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playing by yourself gets fucking boring, the best gaming experience you can have is playing against other real fucking people. no AI can ever properly simulate this... the feeling you get when you out-wit an actuall human, its wonderfull.
In short, out-witting an "actual human" is so pathetically easy it's almost laughable. The bell-curve (Statistics 101, uneducated loser) suggests that well over 70% of all people will be below "good", and online gaming suggests that the reality is over 90% just plain suck the fetid sweat from syphilitic donkey scrotums.
I mean let's just face up to reality. How talented is some total loser, who bitches about how "expensive" a $12.00 a month game is, going to be? If you suck so badly in life that you bitch about the price of my daily Starbucks habit, as a monthly subscription fee to a game, how good can you possibly be? Not too damn good, clearly. If $12.00 seems like an enormous expense, you don't have the life experience to possibly be good at anything that doesn't involve pounding your own pud, and you most likely do poorly at that.
And that's just the beginning. What totally fucks up every massive MMO online today is not the game architecture specifically, although many MMO totally suck hind tit. The most brilliant MMO games online today all suffer from the same problem, the fucking asshole players.
Kudos to Guild Wars for at least providing useable artificial intelligence in the form of the Henchman for circumventing the necessity of grouping with complete retards, such as the author I quote above.
Every stooge noob says the same crap, "PvP is the bomb, cuz yer outwitting an actual human who is so far beyond any kind of AI". What a crock. The AI of "Zork" is an improvement on the typical online gamer, the standard profile of whom is quite likely a frustrated, overweight, acne-infested 15 year old who has decided to play a game as an alternative to downloading another 20 gigs of farm animal creampie porn, and accompanying death-metal mp3s.
Some pathetic, over pierced dimwit child who hasn't the slightest comprehension of tactics, strategy, storyline, or anything other than what he's read and parrots like the typical pet-store magpie might do, having read some "uber" internet gaming site build/strategy forum.
Can you say "mindless clone"? I knew you could. The only difference between the standard mindless clone player, and the Henchmen in Guild Wars, is henchmen follow orders and play intelligently. And they don't suffer from acne, obesity, or chronic social ineptitude.
So what exactly is wrong with games these days? Well, if you haven't figured it out already, it's the fucking diahrrea swilling players. The former cheat-code using, Nintendo God-mode cartridge adapter, punk assed losers who pay for games these days with daddy's credit card.
You think the gaming companies are in this for self actualization???? No, buckwheat. They are in it for the same reasons (some of us) go to work each day, to make enough money to buy the groceries. And maybe have $12.00 a month left over for some entertainment, assuming we've bought our toothpicks and mouthwash and whatever else a measly $12.00 a month will get you, besides handing it out to the random homeless person you pass on the street....
But NOOOO! You stupid, suckass, pathetic queers demand the lowest common denominator of games, with all the financial leverage daddy's hard-earned VISA card gives you.
And with so many of you pathetic, sexless, masturbational, vaseline reeking losers out there with access to mommy's Mastercard, the industry is destroyed. You suckass, pathetic losers are the core market. All the limp, pathetic games out there are a reflection of YOU!! It's what you want, it's what you get.
Drop to console, go to god mode, "wtfpwn" some other sexless, pathetic loser. That's the whole industry, and that's what you've made it, you fucking cum swilling cock breathed assholes.
None of these shit games could possible survive into "part 3" or "part 4" unless dipshits were buying them. With mommy's American Express, of course.
Damn tootin, losers. You get what you ask for.
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 6:52 am
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Posts: 72
ok your post is so fucking long that im not going to read it.
but since you quoted my thing about how playing real people is more fun then AI i can only assume your post is shomhow trying to prove that your more of an idiot then you yourself think you are and dont agree with me.
1.) consoles are gay, but if i were to choose an fps on a console it would be xbox and halo.
2.) playstation fucking sucks ass.
3.) playing against real people is the entire point of an FPS... AI is just too fucking lame, theres no point to it, the entire structure of an FPS is practicly designed for playing against other people. the only game where AI is better then people is RPG's and thats because of the arcitecture of the game itself, liek oblivion or gothic.
