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I'm sorry, but the only fag that this forum has ever known is captnPugwash_halobalobale. But if you work hard you might be a serious contender for 2nd place.
And aren't we really stretching the meaning of Europe when Turkey, Israel and Azerbaijan is being included?
Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:34 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2350
puk wrote:
And aren't we really stretching the meaning of Europe when Turkey, Israel and Azerbaijan is being included?
Turkey is for a small part geographically part of Europe, that's for sure.
Azerbaijan I'm not sure. IIRC in the past it was simple: the USSR west of the Ural mountains was part of Europe. If that rule still applies, clearly Azerbaijan is part of Europe, geographically, as are Armenia and Georgia. But it is a little bit more complex of course.
Israel is ridiculous of course, that cannot in any respect be considered a part of Europe, so that's a silly political decision.
Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 2:19 pm
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Posts: 193
Alez wrote:
Since you're trying to be a vegi now i know how your body gets its meat...fag.
Hahahahahha it's bar meat.
And Turkey (the current Turkey: not christian), Azerbaijan, Israel, Russia, etc... AREN'T FUCKING EUROPE. It's all a matter of politics, now that communism is bankrupt they wanna be with the most developed.
But they don't belong to Europe in tradition, history or any other aspect.
There are 2 Europes and 1 Africa/Turkey, each country linked to his "block" and faced to the rest by thousands of years of history.
Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 2:36 pm
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Posts: 193
berzerker wrote:
I'm Dutch
Ahhhh one of our ex-collonies, "The Empire where the Sun never set".
Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 2:51 pm
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Kasrkin wrote:
Ahhhh one of our ex-collonies, "The Empire where the Sun never set".
Yeah, the days of the inquisition, Spain at its finest.
BTW the sun sets in the Netherlands at about the same time as it does in Spain I would think.
Last edited by berzerker on Sun May 17, 2009 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total
Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 3:04 pm
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Kasrkin wrote:
There are 2 Europes and 1 Africa/Turkey, each country linked to his "block" and faced to the rest by thousands of years of history.
This picture seems based solely on the post WWII borders, which is odd since you speak of "thousands years of history". The greater part of what is now Poland used to be German prior to WWII, for example, I am not sure for how long that was the case though.
Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 3:20 pm
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I totally agree that these poor countries want to be a part of Europe just for the status symbol and/or a means of economic recovery.
I mean why not drop 'European' entirely, and just call it the 'Union'
Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 5:16 pm
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Posts: 193
This picture seems based solely on the post WWII borders, which is odd since you speak of "thousands years of history". The greater part of what is now Poland used to be German prior to WWII, for example, I am not sure for how long that was the case though.
I know, Prussia, the Danzig Corridor, half of Czech Republic and etc... rightfully belong to Germany but nowadays the population in these places is almost 100% polish and it was too much detailed for trying to give a very general impression on what are each "Europe".
The post WWII borders seem to "match" that frontier because they have critically influenced what populations, traditions and etc... where adopted and established in each place (by migrations and goverment regulations).
berzerker wrote:
Kasrkin wrote:
Ahhhh one of our ex-collonies, "The Empire where the Sun never set".
Yeah, the days of the inquisition, Spain at its finest.
BTW the sun sets in the Netherlands at about the same time as it does in Spain I would think.
Never doubt the word of Felipe II, heretic scum. I would say there was always sunlight because it could be in Peru, Africa, India, Philippines, Milan or Flanders ...
It's a shame all history taught over the world is fucking british bullshit (i.e. Spanish Inquisition, which killed about 5% of what English, French and German ones killed) and propaganda intented for revenge in the time when they weren't the leading power.
puk wrote:
I totally agree that these poor countries want to be a part of Europe just for the status symbol and/or a means of economic recovery.
I mean why not drop 'European' entirely, and just call it the 'Union'
That's the point, but "semantic" means everything for most people: goverment of poor countries near Europe don't want to be integrated in just an "Union", they want to be PART OF EUROPE because "EUROPE=MONEY" for the population in these ignorant countries. They are happy to be called "Europe" and real Europe goverments are happy about the massive immigration of cheap labour from these places.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:34 am
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This shows that it may well be impossible to maintain in power forever. Any empire will collapse one day. They come and go.
The Spanish were conquered by the Italians (Romans), later by the Arabs, then set out themselves to conquer most of America (and some less significant other parts of the world like the Netherlands), after which they lost everything again, even Gibraltar, and became one of the poorer countries of Western Europe until basically the end of the 20th century. There seems to be a very similar story for Portugal BTW.
The US has learned from this that it should not try to build an empire, just keeping control to protect its interests is sufficient. But this will not last forever either.
The future may well be Chinese (for a while of course). I bought some chopsticks already.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:21 am
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I don't like America, but I really hope China doesn't become the next super power.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:41 am
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puk wrote:
I don't like America, but I really hope China doesn't become the next super power.
If China becomes more powerful, what will the Japanese do? And India or Taiwan? Just like the US China will run into boundaries: you cannot continuously bully everyone.
Clearly any democratic super power will be preferable over an non-democratic super power, but we don't really have a choice do we?
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:41 am
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Oh my jesus, what is it with you people? A while ago every topic ended in "no, you're gay" now it's "no, i'm right about the history of the world".
You gay history teachers.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:53 am
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Alez wrote:
You gay history teachers.
You console loving gay homo gypsy!
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:55 am
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Well that just shut me up...go on with the history lessons everybody, i'm going to play halo 3 with my gypsie dude friends before fucking them.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:06 am
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Don't worry about the history stuff, we just copy and paste stuff from wikipedia to make us look half intelligent and lure new forum visitors here.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:26 am
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every few weeks we have an intellectual debates which gets heated, degrades into a massive feud, and is ended by someone saying "whatever, lets just talk about something else"
And then it's back to talking about BS
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:28 am
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Oh anyone seen any good pornos lately?
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:39 am
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No no you still do not get it. FIRST the debate must get heated, then we get the feud and only after that porn comes in.
But maybe this has all changed with the banning of the captn.
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