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I wanted to ask you what you think about the old movement spreading Love and Peace? I often think about living in a commune. I mean, i got friends, but i'd like to be in a deeper relation with other people. Don't you think our society should make a change toward becoming a human family?
I know that things are pretty rough around here and profanity works as part of the show. It's a love-hate-thing with the video games. I think most of it is subversive entertainment. We let it out in this fictional scenarios b/c we got a lot of frustration, negativity and anger in us due to the system we live in which is basically ruled by money and materialism.
I think we are really under-performers. We expect something from a video game, that it can never provide for us. But do we have the guts to go beyond? We seek fictional challenge, when we should rise for the challenge to change this world for the better.
I admit, it is hard to believe, that Love should be the central notion in our lives seeing how we often treat each other, even over some silly things. But even if it sounds cheesy and unsuitable, I believe in Love and I believe that mankind has yet to discover what Love can do for us.
Isn't it ironic, that this movement has started in the core of the capitalist empire which is the United States? I think even the communists on the other side of the globe were puzzled by these events. In fact i believe that the Hippies were actually the better communists, b/c they showed the passion. They understood, that you need more than an ideology of redistribution. You need Love as basis for a real sharing community.
And today i wonder, where this movement has gone. In words more suitable for this forum: these pathetic, weed-smoking, incestuous, tree-hugging, shit-stained, sandals-wearing, well... Hippies (since its used as an insult nowadays).
Maybe you dont give a shit, but id love to see a revival of that spirit. In the years of constant financial disasters and debt crisis it would be most natural for young people to turn their back on the money regime. Even if that meant, that the whole entertainment industry we are so used to is flushed down the toilet.
But don't you feel the power of freedom here, to get rid of all this shit? That is what they felt back then. We are already bored with it, it seems as this site clearly indicates. What if we found something in that old spirit of community, that is so cool, that everything else that we care about turns into a pile of garbage?
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:34 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Posts: 2522
One must be lovable and at peace with themselves to engender the same spirit.
The good/bad news is that the environment will force us to re-consider globalization/rapid capitalism, and it seems inevitable that we'll have to go back to each other less we polute ourselves to death.
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:26 pm
Flame Me
Joined: Sep 14, 2013
Posts: 21
Location: MO
I'd wager most people spend more time than they prefer on being nice to people they don't like. Neighbors, coworkers, friends of their significant others. The escape is to maim, kill, control, dominate.
Pure love is wonderful. How do you implement that in game theory in an engaging way? A way where people see conquering with love with the same vigor as conquering with fists?
We haven't figured out the answer as countries on the planet or children in a classroom. How would you lead the way with a video game?
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:50 am
Flame Me
Joined: Aug 25, 2013
Posts: 3
I'm not quite sure, how to incorporate the spirit of Love in a video game. I mean there are games with a certain depth in their story and some emotional treats, lets say sparks of love and affection, but normally the general theme is that of death and destruction. Brutal, desperate fiction with small signs of humanity.
So the problem with all these products is, yes, they are probably well made and provide us some entertainment and give us the feeling that we achieved something, but in the end, i think they suck the life from us, make us poorer and weaker and less caring about our neighbors and fellow man.
There is of course social games, like The Sims, which are obviously quite popular, But even tho these games dont contain any obvious violence, i believe, that they are an even worse denial of love, simply b/c love must be real. The illusion of love or friendship is a travesty.
So you got the brutal games and you got the cheesy games, but if im honest in terms of my feeling toward the industry, i had to say, that love is nowhere to be found in it. Love simply doesnt require this illusive entertainment. In fact i believe it is all counterproductive and the more money they pump into it and the more we let it occupy our minds and that of our children, the more we fall into a delirium of carelessness and fatalistic thinking.
I really have the feeling that the way out of misery is that people would lose interest in this sort of entertainment and start getting interested in a system of real community. We must change our mentality to discover a deeper joy and meaning in our life, it requires an effort just like in the old days of the Hippies.
We have yet to discover what Love could do for us, to get weary of the things that currently hold us in place. But i feel that the consciousness for this new system of Love is gaining momentum in us and that it could bring massive changes to our society, like abandon money and trading, by imagining an economy that is based on sharing and gifting, or imagining a living culture, where you are not so isolated in your tiny four walls, but live together with other ppl that share the same spirit of community.
Tho im not American i have faith, that this nation is capable of showing the same passion for a new way in our time as they did back then, not just as a fiction, but for real.
Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:00 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Posts: 2522
The motto of the New World Order is money, better get used to it, cause unless there's a huge crash which awakens people, it'll continue on it's merry way.
People interested in truth, wisdom and brotherly love so to speak have always been a minority.
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:01 pm
A Winner is me!
Joined: Feb 02, 2009
Posts: 630
Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
You sound like a bunch of assholes.
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:28 pm
A Winner is me!
Joined: Dec 23, 2012
Posts: 521
Location: Makkah
You sound like a bunch of assholes.
I've been thinking the exact same thing. I didn't feel like starting an argument so I just didn't say anything. Love and peace is for pussies.
_________________ swag
Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:29 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Posts: 2522
You sound like a bunch of assholes.
They/he might be misguided, but his heart's in the right place.
Anyway, FUCK OFF for another few months please!!!
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