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Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:22 pm
A Winner is me!
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You don't have to say subjective opinion Poggy, an opinion is subjective.
zachofat es muy inteligente! Jajajajaja!
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Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:25 pm
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I like that you call other people repetitive, when everyone else always has new things to criticize Skyrim with, while you just repeat the same boring-ass shitty statements over and over again, all the while producing no evidence to support your highly inferior, infantile and inaccurate opinion of a shitty game.
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:30 am
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I'm simply saying that despite your objections, I still like Skyrim.....I've never ever suggested it didn't have a bunch of flaws, but the game was fun to play, and I still enjoy playing it.
Anyway, I've already pointed out what's so appealing about Skyrim, and if u don't agree that's too bad 4 u.....but for those who do enjoy it, u won't achieve anything by repeating stuff we already know.
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:31 am
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zachofat wrote:
You don't have to say subjective opinion Poggy, an opinion is subjective.
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:10 am
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Pogma9 wrote:
I'm simply saying that despite your objections, I still like Skyrim.....I've never ever suggested it didn't have a bunch of flaws, but the game was fun to play, and I still enjoy playing it.
Anyway, I've already pointed out what's so appealing about Skyrim, and if u don't agree that's too bad 4 u.....but for those who do enjoy it, u won't achieve anything by repeating stuff we already know.
'Cept you never did actually go into any detail. Despite being asked for it several times. All you ever did was copy-paste the same repetitive, vague and uninformative blanket statements. Also, while you never suggested it didn't have a bunch of flaws, you DID outright DECLARE that all those flaws were irrelevant because of the amazing, mouth-watering greatest game EVARR that Skyrim was.
Pogma9 wrote:
Oh, the delicious irony... Y'know, because that's what you've been doing this whole fucking time...
Calling legitimate criticism opinionated and mindless gibberish; then turning around and making sweeping, blanket statements without any evidence or backing and proclaiming his opinion valid for no other reason than it's an opinion. - Piggy, ladies and gents!
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:14 am
A Winner is me!
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Yes, yes, yes, I know you're longing for more detail so that you can go into ever more critical detail from your subjective's not rocket science, you don't like the game and relish opportunities to piss on it.
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:19 am
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Pogma9 wrote:
Yes, yes, yes, I know you're longing for more detail so that you can go into ever more critical detail from your subjective's not rocket science, you don't like the game and relish opportunities to piss on it.
As opposed to your 'amazing' critical theory wherein you dismiss everything everyone has ever said that was positive about an older game and substitute it with your inspired critique of 'FUCKING OLD FUCKING SHIT TEEHEEHEEHEEHEE HUEHUEHUE'
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:00 am
A Winner is me!
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I'm entitled to reject any game by any criteria I are u, the difference here is that with your dictator mentality, you won't allow me that privilege aka as you're a control freak.
You've already told me a thousand times how bad/ordinary Skyrim is, as such, your goal{your primary aim} is to force me to submit to your will/interpretation.....thanks but no thanks, I know what I like and why I like it, I don't need some immature dude fresh outta nappies giving me the score.
It's time to grow up and face the fact that other people with conflicting mentalities actually do exist.
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:25 pm
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No, the difference here is that we all have actual REASONS that make sense from a logical, not-fucking-retarded approach from a sentient being capable of rational thought, whereas yours is based purely on shallow, visual aesthetics and acting like a child. This is proven by the fact alone that whenever challenged on said immature, shallow opinions, you act like a victim and shriek how everyone but you is a horrible control freak, dictator trying to force their opinions on you.
Newsflash: Providing factual evidence that debunks your false statements is neither sign of being a dictator, or an opinion. It's called logic and reason. It's okay though, we've already acknowledged the fact that those two words don't exist in your vocabulary.
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:34 pm
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Your wants are HILARIOUS in the era of casual gaming......IMO, we're lucky something like Skyrim even exists.
I think this is another of your problems, ie, oblivious to the current gaming landscape.
Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:56 am
A Winner is me!
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on shallow, visual aesthetics
Speaking of detail, what're your thoughts on GFX and technical merit in gaming?
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:09 pm
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Pffft. "Casual gaming is shit, therefore it's okay to praise and worship shit games because that's all we should expect to get! And while we're at it, let's shittalk actually good games just because they predate this shit era of subpar effort in gaming!"
