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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:55 am Reply with quote
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Kasrkin wrote:
and movies like "300" where they are depicted as evil.

That 7 foot guy was clearly evil icon_pirat.gif
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:02 am Reply with quote
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I saw 300, and as a Persian I wasn't offended by the message so much as I was by the lackluster movie in general.

All American movies are like that though. They portray themselves as the heroes, and every one else is some shade of evil.

You could generalize this to apply to pretty much any culture/civilization.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:45 am Reply with quote
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puk wrote:

All American movies are like that though. They portray themselves as the heroes, and every one else is some shade of evil.

All systems of illegitimate control are evil, and this obviously includes the USA, so in a bid to convince the citizens of the US that they're living in a free and fair society, they demonize others, for ex Iraq/Iran.

Btw, I thought most of the actors in 300 were British icon_profileleft.gif
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:44 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
puk wrote:

All American movies are like that though. They portray themselves as the heroes, and every one else is some shade of evil.

All systems of illegitimate control are evil, and this obviously includes the USA, so in a bid to convince the citizens of the US that they're living in a free and fair society, they demonize others, for ex Iraq/Iran.

Btw, I thought most of the actors in 300 were British icon_profileleft.gif

Ya, this stuff we're talking about is so generic, it's practically common knowledge

were they british actors? I'm not too sure
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:14 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
puk wrote:

All American movies are like that though. They portray themselves as the heroes, and every one else is some shade of evil.

All systems of illegitimate control are evil, and this obviously includes the USA, so in a bid to convince the citizens of the US that they're living in a free and fair society, they demonize others, for ex Iraq/Iran.

Btw, I thought most of the actors in 300 were British icon_profileleft.gif

Exactly, the spartan society was brutal, pedophile and mentally stupid but they are depicted as heroes and a perfect society faced up to an evil and degenerate one.

The same with films like Pearl Harbour, apparently it is bad to kill soldiers garrisoning a military naval base but it's perfectly correct, good and the right thing to do to launch two nuclear weapons in two cities only populated by civilians when you have already won the war.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:17 pm Reply with quote
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Kasrkin wrote:

The same with films like Pearl Harbour

That is a perfect example of bias in American movies.

Movies always try to get out a message but they are neither neutral or honest.

Sometimes the message is rammed down your throats, like a stupid paragraph at the end of a movie, and at other times there is an agenda, like Batman spying on all of Gotham's Cell phone customers.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:44 pm Reply with quote
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puk wrote:
and at other times there is an agenda, like Batman spying on all of Gotham's Cell phone customers.

Goverments already do it, I know someone who is in jail convicted by a cell phone localization.

Phone companies and goverments though legal requirement, can localize ANY PHONE with an error margin of 10 metres, whether turned off or on provided the battery is plugged in (a cell phone only turned off with the button still give out a signal to the phone company).

They acknowledge that they use that information afterward a crime, but what they do too but don't acknowledge is that they keep a tracking historial of marked phones, that belong to suspicious people like the involved in politics, religion, drug dealing and terrorism, to know where they were in each moment.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:23 pm Reply with quote
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Kasrkin wrote:

Exactly, the spartan society was brutal, pedophile and mentally stupid but they are depicted as heroes and a perfect society faced up to an evil and degenerate one.

They were also controlled by religious fantasy.
IMO, it wasn't so unreasonable for primitive man to believe in God/s, but believing in God in this day and age is plain silly.

Religion also acts as a blueprint for illegitimate control aka "God said", which leads to "Government said".
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:39 pm Reply with quote
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re-BIA HH.

Whilst hit detection isn't as bad as other games, the fact is, Far Cry 2004 and GRAW 2006 have excellent hit detection which enabled me to score long and mid range sniper shots, but BIA is way too inconsistent for my liking.

The game is also softcock, ie, it just doesn't feel intense like GRAW did for ex.

Also, despite the quality of the graphics, there's no aa, and it makes me giddy at times.

This is first and foremost a FPSer, and unfortunately, they've let that part of it down a bit.

I have BIA Road to Hill 30 or whatever the fuck it's called and found it too difficult to bother with and just dumped it, but this game is playable in that you can progress with relative ease{you do need to be careful, as this isn't a run and gun}.

I would say don't bother unless this is your thang and it's cheap.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:34 am Reply with quote
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Kasrkin wrote:

Goverments already do it, I know someone who is in jail convicted by a cell phone localization.

Dude read Naomi Kleins The Shock Doctrine, it is frightening how much of America's serveilance is carried out by PRIVATE CORPORATIONS! It all has to do with Rumsfeild's insane dream of privatizing the military.
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