit went caca real bad (i think anyone can agree there).
Also i've noticed a weird trend from red alert 2, in my case anyway. The original is ok but then the expansion makes it much better. Tiberium sun was kinda ugly looking and boring but Firestorm gave some fun units.
Generals was meh but then zero our made it fun. Red Alert 3 was puke but then its expansion made it better. Tiberium wars was too boring, i didn't try the expansion.
Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 3:04 pm
Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 193
Alez wrote:
Tiberium wars was too boring, i didn't try the expansion.
Kane's Wrath is an attempt to make a multiplataform game focused on teens but that would have soul. They fail but al least when you see one of their videos, you don't feel like a child watching a Everyone Rated movie.
The Brotherhood of Nod ideology and Kane's personality are being dumbed down in order to be undestanable by console casual player teens since EA taken control.
Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:09 pm
A Winner is me!
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Kasrkin wrote:
The Brotherhood of Nod ideology and Kane's personality are being dumbed down in order to be undestanable by console casual player teens since EA taken control.
It's such a stupid thing they are doing.
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 8:48 pm
A Winner is me!
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I dunno if it counts are CURENTLY playing since i played it for 5 minutes, of which 4 minutes were the fucking long and boring cutscenes.
Streets of Moscow. A racing game....a bad and cheap one. If anyone gets the chance to play it...don't. Start the game and just listen to the pretty cool russian music.
_________________ Sigs are for n00bs!
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 9:14 pm
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Anyone play damnation?
I got it but not started it yet.
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 9:39 pm
A Winner is me!
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No, i'm waiting for....a crack, To play it illegally.That's right, i said it.
From what i've seen of it i was not impressed. At most i think it could be OK. I'll say more when i play it.
_________________ Sigs are for n00bs!
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:10 pm
Joined: May 05, 2009
Posts: 101
Alez wrote:
No, i'm waiting for....a crack, To play it illegally.That's right, i said it.
From what i've seen of it i was not impressed. At most i think it could be OK. I'll say more when i play it.
On snap I hope it it play from a mount.. hehehe all I seen was a level layout emphasis on useing the 3 in 3D IE layed levels not flat corridors.
I was working on my external e-sata HDD cage, screwed up my switch and blew a 120GB IDE test drive.....MOTHERFCKER!!!...other wise I need more space on my main HDD... more HDD space a BR burner.....
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