My thoughts on graphics in gaming is that they are what they've always been: Utterly and entirely irrelevant. Graphics are meant to be the icing on the cake, the cherry on top, not what you lead with. Technical merits are completely separate from graphics, on the other hand, but given that you believe that they are one in the same, I think it's safe to say which of us is the oblivious one here. If anything, gaming has gone backwards in regards to its technical merits. The only reason you need a high-end PC for gaming isn't because of the game's technologically demanding nature, but rather because of the bloated swine that is the graphics eating up the entire game and system. The entire industry, and mindless apologetic retards like you, have succumbed to the misguided notion that graphics are what makes a game, so much so that it somehow is meant to excuse shitty to subpar AI, shitty to subpar quality of gameplay, and below shitty to subpar storytelling, creativity and innovation in the field of gaming.
I can think of games released over a decade prior to 'games we should be happy to get' like Skyrim that not only had more in-depth gameplay, but the enemy AI makes Skyrim look like it was a half-baked PONG simulator by comparison. And that includes games that aren't top-down RPGs (which, in your eyes, are the cardinal sin of gaming. I mean, holy shit, an RPG where you need to strategize and think rather than mashing the attack button like a moron? Perish the thought!)
What I think is hilarious is that you believe that the desires of people like us are somehow unrealistic, despite the fact that said desires are being catered to now thanks to things like Kickstarter allowing non-retarded gaming developers to bypass the retard-riddled mainstream publishers who are stuck in the shallow, graphics-dependent market, along with their equally retarded consumer-base.
So have fun playing your subpar game, Piggy. As we keep on telling you, you're welcome to it. It's as equally shallow, and lacking in any sort of depth and internal thought process as you are, so you're clearly matched well to it. The only thing we'd like is for you to stop pretending that you saying it's good makes it so, and to quit insulting things that are so obviously better than it.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:12 am
A Winner is me!
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Too much whinging and whining FFS......give games away and study chemistry or something if you want to overdrive your brame fuckhead.
From my POV, the whole point of technology whatever it's form is an increasing level of performance/efficiency, as such, I have a hard time accepting any old game as they're too far behind technologically and their gameplay/story can't make up for it.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:39 am
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'the whole point of technology whatever it's form is an increasing level of performance/efficiency'
Which is why you're full of shit when most games today are horrendously buggy and inefficient and technologically stunted due to using up all of their engine efficiency and power just to support sparkle-sparkle pixel porn for shallow idjit like yourself.
'as such, I have a hard time accepting any old game as they're too far behind technologically and their gameplay/story can't make up for it'
The joke here is that this is hogwash, given that today's games are technologically backwater compared to older games. The only thing they're behind on is graphics. Period. You're gonna tell me that Skyrim is technologically advanced, when it's running on a castrated Oblivion engine and still fucking uses RAGDOLL PHYSICS when that shit went out of style over half a decade ago? Fuck you, you insipid moron, with your utter lack of knowing what the fuck you're even talking about.
Gaming has been left in a stunted standstill of not progressing forward at all thanks to morons like you praising graphics as being the only thing that matters. We haven't had an original thought out of the gaming industry for YEARS now because all they have to do is wow the crowd with pretty pixels and they'll ignore the fact that every game is just running off of the CoD, God of War and Gears of War gaming mechanics over and over and over again in a repetitive rut.
The PS3 and 360 haven't even been remotely pushed to their technological limitations. They've been pushed to their graphical limits and nothing else. I remember a time when gaming devs were constantly trying to figure out 'what the fuck else can we do with the Playstation/N64/etc that nobody else has done before?!'. And there were hits, and there were misses. But at least someone was doing SOMETHING. Now it's all the same repetitive, dull-fuck shit with them playing it safe because they know idiots like YOU will eat up whatever turd they shit out next, and call it a golden egg.
You might claim to advocate the advancement of technology in gaming, but what you say and what you do are in complete opposite. Your mindless fixation on graphics, complacent disregard for the very IDEA of putting effort into a game, and utterly moronic apologizing for the lackluster quality of gaming as being 'well that's just how it is, we should be happy with what we get!' shows you're just a gormless sheep who is happy to sit in front of the screen and drool at all the pretty sparkles and colours on the screen, rather than actually look anywhere below the barethin surface of the game.
And this isn't an opinion, this is a fact. A fact backed up and proven by you time and time again by your weakass dodging of the simple act alone of backing your own shitty-ass statements up. Because you know you can't. Because you'd rather hide behind "WAH! You dictator assholes will just tear my points apart!" and act as though we'd do so just to prove you wrong, rather than simply acknowledge the fact that whatever points you might even ATTEMPT to half-ass out of that witless noggin of yours most likely are just plain wrong, or weak in the first place and hold no water of their own once you take all the sheen of brainless, undeserved worship away from it. If you ever had any true merit to what you think makes the piece of shit you keep defending worth defending, you'd have said it by now.
