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You call this proof of human evolution? It is just noise to me, I suppose I am too old for this.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:40 pm
Joined: Feb 20, 2009
Posts: 113
Pogma9 wrote:
hahahahaha, if you knew anything about the history of science/philosophy, you'd know that both disciplines are reluctant to accept change, especially science.
Each scientist has a duty to determine truly whether his theories are falsifiable. This goes against human nature however. That applies to those who follow the scientific mainstream as much as to those who oppose it. Generally the mainstream is where the bulk of the proof lays. There are always counter-arguments to be found, mainstream-opposers typically value those counter-argument too highly, just as mainstreamers often give them insufficient weight.
The book will help me better remember the details of why the big bang is wrong, however, the truth about the age/origin of the universe is a philosophical deduction.
Think about it, if the bang claims something from nothing then it's absurd, if it claims the formation of planets/stars etc, then it doesn't explain the creation of the first atoms.....even if it did, what would it possibly be, if it was a spontaneous occurrence, then you have to buy into something from nothing or use God, which itself explains nothing as who created God etc aka an infinite regress.
No one could probably truly claim to know every contingency of the theory, but there is overwhelming proof in its favour. Congratulations, you bought a book that ignores all that.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:19 pm
A Winner is me!
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
Seriously though.
Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:34 pm
A Winner is me!
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
You guys suck ass.
Life is eternal. Theres no such thing as death. Oh sure, your body might get busted, but who cares? Your ugly.
- - -
Click on this link and download the PDF to your right:
The Amplituhedron discovery proves that all of space, all of time, all of matter, all of energy and all of consciousness is emanating from a single geometric form.
Like the "recursive" patterns within a fractal, there are many sub-geometries of this central pattern that we will find in space -- and in time.
This next diagram illustrates the principle of geometric recursiveness with pentagons:
Each of these geometric patterns act as holographic reflections of this one, singular element -- which is forming the entire Cosmos.
This "Geometry of the Cosmos" ultimately gives us a tangible model for how history is repeating itself -- with such astonishing precision.
The geometry itself acts as a consciousness-influencing structure that we orbit through in space.
The 2,160-year "Age of the Zodiac" cycle, appearing in many ancient cultures and myths worldwide, is one of the most stunning examples of how this works.
This seemingly tired old concept from our ancient past becomes our key to unlocking a brilliant new tomorrow.
Each sphere in this geometric diagram, with the exception of the north and south pole, is one of twelve "fractals" of the same underlying pattern that our solar system is passing through.
Notice there is a triangle of six spheres on the upper-middle level.
Then we see another triangle of six spheres on the lower-middle level, pointing in the opposite direction.
As we orbit the entire geometric cluster, we pass over the surfaces of each of these twelve spheres, one at a time.
These spheres and geometries do not exist as hard, solid objects. They are energy patterns in space.
In order to see how this works, you have to imagine our entire Solar System orbiting a companion star over the course of 25,920 years.
Our solar system is tracing an elliptical pattern around the outside edge of this geometry. Our sun is the yellow dot in the blue circle below.
The companion star would be found in the center of the pattern -- as the second yellow dot illustrated here.
The blue circle itself is the orbit that our solar system takes 25,920 years to pass through.
Compared to the size of our own sun, this geometry is very, very big -- but there is compelling evidence that it does indeed exist.
Along the way, the companion star gravitationally tugs on our earth's axis.
This creates the traditional "precession of the equinoxes" cycle of 25,920 years.
this 25,920-year pattern is the "master cycle" that was hidden in over 30 ancient myths worldwide -- by someone.
It appears that the ancient "Gods" -- also known as angels in the Bible and other works -- deliberately implanted this knowledge worldwide.
Compelling clues exist in the Bible as well as many other ancient manuscripts and legends from over 30 different cultures -- all across the world.
They specifically hid this away so we would re-discover it -- once our technology had progressed to the point where we could understand why it matters.
I could go on and on but I have to take a shit and smoke some crack.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:56 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
The surface of the companion star is rising and falling in set intervals -- as all stars, including our sun, naturally do.
The up-and-down movement of a star creates vibrations that ripple throughout the surrounding space.
Ultimately, space is structured with geometric patterns due to these same vibrations.
Dr. Hans Jenny demonstrated how this works by vibrating a spherical drop of water with tiny sand particles in it.
The vibrations naturally arrange the sand into beautiful geometries like those we are seeing in the above diagram.
This is basic fluid dynamics in action. In the case of our binary solar system, the "fluid" creating the geometry can be called whatever the FUCK you want it to be called. Some guy calls it the Source Field, and that makes enough sense for now, so Source Field it is.
Consciousness is a universal phenomenon. It is not constrained within biological life only. That is the big secret.
Consciousness is geometry.
A thought is ultimately a geometric ripple in the Source Field.
Different geometric regions of space impart different influences upon the minds of all who pass through them.
This is a new, the new science of astrology -- which has just recently come out the past 12 or so years.
All the planets in our solar system are neatly held in place by these same geometric patterns described.
This is by no means an accident. It is a basic truth in physics that works from the quantum level on up. It always has, and it always will.
