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God that felt good. On the Gamespot site whatever words the scripting AI doesn't remove, those trigger happy mods will remove
to whoever runs this shitty site (which still is suprisingly better maintained than the collosal site): if you properly promote this site you could make it very large, very attractive and make an assload of money off of ads. Get in touch with me if you need the initial capital to beef up this site...OK so I'm flat broke, but seriously, I'll put on the Eye of The Tiger inspirational music in the background and I'll chant "You can do it", as u update this site
For starters, update the google tags such that when someone googles for "Gamespot sucks", it gets redirected to here.
Gamespot is such a piece of shit, u have no idea just how many people hate that site. Not only is the structure collapsing under its own weight, but the content is gay too. They give the shittiest games (like Kane and Lynch) a decent mark, but then MGS3 gets ass raped. Regardless of what one thinks of Metal Gear Solid 3, if that game doesn't get a 9, this game shouldn't even get a 3.
Oh and I love how they have this one clause in there whereby the mods remove your post (and thereby your oppinion) if you are deemed a "troll". Well a troll is someone who posts a comment meant specifically to incite arguments...In other words a troll is someone who posts...anyone who posts. Seriously, they just gave these mods a green light to take out any and all posters.
Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:48 am
Joined: Aug 23, 2005
Posts: 482
Thanks for telling us what Gamespot is like, we seriously had no idea.
Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:58 am
VGS Admin
Joined: Aug 14, 2003
Posts: 509
Pretty sure I did write something about how they suck cock but perhaps not!
Beating off the dead horse...
Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:06 am
Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Posts: 63
I seem to recall that they gave Army of Two a 6.5/10, partly because the reviewer ostensibly didn't like the glorification of those EEEVILE Blackwater mercenary types (the US military regularly advertises on Gamespot, but apparently the reviewer thought his audience would be too dumb put two n' two together). This is from the same site that has given just about every single GTA game since #3 an Editor's Choice Award.
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:08 pm
Joined: Sep 11, 2005
Posts: 172
Army of Two is ironically a satire about the whole military contractor / government thing. Which makes it funny because the reviewer is obviously dumb. People being dumb is funny. You will laugh or I will cut you.
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:44 pm
Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 193
Not to mention its population of shit-licking console bitches, capable of give Gun a 9.0 and Crysis a 6.5 because they are pissed off when a pc game doesn't have a fucking port (and of course they don't give a shit when a game isn't in PC, because they think consoles are "THE" plataform).
They must have some kind of "stool pigeon" system to mark posts they don't like because mine got a red pilot.
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:53 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Jun 23, 2008
Posts: 2140
Location: Southampton, UK
I'm actually enjoying the game
How much denial is this guy in. How could you like this game? That's like getting out of a car accident and saying you really enjoyed that.
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:11 pm
Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 193
See this, about Fallout 3 for PS3 and you will understand:
Stop Crying, holy [censored]!! So maybe the PS3 version has very slightly duller graphics. No DLC yet? Oh Well!! Trophies? Not important. Some of you are so damn busy trying to find little things to [censored] about, you're ignoring the fact that the game is still spectacular. Now we get this stupid thread wondering why they even released a PS3 version. It was released because thousands of players like myself, love the Fallout series, and it shouldn't be kept from us just because of a few very minor issues. This threads author strikes me as one of those kids who throw a tantrum if their parents won't buy them the newest most expensive [censored], and make them settle for something cheaper but just as good.
They just WANT IT TO BE GOOD, but when they realise IT ISN'T, instead of blaming the real responsibles (which would degrade EVEN MORE what they want so hard), they DENY IT and attack who is exposing its faults, because they disturb his desire of deny.
Must be some kind of primitive instinct of submissiveness, I've seen it in many fields like politics or friend groups.
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