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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:28 am Reply with quote
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I've yet to hear any song in this game, but if you refer to the song "Still alive" in the promo videos I think it's pretty cool.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:34 pm Reply with quote
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
I've yet to hear any song in this game, but if you refer to the song "Still alive" in the promo videos I think it's pretty cool.
LOL your a kiddo
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Re: Game recommendations
PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:56 am Reply with quote
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
I recommend you fagots to play The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

Have you read Suislide's review BTW? Back then I thought it was one of the worst reviews he ever wrote: (I am not the first poster in the comments BTW although I could have been, except I would not type "accept" in stead of "except").

Last edited by berzerker on Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:04 am Reply with quote
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Yeah I read it. I actually posted a comment in there. The game definitively deserves more than a 7, I'd give it 9+, 9,3 or 9,4. Anyway, now I'm waiting for the sequel, it's due to arrive this year. icon_cheers.gif
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:06 pm Reply with quote
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
Yeah I read it. I actually posted a comment in there. The game definitively deserves more than a 7, I'd give it 9+, 9,3 or 9,4. Anyway, now I'm waiting for the sequel, it's due to arrive this year. icon_cheers.gif
your ratings dont mean shit, its suislide's word on the street.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:12 pm Reply with quote
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go kill yourself please.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:16 pm Reply with quote
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
go kill yourself please.
there is no hurry, i have many games to play icon_pirat.gif
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:13 am Reply with quote
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
To my shame I haven't played any of those games. I'm gonna try System Shock 2 because everyone says it's great. I'm also playing Doom 2 and POP 2 (the old one, but the new one also rocked). I'm playing these on a program called DosBox, normally they won't work on the newer Windows OS.

One additional game you could try is Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. This is also a RPG/FPS hybrid and has, like Gothic, got mixed reviews back in 2004 (it was released immediately after Half-Life 2 and is based on the same engine) but has quite some following. It's a deep and fun game with lots of replayability (except for the last third of the game, which is really boring). The vampire setting is pretty annoying though IMHO.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:16 pm Reply with quote
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Good suggestion. I've heard of this game from Romanian game magazines where it scores a pretty good 8.5 in general if I recall correctly. Why not, I'm gonna pirate this game in the next few days. icon_geek.gif
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:37 am Reply with quote
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
I've heard of this game from Romanian game magazines
wow such a thing really exists ? icon_cyclops_ani.gif
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:31 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
- Anachronox. This is a console style RPG: very funny and, for a PC RPG, original. It was not too well-received by the press, but user reviews are generally much more positive. You play as a complete loser rather than your average macho and have the most absurd party (all losers too BTW) in gaming history.

I noticed that the cut-scenes of this game. combined with some gameplay to help it make sense, were compiled on youtube in an 11 parts movie. Just watched the first 4 and while it looks dated (mind you it already looked dated on the release date) it is still great fun to watch. It is a fairly unique game, and the movie clearly show that quite a lot of effort was put into it. If you played the game years ago and liked it, you might like to take a look.

Last edited by berzerker on Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:48 am, edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:00 am Reply with quote
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I've been busy with 2D platformers lately. I finished LIMBO which was great game fun till the end. Loved the graphics and the whole eerie atmosphere. Clever ideas through and through the game.

I can also recommend another one, it's called Trine 2.
It is a puzzle-platform game bit like the ever awesome Lost Vikings. Don't have to much of a story and everything inside it is a bit fairytale-ish but looks so amazing. Actually after the black & white LIMBO, this was quite a sight indeed.
Finished the first game too (called Trine of course). Although it was good fun and looked great (and featured magical items that you can equip) it was nothing special. Then the enemies were mostly skeletons, now they are goblins. The puzzles are easy in the beginning, then later through the end they become harder to figure out. But like 90% there are more than few different solutions to them which is great.
Now this second title of the series features much better graphics and art that is so awesome, they stuffed so much detail and variety into this game it's almost too much just because we're not used to this kind of quality. Even in places where you're only passing by for a few seconds are looking great, every screenshot is like a wallpaper. Would be awesome if some AD&D - Dragon Age game would be made with enviroments detailed like this. The moment the game begins in Amadeus's home (the wizard of the group) you almost instinctively start exploring the room with your pointer since it's so rich in detail, they should make a point & click adventure game with this engine something like a Discword or a Monkey Island title.