The discovery of a universal geometry was the final piece that completed this grand puzzle of crap.
Each sphere within this geometry carries the same blueprint -- the same script.
In terms of the Ages of the Zodiac, it takes us 2,160 years (25,920 / 12) to pass through each one of these spheres.
Much like a stylus etches music into a wax phonograph record, major events that happen in one cycle will repeat again in the next.
In order to truly understand the secrets of how this works, we have to remember a key principle of holograms.
If you cut a holographic plate into smaller pieces and shine a laser into them, you still see an image of the entire hologram -- not just a piece of it.
Like the principle of recursiveness, each part of the geometry contains the image of the whole.
[And yes, as one skeptic pointed out, we do need to see two beams come out of the beam splitter for this illustration to be precisely correct. 'Shanks.]
Just like we can cut up a holographic plate into smaller and smaller pieces and still see the same form, each sphere in this cluster contains the information of the whole.
All the other spheres are merely reflections -- like the repeating patterns we see bouncing between two mirrors.
We only appear to be seeing fourteen different spheres, if we include the northern and southern poles.
For this same reason, any event that occurs in one sphere automatically affects what will happen when we pass through the next one.
This is much like a record that ends up skipping at the end of each side.
I could go on and on, but I gotta take a piss and snort some synthetic mescaline.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:04 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
As one notable example, Roman history has been precisely duplicating itself in modern American history, exactly 2,160 years later.
This is the most recent and personal instance of the pattern.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:10 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
Even the characters in these storylines are repeating -- including Hitler, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter.
They end up doing very similar things at precisely overlapping points in each cycle.
An event as seemingly complex, unpredictable and random as the Watergate scandal has a precise holographic duplicate in Roman history -- 2,160 years earlier.
*swallows a kitten covered in LSD, and RAILS SOME YEYO*
Even JESUS, that pussy, made reference to this shit. Actually, his most important thing was his secret teaching about the truth of reincarnation.
Modern-day researcher Dr. Ian Stevenson identified over 3000 cases of children who remembered having been someone else in another lifetime.
Those children had astonishing forensic face-matches with who they claimed to have been before.
Dr. Jim Tucker has continued and extended this research with police face-matching computer software.
Dr. Tucker has proven that the matches are astonishing in each of the validated cases. The data is far too extensive to be dismissed.
Reincarnation is an established, scientific fact. Jesus taught this same truth, but the Romans stripped it from the Bible for political purposes.
This is not yet a popularly-accepted concept, but the data is already in.
Now we're just in the catch-up phase to bring everyone up to speed on what is really going on.
Once we figure this out on a collective level, and stop fighting over who is right and who is wrong about "God," we will be well on our way to the "Golden Age" promised in antiquity - and my drug use and blood lust may even fade!
Now its time to roll a join or two, and get the whiskey. Plus, COKE.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:14 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
So far, we have been able to identify Joan of Arc, Hitler, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton as clear-cut reincarnations of historical figures who appeared in earlier cycles.
However, I do believe this is only the first glimmering reflection of water from a desert oasis.
Unlike what some critics complained about in the comments -- that only the "elite" are reincarnating this way -- I believe in time we will discover that this is happening to everyone.
We keep coming back, and repeating the same patterns -- over and over again -- in extremely precise, organized cycles of time.
Check this asshole out:
The Carthaginian general Hannibal, a highly destructive warlord, returned as the German general Hitler... the arch-enemy of America.
Carthage became Germany, and Rome became the United States. Their histories repeat with utterly shocking precision from one Age to the next.
Hannibal / Hitler performed the same role with astonishing correlations in space and time -- across exactly 2,160 years.
We got compelling proof that cyclical time is the other big, hidden mystery of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, those fucking goofs.
Certain passages in both the Old and the New Testament suggest that Biblical figures were well aware of this hidden aspect of reality.
This means that free will is not as free as we think. Critical, generation-defining events keep repeating in very even cycles of time.
The Nemesis is inevitably defeated in each of these cycles. However, in most cases they come back again -- and do the same thing later on.
If we believe in a loving Creator, as the significant majority of people in the world do, then we must deal with the fact that this is all part of a Universal design.
This epic "story" of our struggle against a seemingly all-powerful villain appears to be built into the basic blueprint of our lives on Earth -- at least so far.
But why?
The ancient teachings also tell us that once we master the lessons these cycles are teaching us, the pattern will no longer need to keep repeating.
This is what ultimately propels us into the true Golden Age. It is a journey that simultaneously occurs on a personal and collective level.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:16 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
Physicists have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:23 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
Think about what was just said here. THINK YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS! zachofatty, but down that stupid book and let big ole papa bear edumacate your tiny brain. Poggy! Fuck that book you mentioned you were gonna read, and dig this now.
We take space and time for granted. It's not even questioned that space and time exist.
Space is what we see all around us. We are here. Something else is over there. Two different locations. Not one.
Time is what keeps our experience of space held together. That way, everything makes sense to us.
What we did before was the past. What we will do later is the future. Two different locations. Or so we think.
Now, the cutting edge of physics is telling us space and time is only a "notion" -- and this notion appears to be completely false.
