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The forum is fucking dead
PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 5:30 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 778

It's already in the course of putrefaction because only 2 or 3 people post anymore. At least we get some nice reviews once a month (lol) but the site is fucking dead. First of all it's the only site I've ever seen that ask you for a code when you log in. Now that scares of the potential 90% forum members!

Too bad 'cause I like the reviews here and I would like to read more of them! This is really one of the sites I visit the most.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:46 pm Reply with quote
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Your powers of observation are extraordinary, but it's not the login code, it's the perception that we're all sociopaths or gang members because of the gratuitous language.....ditch the excess and you'll pick people up regularly.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:25 am Reply with quote
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The "this forum is dead" point has been raised a few time before. It appears the forum has always been this quiet.

The problem is not that the forum is quiet, but the site itself. This is caused by the fact that the site depends on one man / person / being (Suislide). M0nkey munky2.gif has not posted a review in decades, and once Suislide does not post reviews, few others do. Suislide has not reviewed anything in almost 2 months now. Maybe he glasses3.gif has found someone icon_albino.gif to raise a family triplets.gif with?

If it were not for my dull personality (causing me to write dull rather than funny reviews), gaming habits (I have an older PC so I tend to play older games, currently Timeshift after not getting Stalker to run decently) and the fact that the games I play usually have already been reviewed here, I would write a few myself. What is stopping you BTW?

Maybe a "Steam sucks" topic here could stir the forum up a bit (although possibly everyone agrees that Steam sucks). But the number of members here may be too low for an active forum anyway.

So in the end it is up to Suislide to post a bit more. Maybe sending some vicious dogs dog.gif after him would help? Of should we simply be nicer occasion14.gif to him or make sure he gets paid even more? toothy5.gif

And I guess neither the login nor the improper language on the forum and in the comments to the reviews really matter because there may simply be insufficient visitors on the site to begin with.

Last edited by berzerker on Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:55 am, edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:51 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Your powers of observation are extraordinary, but it's not the login code, it's the perception that we're all sociopaths or gang members because of the gratuitous language.....ditch the excess and you'll pick people up regularly.

Maybe it is the contrary. Look at the 2 topics below this one. The topic called "you have choosen, or been choosen" currently has 54 views (and 1 reply, by the topic starter himself), and the topic called "Fuck niggers" has had 10.811 views and 101 replies.

Scrolling down, the first topic with more views than that is "i fuckin hate jews", dating back to June 2007.

Must we conclude that improper language (improper topics to be more precise) attracks visitors rather than scares them away? Or maybe there are 2 sorts of visitors: some come here to read funny reviews of PC games (or at least reviews that differ from the reviews on the main stream game sites, which are dominated by consoles anyway) who probably do not visit the forum at all, while others come mainly to flame and insult (mostly in the forum).
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:09 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Maybe it is the contrary. Look at the 2 topics below this one. The topic called "you have choosen, or been choosen" currently has 54 views (and 1 reply, by the topic starter himself), and the topic called "Fuck niggers" has had 10.811 views and 101 replies.

Yes but if excessive foul language was a desirable factor, we'd have a reasonably busy forum, rather than a handful of very controversial sounding topics that entice people to take a peak.

The fact is, modifying the language can be tested, but the existing level of language has already been tested= EPIC FAIL.

Imagine trying to recruit some of your buddies....what would describe this forum as?........" a weird place that doesn't seem to have any sensible censorship, which naturally results in all manner of infantile behaviour".
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:15 pm Reply with quote
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You guys are thinking too hard.

If the site was "popular" it would take a bunch of work, more contributors and most likely become "for profit". (Kinda defeating the whole purpose.)

If I imagine this as a popular site; I see the same people in this thread starting topics about how much the site changed and how all the new users are idiots.

I can, however, suggest a way to get more traffic.

Look at the top 10. Half of them are mine and I hold the top 3 spots even though suisilide has done considerably more for this site.


I target things that draw lots of search engine traffic. (pron games, obscure things ETC). Simply find something that isn't covered well on other sites and write something up. Or don't.... DO WHAT YOU WANT. Who cares what others want?

notworthy.gif notworthy.gifmunky2.gifnotworthy.gif notworthy.gif
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:40 pm Reply with quote
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I suspect all the people complaining about the forum's state will offer to be mods etc.....and there's nothing wrong with profit, the problem is "selling out" for profit.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:05 pm Reply with quote
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M0nKeY wrote:
You guys are thinking too hard.

If the site was "popular" it would take a bunch of work, more contributors and most likely become "for profit". (Kinda defeating the whole purpose.)

If I imagine this as a popular site; I see the same people in this thread starting topics about how much the site changed and how all the new users are idiots.

I can, however, suggest a way to get more traffic.

Look at the top 10. Half of them are mine and I hold the top 3 spots even though suisilide has done considerably more for this site.


I target things that draw lots of search engine traffic. (pron games, obscure things ETC). Simply find something that isn't covered well on other sites and write something up. Or don't.... DO WHAT YOU WANT. Who cares what others want?