So if you ever liked 2D platformers you should check it out. And if you didn't.. then you should definetly try this.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:18 pm Reply with quote
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Anyone know of any absolutely fucking sick (as in, 'good') RTS games?

So far, I'm liking Dawn of War 2. It may seem a little simplistic, and I have yet to play it (its not even out yet, although you can download a Beta - through Steam... or maybe there are other ways), but from what I've read, there are four factions, each quite different from each other, gameplay and lore wise. and they've all got 3 subfaction-like gameplay dynamics for even more variety.

The graphics look pretty fucking up there too, and gameplay is all about positioning and killing, nonstop killing, in order to progress, you NEED to kill, its a fucking secondary resource. All the units look nice when they're gutting the enemy with a chainsaw sword; its frantic, interesting to watch (I've seen some footage).

It's long ago though, no hope left.

You'll need a decent machine to run it; mine can't - DAMN IT, GIVE ME a free PC... icon_pale.gif. Finally, its Warhammer 40K, 'nuff said. occasion14.gif

Let the record show that this fruitcake did actually post something here that was game related, who would have thought after reading all the crap he posted here since then?
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:54 pm Reply with quote
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Holy shit

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:13 am Reply with quote
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just for the lulz:
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:12 pm Reply with quote
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That trailer was so much better than most of the trailers we get that are a bunch of hardcore shooting and music. I hereby request that guy speaks at my funeral.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:29 pm Reply with quote
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I just started playing the Void again only to visit some of it's scenery and take some more of that nice calm mood the game gives.
Since the topic is to recommend games, I can safely recommend this. Yea, the first impression is that it's dark and dull, but later as you see the big picture you can appreciate even that and find sedation in those fields.
As you start the game you feel that it wants to put you in a bad mood but actually it's the opposite. And as you get more and more stuff done, the better it gets. There are so many other games and good ones yes, but like after playing 15-20 of that, you just HAVE TO play this once. From the beginning to the end. Just play this any you'll understand what I'm talking about.
+ the music and voice acting is simply the best. Need any more convincing? Read ma review here and get this from steam or use whatever source you can. Then let yourself sink into the Void..
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:08 am Reply with quote
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I am playing Guacamelee. Fun side scroller sadly its only on ps3. Combat system is great. Much better than most games like this.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:51 pm Reply with quote
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PlanetSide 2 PLANETSIDE 2

This game is a step in the right direction, IMO. It is like a prototype for things to come. For the big mutherfucken games. Ginormous, 1000 player battlers, at least, with tanks, aircraft, etc. Space battles too, with the possibility of traversing the distance between planets all in real time, so you could rape and pillage a solar system at least.

I'd love to see a concept like this taken into a completely ruthless, grueling, war & genocide IP, like, oh, I don't know, WH40K. Yeah, that would be perfect. Instead of being a simpleton soldier (like in battlefield or PlanetSide) you could be so much more, like a impossibly fast and strong, psychic alien, or a super soldier. Instead of just two sides fighting at each other on screen at all times, or 3, theres at least 7 major species of aliens, including humans, and they ALL HATE EACH OTHER. Epic FFAs guaranteed.

The way to do it would be to have so many god damn NPCs on everyone's side, everytime a human player spawns, they can just take control of the NPC that their class selection was. Or, if they want to spawn as their "real" character, that one that levels up and and shit like in MMOs, you'd have to spawn in an isolated area, so that no one can see a character suddenly blink into existence. That would kill the immersion! Load up on your battlebarge, link up with your squad, and get in the drop pods.

Think PlanetSide 2 refined, so none of the current deficiencies like random unit draw distances, general lag and unstableness of the game exist anymore.

That would be the starting point. Basically, when PlanetSide 2's development gets fully polished, completely finished - it would be a great starting point for even bigger projects. Destiny sounds interesting too, despite the console crap. Despite the predictable halo crap, at least the whole open world concept is being worked on. In Destiny, it was mentioned that you could traverse the game world from one planet to the next, and the space in between, without any loading screens. It is all real time. Immersion is being worked on, so it is a good sign of things to come.

But back to WH40K PlanetSide 2 Refined style, I was thinking of new features, gameplay mechanics.

