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Firstly, I would like to express my thanks! eureka! A Video Game review site I can express me true opinion, with out the clutter of manors, and common decency!
Have kids.. wife.. full time job.. I have been playing MMORPS since Ever Quest 1 beta.
About 10 years of Fantasy online gaming.
-EQ 1,2,
-Vanguard<<<(currently drugging through)
-Anarchy online
-Acherons Call
-City of Heroes
-Ultima Online
Time spent:
When I was younger and going to university I could some times rack up 17 –20 hours a day online gaming. These days 2-4 hours a night after work. 14- 25 hours week depending on mitigating circumstances. Insane? addiction? Compulsive obsessive? Anyway… I probably need help.. lol..
Days of Old:
I remember when MMORPS were fresh and exciting. new worlds waiting to be explored and exploited. When a dungeon was a dungeon! Not a lily instanced or an impossible to enter with out a twinkled full group of “account buyers”
^^^insert Rant about how come all these online games are no fun anymore because whinny players post too much in the game publishers forums about balance issues and exploit reports. All this feed back to designers has made Online worlds soft, dumb down, repetitive, snore fests that suck every bit of your time.
What ever happened to soloing? Why can’t I get into any cool dungeons to solo these days? I need fucking adventure and excitement and I can’t find it help!
Currently I am playing Vanguard. I have a mid to high level character on the pvp FFA server.
Long ago I played on Tallon zek(EQ old timer server) when it was loot one item and all coin on a pvp kill. Now that was exciting. These days you would be lucky to get coin and some getto server leader Board listing oohhh.
Vanguards is nice looking best graphics I have seen yet but suffers from a lacking dungeon experience and heavy on quests in the wilderness landscape environment. Making it very fucking boring after level twelve.
I can’t do anything with out my guild. My guild is full of grinders and whinners that will not ever fucking move from one camping spot.. ever..
Group level limit is the sux
The leveling group limit is 6 levels.. making it almost impossible to get any one into a group.
Travel was designed to make gaming not fun in anyway when 70 % of you fucking valuable time is spent riding an hour to your gay grinding location. Groups that want to hunt together should never have to spent time traveling to each other that is just online suckage.
Bank Ganking
PVP is lame yeah you can kill anyone even at the bank but only getting coin. everyone make’s alt bank gankers fishing for that imbecile retarded enough to make a gold runner high enough to be attacked. Boring..
When will someone make a MMO where you can actually lose something you worked for?
The funny part is when you hit 50ith level or 80 or what ever the current cap is on your flavor of the month MMO. So you hit 50th level and it took you 700 hours and you are proud of that. But you are still as powerful as you were at level one.
-Can’t solo
-Still can’t Rape and pillage
-How come this guy can still Gank me..??
-Bank account is 20 gp and you don’t have enough for your Epic weapon.
-The only contact your guild members will have with you is spammed text are you going to make a donation? and can you PL me when i go AFK for 14 hours?
Was it all worth it?
Spamed by the gm's?
I am spamed constantly by some idiot’s bot- thinking I will buy gold online. I think its actually the developers trying to make more money. I get 10 or 20 spams a night “ sorry to disturb you but pls visit my fucking shit 24 hour only web page where I will take your credit card number..
Ps_____I have such a game funk going on right now. I had to find this site and play X-com for 14 hours, hell I am thinking about pulling out Fallout.. but I Know it will never be the same as when I first opened the box. yes, yes I sniffed the users manual it has that cardboard box smell similar to when I opened my first Boba fet action figure.
sooo cathartic!
Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:35 pm
VGS Admin
Joined: Aug 13, 2003
Posts: 181
Location: New York
I really don't see the situation improving anytime soon. Since the main goal of these companies is to make money there will never be a real return of games like EQ1.
Vangaurd has major issues, especially in PVP as you have pointed out. I was in the beta for a while and the game was definitely launched prematurely because Sigil ran out of money. Can't comment on LoTR as I haven't tried it yet... but the end of this year and the beginning of next year brings an EQ2 expansion, Age of Conan and then Warhammer.... maybe one of these will be a move in the right direction. From what I can gather they probably wont be.
EQ2 sucked at launch and eventually it became rather decent and its what I'm involved in now. Vanguard MAY have a chance but They are going to need to move quickly. The question is if they will retain enough members to justify keeping the operation afloat while they attempt to make the game viable. Right now it clearly isn't.
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:20 pm
Joined: Apr 13, 2007
Posts: 37
I hear Blizzard is planning yet another expansion for WoW....
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