Post that pic on the main page as a news item!
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:11 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
The topic called "you have choosen, or been choosen" currently has 54 views (and 1 reply, by the topic starter himself)

Ya, and I was proud of the snappy title I came up with.

Ya, Pogma, I don't know where you're getting this concept of 'swearing scares away people', it's actually the only reason I'm still here
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:10 am Reply with quote
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puk wrote:
berzerker wrote:
The topic called "you have choosen, or been choosen" currently has 54 views (and 1 reply, by the topic starter himself)

Ya, and I was proud of the snappy title I came up with.

Ya, Pogma, I don't know where you're getting this concept of 'swearing scares away people', it's actually the only reason I'm still here

But you're hardly fucking normal are you....LOL.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:46 am Reply with quote
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you're absolutely right. It was anectodal of me.

More importantly, you could apply that same self serving bias to the 'rating system' you created a few weeks back. After you created it, you thenceforth adopted it as the defacto standard for rating games.

maybe a poll is in order, or a survey.

What do you think is the biggest weakness of this side (Suislide's dry streak notwithstanding).
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:57 am Reply with quote
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The biggest weakness of this forum is the ghetto talk IMO....and it should be obvious that it's the cause of this forum's poor activity, as what else could explain it...?

The funny thing about this place is that neither Suzyslide nor Monkey seem to care that the forum is a "tomb".......normally the admin and mods are the one's chasing business.

As for my rating will prevent people buying sloppy shit like Deadspace......I could've bought COD4 instead, but I foolishly listened to people hype up a heap of shit that makes using a keyboard with severe arthritis seem like more fun.

The fact is, we're in the era of multi-platform gaming, and unfortunately, there are no benefits to the more discerning gamers, only a series of downsides that have to be factored into buying system favours people who are fed up with this ugly phase of gaming.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:02 am Reply with quote
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I just don't support overzealous censorship.

I don't mind if the admins censor racism, but even then, it's not their job to change people's personalities.

The problem just boils down to the fact that there aren't enough members here. I' sure if you went over to the gamespot forums, you'd find that at any given time 0.1% of the members are engaging in conversation. But fagspot has millions of users, so it's not a big deal.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:21 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
As for my rating will prevent people buying sloppy shit like Deadspace......I could've bought COD4 instead, but I foolishly listened to people hype up a heap of shit that makes using a keyboard with severe arthritis seem like more fun.

The fact is, we're in the era of multi-platform gaming, and unfortunately, there are no benefits to the more discerning gamers, only a series of downsides that have to be factored into buying system favours people who are fed up with this ugly phase of gaming.

CoD4 is even more a multi-platform release than Dead Space. Maybe you would have hated CoD4 just as much.

Both games were received quite favorably by reviewers and by gamers alike, so the fact that you bought a game you did not like is probably just bad luck.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:50 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
The biggest weakness of this forum is the ghetto talk IMO....and it should be obvious that it's the cause of this forum's poor activity, as what else could explain it...?

I think Pogma is right. I remember before I registered I just read the reviews and had no intention of registering. When I read the forums I had the impression that the users of this site are drug addicts and that made me to register only after a few months.

And by the way I don't want to be admin because I'd like to learn web design and make my OWN sites.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:05 pm Reply with quote
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mihai_alexandru73 wrote:
I remember before I registered I just read the reviews and had no intention of registering. When I read the forums I had the impression that the users of this site are drug addicts and that made me to register only after a few months.

Then what made you decide to register after those months? Neither the reviewing style nor the contents of the forums have changed within those months, have they?
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:25 pm Reply with quote
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I guess I just changed my opinion about drug addicts LOL. xD

But the junk discussions in the banter section got increasingly lower in the last months. That's the only change I guess.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:12 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

CoD4 is even more a multi-platform release than Dead Space. Maybe you would have hated CoD4 just as much.

I have the COD4's fine and playable, but Deadspace limits the mappings you can make, and this makes it unplayable for me....I have no idea of what the game's like as I refuse to play it in it's abominable state.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:17 pm Reply with quote
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puk wrote:
I just don't support overzealous censorship.

I don't mind if the admins censor racism, but even then, it's not their job to change people's personalities.


What's racism? that where I'm forced to like idiotic or primitive ideologies?....cause I don't icon_cheers.gif

Don't worry, it's obvious you're going to get your way, ie, the forum will remain dead for days upon days......I was just pointing out what seems to be the main cause....but if the powers that be refuse to budge, then they'll get more of the same.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:49 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
As for my rating will prevent people buying sloppy shit like Deadspace......I could've bought COD4 instead, but I foolishly listened to people hype up a heap of shit that makes using a keyboard with severe arthritis seem like more fun.
the mapping can be improved, but it by no means limits you to play dead space which is an XLnT game. seriously the game is so amazing that i ignored the minor inconvenience and continue playing one of the most memorable games of all times. anyone who doesnt like this game, sucks multiple smelly cocks or doesnt have a dick.
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