Instead you're content to just play this retarded dance over and over again like a broken record, constantly repeating yourself, adding nothing new, and then attempting to glorify and stroke your own e-peen by dismissing everything everyone says to you with a "LA LA LA I WIN YOU LOSE HAHAHAHA HEEHEEHEE!" like a child who lose an argument.
You are, and always will be, a perfect example of why gaming is shit today. You're a representative party of the low expectation-having, HD pixel-worshipping, shallow-minded, DLC-gurgling shitstain mainstream sheeple that's turned gaming from being a fun hobby and into a money-making avaricious whorehouse that's driven so many of the best minds in gaming to seek out new ways to make games through things like Kickstarter.
You think that it's just gamers like us that think this? You honestly don't see how many of the BEST RPG developers have complained and groaned about the shitty decision-making made by people like EAware, Bethesda and such? Ya didn't notice how everyone who ever helped Capcom make a best-selling franchise has quit because of this attitude? Ya ain't noticed how they've all said the same things about the problems the gaming market has? Everyone sees it. 'Cept blind idiots like you, Piggy.
And that's why we take issue with you. Only reason we talk shit about Skyrim is because you hold it up as if it's some manner of mantle-piece trophy. A symbol of 'how great gaming today is!' when it's just yet another example of worshiping a turd that doesn't deserve its praise. Why? Why is it so good? Because it's slightly better than the other far-below-average shit that's out now? Oh wow, hold the phone everyone. We have a below-average game in the pile! Clearly this makes it solid fuckin' gold since everything else is that shitty!
That's why we think you're a fucking idiot, Piggy. That's why we call you out on this shit and point out all the glaring fat holes in your retard arguments. It's not about Skyrim. It's about you, and how you're everything that's made gaming shit for the rest of us by supporting bullshit like this. And to top it all off, you then go around strutting like some kind of fucking inbred nimrod with an ego the size of Everest and an IQ the size of potato, proclaiming yourself to be a philosopher, a 'truth-sayer' and a supporter of 'good gaming' and 'technological advancement'. When you're none of these things. You're just a fucking turd, worshiping bigger turds, and filling the world with your shit.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:54 am
A Winner is me!
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Poggy I think you broke dickman
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Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:58 am
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Listening to Piggy talk is like listening to one of those fucking morons on Jersey Shore talk. Total self-obsessive idiocy.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:02 am
A Winner is me!
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yall mafakas need to shet da fak up you knaw what im sayn like for real mafaka ya know what im sayn
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Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:55 am
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Poor ole Burningdickhead, blaming poggy for the rise of the casual gaming scene......did you forget that I own, play and endorse PC racing sims which have fucked everything except driving model, ie, fucked GFX, fucked sound, fucked gameplay modes if they even exist, small track and car lists, though sometimes modders can do a decent job of increasing both, but nevertheless, a typical PC racing sim is small compared to the typical GT5 style console "game".
I also prefer tactical shooters where possible, and generally speaking I play on the hardest difficulty levels on games, and even went to the bother of installing a difficulty enhancing mod for Skyrim before Legendary was added.
As for GFX/tech, things are improving, Skyrim is an improvement over FO3 and NV, and unlike both FO's, all my modding attempts in Skyrim work, plus Skyrim rarely crashes, whereas both FO3 and NV swap being problem children depending on what HW I run them on, so a definite improvement in GFX, sound, animations, draw distance, stability etc.
As for Burningdickheads overall post, I tend to agree, but there's nothing much I can do about it except NOT buying crappy games and not endorsing any ole game, for example, you can find genuine morons who thought Far Cry2 was a great game despite how console gimped it was,......actually I had to mod Far Cry2 to change respawning etc, and even then the game was tedious.
Don't forget people, I've already outlined why I like Skyrim, but BDickhead wants more detail so he can nitpick the fuck out of it to punish me for liking it.....but here's a heads up, we can all nitpick games if we want, but why bother if overall the game is fun to play regardless of problems and missed opportunities.
It seems to me that Bdickhead only wants cheap and nasty digital puzzle solving games to play, ie, he wants to exercise his "legendary intelligence" by constantly solving digital puzzles and any game that happens to have a focus on 3D GFX=realism, BDickhead goes apeshit as he's obsessed with reinforcing his opinion of himself as really, really mega smart!!!!
By all means attack the modern gaming scene, but the last casual/popular game I bought was Skyrim in 2011, since then I've only bought Game Stock Car 2012/13, which is a PC racing sim made by a small Brazilian publisher.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:58 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
zachofat wrote:
Poggy I think you broke dickman
He's decided to target me, and by extension anyone on this forum who doesn't worship his gaming ideal's.
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