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Do you guys love Jews?
PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:13 am Reply with quote
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They're very smart people who seem to own and control almost gotta give em props for that bom.gif
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:49 am Reply with quote
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They do and they don't. I think the appropriate term to use is "accepted". Jews are accepted in American society. If America jettisons Israel, as they had planned to do prior to the 79 revolution in Iran, things will change.

AIPAC is strong, but the christian right is stronger. You think Wolfowitz promotes all these wars b/c he loves Jews?

Jews dominate a few industries which bring in serious cash. Hollywood, is not one of these. Banking could be considered one of them, although I don't know if they still dominate that, but the legal sector is the big one. The Bar started coming into its own in the 1830's (The Transformation of American Law, Morton Hrrowitz) and ever since then the judicial system has started acting as the politics of big business.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:10 pm Reply with quote
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I thought they dominated Hollywood and the mass media as well?
It's just that I noticed some anti-nigga topics, so I ass-umed you guys would be anti-Jew....?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:29 pm Reply with quote
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Ya they do own hollywood, but the banking structures are far FAR bigger. Same thing goes for the oil lobby

Ya the antisemtism card is a pain in the ass, especially when it's used to support Israel. It's like calling everyone a nigger or a self hating honkey if they speak badly of Appartheid.

Between Iran dominating the middle east and China rising as a super economy, the Jews are gonna be left twisting in the wind (IMO)
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:30 pm Reply with quote
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ya they do influence the media, but they don't 'own' it. They can piss down the rope (on muslims), but they can't piss up it or the late reverand Falwell will come back and bitch slap them.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:50 pm Reply with quote
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puk wrote:
ya they do influence the media, but they don't 'own' it. They can piss down the rope (on muslims), but they can't piss up it or the late reverand Falwell will come back and bitch slap them.

Last time I checked, Jews were still the major players in terms of both control and ownership of the mass media, especially in the US.......if you want confirmation, check Jewwatch, they usually have a list of who owns what.

Re-anti-semtism card......I was watching the horrible show called "The View" for a few minutes, and they had David Frost as a which point they suggested that there's something amiss with him working for the English version of Aljezerra as it was engaged in the business of criticizing since when does Israel get a pass at "criticism"..?

You probably already know this, but not only is Israel the Middle East superpower, it's one of the world's superpowers thanks to its nuclear weapons.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:50 am Reply with quote
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I'm on thin ice here, I know.

Maybe I should rephrase my position. Jews can dominate the media and shape it in any way that they like, so long as it fits in line with America's overall policies.

So Israel belonging to the Jews and palestinians being "parasites who breed and advertise their misery on TV, Good.

Israel who secretly sells missile technology to the Chinese, then gets ordered by the US to cease all such activities, then tries to continue doing so from some back channels, gets caught, has all military ties with US severed, several generals kicked out of the US, then is forced to write a letter of appology to the US, Bad

In the former case the "jewish media" was all over that shit. In the latter, they did not dare to say a peep.

But that shit on the view, you see it all the time, and it drives me nuts. Chomsky put it best when he said "...[the occupation] doesn't rise to the level of South Africa 40 years ago, when they developed the Bantustans."

Israel is an offshore military base, so it has the strongest military in the mid east, but
1)It's called a 'liability' b/c unlike Saudi Arabia or Iran (under the shah) it has no oil, so US tax payers money goes into financing the military.
2)Iran's control of the oil fields has grown exponentially since the disasterous invasion of Iraq.

You want outrageous, read Time Immemorial, by Jaon Peters. It's a book which attempts to paint Palestine as a barren land with no inhabitants until the settlers arrived. It was on the NYT best sellers list, even though Norman Finklestein wrote his entire thesis on how innacurate the book was. Then the book was released in Europe and the shit hit the fan, and it was a major embarassment for the NYT. I think one European commentator even went so far as to claim the book "didn't rise to the level of idiocy"
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:42 am Reply with quote
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puk wrote:

Maybe I should rephrase my position. Jews can dominate the media and shape it in any way that they like, so long as it fits in line with America's overall policies.

This is my, if the media play a major role in which politicians are elected and which are smeared/pressured/ignored, then can't we conclude that US policy is Jewish policy as they own and control the mass media....?

re-Chomsky{a Jew}.....his game is to criticize politicians/US policy whilst barely if ever mentioning the role Jews play, IOW, he wants you to focus on and hate expendable politicians whilst giving the Jews/Zionists a wide birth.