This new discovery "challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality."
Dumbass: "Uh, hmm... right. No space, no time. These are not "fundamental components of reality." OK, got it."
WIFE: "Honey, where are we going, again, tonight, and when are we supposed to be there?"
HUSBAND: "We're not going anywhere, sugarplum. The Universe already happened."
WIFE: "Say what? Have you been smoking?"
HUSBAND: "Location is not a fundamental component of reality. We're staying right here. There is nowhere else to go."
WIFE: "Riiight..."
We now have a "jewel-like geometric object" forming the entire universe -- an object that doesn't actually exist in space and time at all.
It is only making space and time appear to exist... as a "construct."
We are all currently living within this vast "illusion" that is being created. Therefore we can only see the illusion itself.
However, the tools of mathematics and science have now allowed us to peer outside the "box" that surrounds us -- which we call reality.
The Universe just became far more like what was imagined in The Matrix than we may have ever dared to believe.
There is no spoon you fucking moron
Just like a hologram, each one of us, by definition, must be a projection of the unified whole that we arise from -- since nothing else actually exists.
This is what makes the question of "is there a Lucifer, and if so who or what is it" so provocative.
Most people do not even believe in a Lucifer at all.
Those who do believe tend to see it as this overpowering, all-encompassing menace -- the sum of all fears.
The vast majority of articles and videos exposing the Luciferian agenda are angry, bitter, vindictive, terrified and often hopeless.
Sadly, this is exactly what the negative aspect of our holographic universe needs us to feel in order for it to stay alive.
We may well discover that negativity cannot exist and persist on earth unless we create a habitat for it in our own minds and hearts.
As long as we continue co-creating this habitat, the Nemesis will continue appearing, and oppressing us, in the great cycles of history.
Each new round of the epic struggle -- an economic collapse, a major war, a revolutionary overthrow of tyranny -- is another test.
The more we find out about what is really going on in the world today, the more pressing it seems to be to understand what the ancient religious texts were really telling us.
Rather than being dusty old myths, these tales -- from great masters who may well have achieved the next level of human evolution -- seem highly relevant to the concerns of today.
At the same time that the news of NSA surveillance is becoming increasingly mainstream, Luciferian symbols are increasingly being displayed in the mass media.
Whether you believe in a "Luciferian Force" or not, the point is that some of the most powerful people in the world actually do.
As the process of disclosure continues unfolding, this is something that all of us will be forced to confront.
When you hear about "pedophile networks" being exposed and broken up -- including the high-profile Jimmy Savile case -- this is what hides beneath the story.
This angle will be explored in future articles -- which we are now constructing as part of a single, greater narrative.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:26 pm
A Winner is me!
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Holy shit calm down
_________________ swag
Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:46 am
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The big bang theory rests in the idea that the universe is growing ---> it must've been supersmall at some time or even nothing as some claim. But who knows what was BEFORE the big bang. some claim there was nothing, but who knows? Maybe it was the end of a giant black hole shitting out all the sucked material here...
And the fact that the universe is infinite totally goes against that the universe is growing. What lies there where the universe "hasn't reached yet?
Also: where was the epicentrum then? Can we even be sure that it's originating from one place? If we see this grow from a single point of view, we should see that other stars go away from us, while some travels with us roughly the same direction. So we should pinpoint the centrum from this shouldn't we?
So to me, there are a few things fishy about the big bang too,
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:49 am
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Anything must have started sometime, and you can always ask the question 'then was was before that?'.
This will make any theory 'fishy' in your opinion I suppose, except those which can factor in the creation of time (there can only be a "before" if time exists at all), and those will probably be beyond our comprehension anyway.
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:24 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
Time doesn't exist. Space doesn't exist. Thats why you two smell fish.
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:33 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
craterface wrote:
And the fact that the universe is infinite totally goes against that the universe is growing. What lies there where the universe "hasn't reached yet?
Another universe. Which is part of this one, and this one is part of that other one.
What was before "the big bang"? Another universe. Before that, same thing.
It is infinite. You could try to zoom out all you want, you'll never reach a border. You might reach the "border" of a galaxy, but then you'll find another galaxy.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:38 pm
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Come to think of it, the question "what was before the big bang" may be a classic paradox.
If you assume that time was created in the big bang, then the question "what was before the big
bang" is *creating* the problem (through semantics), not describing it. Without time, there
can be no "before".
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:28 am
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Time doesn't exist. Space doesn't exist. Thats why you two smell fish.
Correct, neither have any physicality, other than space as a reference to matter/energy, ie, remove matter/energy and there's nothing, just an endless void, so it should be obvious that the void is infinite in size, and theoretically likely that matter and energy fill the void{by and large}.
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:39 am
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
Everything exists simultaneously.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:48 am
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berzerker wrote:
Either you are trolliing (in which case there is no need to respond), or you are serious, which however leads to the same conclusion because you are apparently so stupid that you deny basic scientific fact merely because you do not understand it (something must indeed have gone wrong with the evolution, how could a relatively smart animal like the monkey otherwise have evolve into something as dumb as you?).
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