4.) shut the fuck up you dont know shit.
5.) you have real brains performing real tasks and decisions behind a multiplayer FPS. its somthing you cant ever get out of AI. when you get owned alot then well i guess it could suck because there is no "easy" setting for playing against people. but i assure you, when you unload on some motherfuckers shit - full clip with your machine gun and his shit is all ruined and then you go fucking rape his spawn point in the fucking ass over and over again and his name pops up on your #1 victims list in BFHQ, it just places a special feeling in your heart knowing that made his online life misrable for a good 20 mins of anal rape.
ok fuck it, i read your post... ok 50% of it.
you start bitching about how people ruin your shit.
look, stfu about RPG's you fag. playing an mmorpg is the fucking gayest shit, theres no point in player vs player combat in a mmo because there is no reaction skills in it. the person with the best gear on and shit wins and thats fucking lame compared to an FPS where the battlefield is alot more even. fighting games are gay and too small and confined compared to the limitless possibilitys of online FPS games like bf2.
if your game is being fucked up by idots its because you fucking suck. it dosent matter whos really playing online... the goal is to own everybody. if you cant fucking do that then shut the fuck up.
P.S. Even though there is an EDIT button in the forum I still post three times in a row like a jackass.
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:57 am
Joined: Aug 23, 2005
Posts: 482
shit, I just wanted to post that THERE ARE NO FUCKIN SKILLZ IN MMORPG games but packet beat me to it.
You fucking moron, MMORPG?? Skilled players? You fucking asswipe, MMORPG is all about spending time countlessly grinding the dumb npc fucks, then using some shit overpowered class to attack other players cos you're a fucking dumb shit playing it in the first place. Even if there's no grinding involved (EVE is like, what, the only one?), it still only takes a shit load of time to research your skills and trade,mine,kill shit loads of npcs. No fucking skill here, only time.
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:48 am
Joined: May 03, 2006
Posts: 83
well, guildwars does require a little, tiny bit of intelligence and common sense to create good builds and strategies. But seriously, you do not require fucking 1337 skills of uber pwnage to be good at an mmorpg. You need 1337 skillz for BF2, BF2142 or CoD2 multiplayer.
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:40 am
Joined: Sep 11, 2005
Posts: 172
Battlefield-type games typically require considerably less skill than more arena-type games like Q3. The more opponents there are, the more likely you're to get hit by somebody you're not actually attacking; the BF2 weapons are (last time I tried, though a patch has came out since then) generally pretty inaccurate which allows for noobs to have similar accuracy to not-noobs.
For that matter, the overbearing presence of vehicles considerably lowers the skill neccesary to play the game; tankwhoring traditionally beats a skilled on-foot player the majority of the time. Same for aircraft. Typically, a game is more skill-based if two players in any situation have the same chance of winning if they have equal skill (and map knowledge).
Q3 is still the most recent game in history I can think that actually requires a geniune modicum of skill to play; though RTCW and the original UT were pretty decent as well.
Anyways, as for MMORPGs - MMORPGs don't require skill, but, rather, limited amounts of knowledge. Powerbuilding/grinding your character isn't a skill per se - all it requires is that you choose the right skills. You can have the BFG against your opponent's machinegun and still lose in Q3 if you're unable to keep up with his movement or accuracy; the closest thing to skill you'll come across in an MMORPG is having to react to unexpected strategies.
Incidently, EVE requires grinding as well - after being forced into play it by EVEZealots(tm), you basically spend about 10% of your time actually playing, 90% of it doing NPC missions and/or mining.
In my opinion, arguably the most skilled people in MMORPGs are the griefers.
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:37 pm
Joined: Apr 13, 2007
Posts: 37
Just play sims online, retards. That's where Colonoscopy's argument is entirely wrong. The 1337 l77t fag crowd is out because they have the patience of the age they are (8 years old) and won't read anything to understand it.
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