One more thing, I'm surprised I haven't been savaged as a racist/anti-semite icon_cheers.gif
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:56 pm Reply with quote
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You're in a sense right, Jews do have a great deal of power, but people have this conception that jews can do whatever they want. The example I gave with Israel was one such case where Jews knew they had to keep quiet. Not a single jew, including anyone from AIPAC dared to defend Israel's position.

But, to quote Gilbert Achcar (Perilous Power), to say that Israel (in other words Jews) dictates US policy is like saying the tail wags the dog.

In fact we are starting to see a widening of differences between christians and jews. Jimmy Carter has voiced his opinion on Israel (no doubt b/c he's so mad that he was scapegoated during his term). Bill O'Reilly has come out and blown the whole x-mas/hanaka thing out of proportion. Anne coulter did it with Jews perfecting themselves (which ruined her career as a professional cunt). And quite frankly people are getting tired of Jews blowing up Arabs, especially since Americans have to foot the bill.

That being said, to give defense to your position, you get neo natzis like Wolfe Blitzer coming straight out of AIPAC and into your living room. You know some big Jew in high places told CNN that they had to hire Blitzer cuz the guy is as bad at acting as David Letterman.

Ya I think people here are so racist that they are open to all's really good IMO.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:19 am Reply with quote
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Firstly....I'm not a 100% it's the "Jews", it's probably moreso the Zionists, but either way, these guys are hiding in the open, ie, most people don't know that Jews dominate the mass media, don't know that Jews push various social change to protect themselves even though it may or may not be good for the country, don't know that Israel is a military superpower etc...

For example, what is the real basis of the Iraq war?'s certainly not WMD.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:47 am Reply with quote
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Yup, yup, and more yup.

wrt to the reason for the iraq war, it's a tough one.

John perkins (Confessions of an Economic Hitman) claims that this is the way the US [de facto] operates. Namely that they send in the businessmen, if the country refuses to pursue their interests, the US sends in what's called the Jackals (CIA) to assassinate the president, and if that doesn't work, they send in the marines and the 82nd airborn.

Others claim it's all about oil

some claim AIPAC pressured them since zionists have this insane notion of always being under attack from their enemies.

Wolfowitz and Perle no doubt had a few wet dreams about this

Frank Rich (The Greatest Story Ever Sold) was interviewing some Bush administration politician, and he pretty much hit the nail on the head by saying "I fear I may go to the grave never truly figuring out why we went to war in Iraq"

All I know is that innocent women and children are dying in Iraq by the thousands.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:52 am Reply with quote
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puk wrote:

All I know is that innocent women and children are dying in Iraq by the thousands.

My guess would be not only control of oil, ie, who gets it and who doesn't, but also control of the region.
It was as obvious as a large pile of dogshit that WMD was bogus, and that being the case, the Bush admin can't be considered as trustworthy or the good guys, so it can't have anything to do with humanitarian goals either.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:51 am Reply with quote
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But the American people actually believed Bush. When I was in New York some girl was SCREAMING at me b/c she found out I was Canadian (we refused to send troops to Iraq). She kept saying they had WMDs and they caused 9/11
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:31 am Reply with quote
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puk wrote:
But the American people actually believed Bush. When I was in New York some girl was SCREAMING at me b/c she found out I was Canadian (we refused to send troops to Iraq). She kept saying they had WMDs and they caused 9/11

Most people are as dumb as shit and think that everything they read in the media, or see on TV is the truth, so that's not surprising, but I wonder what her thoughts are now, for ex, if Iraq had WMD, they would've used them to defend themselves.

I think 9/11 was a combo of non-commercial planes, missiles, planted explosives and a three-way fuckfest between elements of the media, gov, and the military.

I became aware of the saturation of Jews/Zionists in the US media in mid-2001, so when 9/11 occurred, I assumed the gov did it somehow as a pretext for war and later learnt that many incriminating documents and files were destroyed during 9/ about 2 birds with one "stone".
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:07 am Reply with quote
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Ya I too saw those youtube videos, and at first I thought there was enough anomolies to claim that 9/11 was staged by the US. But then Chomsky made some strong, yet very simple observations (man is that guy clever)
1) The administration is porous, and if they had planned it, this would've been leaked out to the press. At this point the entire republican party would be destroyed. They would have to, at the very least, revert back to calling themeselves the Wigs.
2)This has benefited all countries, not just america: Israel is crushing the palestinians, turkey is crushing the kurds, Russia is destroying chechnya, China is destroying everyone within their borders...

