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I knew you would reply, anyway the game is fucking awesome, soundtrack is "tight tight tight", weird story is cool, etc etc. I also am playing The Wolf Among Us episode one.
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Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:36 pm
Joined: Apr 04, 2006
Posts: 130
Zone of the Enders 2 on PS2 and Phantom Crash on Xbox. Fast paced mecha action, fuck yeah.
Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:10 am
A Winner is me!
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I finally started Mass Effect (1). First impression is that this is a pretty consolized game. But it is supposed to be good, so I'll give it a fair chance.
It seems that this is an RPG where you need to manage a party, I hate that, so this may not be my game anyway.
Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:19 pm
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berzerker wrote:
I finally started Mass Effect (1). First impression is that this is a pretty consolized game. But it is supposed to be good, so I'll give it a fair chance.
play it for the environemnts and story...only me1 has the mako explorable outdoor wont get it in 2,3
berzerker wrote:
It seems that this is an RPG where you need to manage a party, I hate that, so this may not be my game anyway.
oh dear! must be overloading your brain cells...i hope you can manage
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Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 1:25 am
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_Master_ wrote:
oh dear! must be overloading your brain cells...i hope you can manage
Don't worry, in that case I'll move on to Dead Space.
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:31 pm
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Currently playing the Resident Evil Remake on Gamecube. I decided to give the older "classics" a second shot since I usually talk about how shitty they are. I heard the remake is a lot better ( though fixed cameras still kind of piss me off). I plan to sell it for 4-5x the price when I'm done since some sucker sold it to me for $5.
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:50 am
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I bought Metro Last Light.
Played for 30mins, GFX are top notch, and gun/game mechanics seem good as well.
The sounds scare the hell out of me, and that's fitting as this is more a survival horror shooter rather than an action FPS.
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:50 pm
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gfx requirements are hi and not smooth...did play it a while back, got monotonous.....finally got stuck in the sewer arena where the fkin monters kept coming on and on and was too difficult to beat. weapons suck...i said fuck this shit game and un installed it....having a blast with shadow warrior
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Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:11 am
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Hit a roadblock, ie, can't pick up additional weapons, so I'm left with a knife and a pistol....
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:47 am
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bah, gotta hold mouse 3 and also E to pick up/exchange weapons.
Game looks very good....can't fully max it, but it still looks good.
Trouble is, it's half movie/half game, and just like in Metro 2033, I don't like the encounters with any of the mutants as they move funny and are hard to see, but shooting the soldiers is decent and the game rewards headshots.
I'm playing on easy, fucked if I know what ranger mode would be like.
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:09 am
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Gah, uninstalled.....way too tedious for my liking, plus it's hard to navigate your progress, but you're always under pressure to be quick otherwise you run out of gas filters and die.
Terrible game design.
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:59 pm
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frustrating experience fo sure......also most of time you are in the tunnel, nothing excting gfx wise....the outdoors are great, however you slap on the mask and see thru plastic.
have you played shadow warrior, ie the new one ? i luv it!
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Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:10 am
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Haven't tried SW, it sounds like an indie game.
I miss proper tactical shooters, Metro could've partly fit the bill, but it weighed itself down with half game/half movie approach and excessive realism.
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:31 pm
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nothing indie about it, takes on the big AAA with ease. never had so much fun with an fps in years...had a blast.
been playing skyrim for the last 4 hrs...seem to be boring. gfx are nice, bit of a touch of fallout. however the quests are boring. only a sword axe and bow. too much magik bs.
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Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:28 am
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_Master_ wrote:
only a sword axe and bow. too much magik bs.
a martial arts master like myself doesn't need any swords axes or bows let alone magique just figt bare handed you pussy
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:31 am
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_Master_ wrote:
been playing skyrim for the last 4 hrs...seem to be boring. gfx are nice, bit of a touch of fallout. however the quests are boring. only a sword axe and bow. too much magik bs.
Did you install any GFX mods?
As for boring, it gets better, you won't have encountered the best parts of the game, plus, you'll get better weapons, your skills will raise and you'll have more fun.
re-bow, don't forget that the bows themselves have numerical ratings, these numbers can be improved via smithing, but there's also higher rated arrows, so once your archery arm is maxed, and you've got one of the top bows and a whole bunch of effective arrows, you'll be able to slay the mofo's.
I liked doing the Thieves Guild, so keep an eye out for that.
IMO, a proper playthru of Skyrim is 80+ hrs.....though I did do a 140hr playthru.
Also, play in legendary'll be difficult at first and you can secure a follower, but as you progress you can go lone wolf.
Magic can be a bit player if you want, so don't let that slow you down.....focus on two handed weapons like battle axes and war hammers, plus the "bow"....the bow is your very best friend.
Also, make sure you do the 7000 steps quest and obtain your THUM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:26 pm
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no gfx mods...what do you recommend?
hey its not boring anymore....shit its super addictive....the only minus is that its set in the dragon age. man i cant wait for fallout4 to comeout with this level of gfx.
i chose the cat species...i think its called kajit or something.....gonna fireup and start playing now. got me a pack of red bulls (suga free) for max focus and concentration for immersion.
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Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 1:56 am
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damn cats, LOL.
On the assumption you're using steam, when you dl it comes with Bethesda HD lite pack, but there's also Skyrim 2k.....but there's many other mods on steam workshop which improve GFX, for example, there's one that improves the 3D meshes of most objects, so treasure chests and barrels etc look more 3D/tessellated.
You've also got Hi res sky, stars, moons and aurora's......that really makes Skyrim feel impressive at night.
There's a whole bunch of them at steamworkshop, and I forget their exact name, but if I was you I'd take my time and peruse steamws and look for the highest rated GFX mods etc.
You've also got numerous water mods, so you can totally change the look of vanilla, but oddly enough, I like vanilla water.
I wouldn't add any quest mods or gameplay mods until you've played it once as some of them make alterations to vanilla gameplay and you might actually like Bethesda's choices.
Yeah, bring on FALLOUT 4...hope they don't fuck it up, it's been an amazing run, Fallout3/FNVegas and Skyrim all good games, none perfect, but all some of my favourite games.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:35 am
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just installed age of mythology+tuitans expansion,slightly different mechanics to aoe2 but overall similar game design
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