I was thinking about implementing melee combat, so that all four limbs can be used, and both arms could wield guns or swords or rocks or bombs or beer or joints or heads, whatever your character can get it's hands on. It would be complex game for the player to be able use all of these functions.

Imagine having two aiming reticles on screen. Imagine having two gaming mouses to control both. Move the mouses to move the reticles, while using a thumb stick mounted on the side of one of your gaming mouses to control your viewpoint, and on the other mouse to move your body.

So you could dual wield two pistols, you could head shot two ppl at once. Or you could have a pistol and a sword. The melee reticle would have different statistics and indicators. Basically the melee reticle would help you determine if you are close enough to do things like a lunge attack, or a decapitation.

I haven't hammered out all the details yet, but holy fuck this gonna be intense.

Imagine this thing:

NOT as a gaming pad, but as a mouse. The part where you rest your hand on? Extend that, add two mouse buttons and a scroll button, swap the side directional pad with a side analog stick.

Of course you could still just use a normal mouse and keyboard combo, and still dual wield and shit. The aforementioned dual mouse thing is an idea I've had floating around in my head for some time now.

Picture this: In this dream game, you could be storming a trench line with a 1000 (hopefully more) other players. You charge with your lasgun, shooting while you run, vaulting into the trench and stabbing the enemy alien and/or heretic in the throat with the bayonet, landing your boots on his chest kicking him and his weapon to the ground, twisting the blade out - and getting shot in the head with a shotgun from a pussy hiding on his belly in the dirt, just a foot or 3 away from you.

RESPAWN. This time, I want to be a pilot.

OK, now, I'm gonna play as my character, a space marine. If you die as your main character, you have to wait a certain amount of time, and certain conditions need to be met in order to respawn. My clan is ready to storm the front lines to get closer to the chaos titan so that the rest of our forces can move in, and we could possibly board the titan.

Your in a transport tank barreling down the frontlines. It's gunner gets some good shots off. The ramp descends, everyone piles out. I've got wicked armor and guns now. The targets are mostly grunts, normal humans. To save ammo and kill enemy morale, bust out the chainsword while my bros shoot em.

In this dream game of mine, the physics would be immaculate. You could eviscerate limbs with a sword, or you can grab a guys head by the hair and with your short sword decapitate them. Your arm might get blown off for your main guy and he might have to get bionics.

If your main character gets killed in epic PvP scenarios, the punishment is demotion, losing of stats. You basically go back in time the next spawn because you are now playing as your character from months ago, because you and your faction lost the planet fuckus to the green horde, and you got wasted in an "arena" match with some ork player at your level. It's ok. The factions can always regroup, and you and your marines already have. Revenge is just around the corner. That snooty ork nob is gonna pay...

OK, now I'm gonna spawn as a tank driver. I shot one thing, and then

"Warning - orbital bombardment imminent" My comm system reporting to me.

And then the whole battlefield's terrain gets huge holes shot into it from space cruisers and their ion cannons. The physics would be immaculate so that EVERY object in the game can be deformed. Think battlefield's terrain deforming features, destructible buildings and shit, but to a whole, nuvah, levul...

Im gonna play my other account now:

I'm a chaos space marine. I just shot a couple loyalist marines dead, but theres one left, and just shot my two squad members. We start beating the shit out of each other, I bash his head in with a knee, he gets a nice upper cut to my jaw. A sniper shoots him in the head. I radio the guy who shot him and told him to fuck off, that fucking glory stealer. He laughs and says to blow him. It is a NPC player.

Yup, planetside 2 is a step in the right direction.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:31 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 356

We cannot compare anything with Destiny since there's no information on it despite what everybody seems to say. They were led to believe they know anything but in reality they were just fed with BS
They released long ass videos and all they said is how nice it will be but without stating any facts.
- This will be awesome, truly the next step in gaming
- Yea, this will be a milestone, nobody did anything like this before.
- It will be huge. Like really huge.
- It's wonderful when creative minds have the means to accomplish their goals, and this will be true art in the field of gaming.
- BSBSBSBSBS... etc.

That's all they said. Basically nothing. Will this be an FPS? They didn't even state the genre of the game... Or anything. Will it be an MMO? What is the goal of the game? Everybody thinks they know someting about the game but all they did was seeing a few concept arts and hearing the developers praising each others ass.
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