I think Iraq was phase 2 of the disaster (vietnam was phase 1) and i just don't think the US will ever recover. It was really bad timing (b/c china is on the rise), and it was just shit bad luck (Iran has gotten a lot stronger)
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:45 am Reply with quote
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puk wrote:
Ya I too saw those youtube videos, and at first I thought there was enough anomolies to claim that 9/11 was staged by the US. But then Chomsky made some strong, yet very simple observations (man is that guy clever)
1) The administration is porous, and if they had planned it, this would've been leaked out to the press.

So Chomsky thinks 19 Arabs did it?

As I've tried to point out before, the press are owned and controlled by the Jews{by and large}, so reporters can't just waltz up and get air-time on such a big accusation without Jewish approval+ many of the reporters are Jews who may or may not be dubious.

I realize you don't buy into my side of the story totally, but think about it, if "they" did do it, and were prepared to kill 3000+ American's, they'd have no qualms about disposing of a few pesky reporters here or there.

If you and I were simply discussing the overall quality of the mass media, we'd probably both conclude that despite some good stuff, it's mainly junk, junk TV, junk radio, junk newspapers......yet if I or anyone exposes the fact that Jews oversee this mess, I'm usually greeted with ad hom, or some form of rationalization that's it's no big deal.

IMO, if you really want to get to the bottom of this, you need to ensure that you know the basic facts, and think carefully about the implications of, the media are largely owned and controlled by Jews and that the media play a huge role in selecting, promoting and supporting politicians.......once you accept this, it's hard to get past the idea that the US is controlled by Israel/Zionists.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:18 am Reply with quote
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The press is owned by the elite. There are 5 big ones: Viacom, Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch News corp and Bertlesman (2005 stats, The New Media Monopoly, Ben Bagdikian). Now those corporations may be owned by zionists, but they ultimately care about money. When dealing with the media, always consider it in that context.

Take the Saudis, staunch anti jews, but they are the longest and closest ally in the mid east (oil is more important than the IDF)

as for the US staging 9/11, it's very risky, and the system is so porous, that the truth would come out. Now it's one thing to break into the democratic national convention, or to sell crack to the ghettos, but to willfully cause the deaths of thousands of your citizens, then the entire presidency would fall apart. Imagine all the people involved. Pilots for the UAVs, the CIA agents involved, the NSC...I'll quote Ambassador Mulcahy who made it perfectly clear just how porous the system really is:

"There is one problem...If you do ship any arms to South Africa I will resign in protest [and go public]"(In search of Enemies, Stockwell, p189)

btw, the junk you were referring to is "filler". TV shows are the filler and the commercials are the meat. That's where the cash comes in.

I agree with you on a lot of issues, but some I don't.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:58 pm Reply with quote
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It's up to you whether you reply or not....remember, I don't know exactly what happened or exactly who did what etc, but here's my problem with the official story.

You have to believe 19 Arabs outwitted the US defence network.
You have to account for why some reporters and eye witnesses said "I tawt I saw a pudy tat" wait, that's not right......they said, "I thought I saw a missile"

You have to account for the explosions heard and reported by fire-fighters etc.
You have to account for the freefall speed of the buildings collapsing.
You have to account for why these are the first buildings of their type to be destroyed by fire, when others have burnt for 20hrs and never fell.

I could go on and on regarding the anomalies.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:35 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:

It's up to you whether you reply or not....remember, I don't know exactly what happened or exactly who did what etc, but here's my problem with the official story.

You have to believe 19 Arabs outwitted the US defence network.
You have to account for why some reporters and eye witnesses said "I tawt I saw a pudy tat" wait, that's not right......they said, "I thought I saw a missile"

You have to account for the explosions heard and reported by fire-fighters etc.
You have to account for the freefall speed of the buildings collapsing.
You have to account for why these are the first buildings of their type to be destroyed by fire, when others have burnt for 20hrs and never fell.

I could go on and on regarding the anomalies.

God damn you are fucking stupid.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:00 am Reply with quote
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Suislide wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:

It's up to you whether you reply or not....remember, I don't know exactly what happened or exactly who did what etc, but here's my problem with the official story.

You have to believe 19 Arabs outwitted the US defence network.
You have to account for why some reporters and eye witnesses said "I tawt I saw a pudy tat" wait, that's not right......they said, "I thought I saw a missile"

You have to account for the explosions heard and reported by fire-fighters etc.
You have to account for the freefall speed of the buildings collapsing.
You have to account for why these are the first buildings of their type to be destroyed by fire, when others have burnt for 20hrs and never fell.

I could go on and on regarding the anomalies.

God damn you are fucking stupid.

LOL, great example of a rational response....get back to reviewing VGS, LOL.
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