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You know i tell you how i see it: video games are nothing but a waste of time. I knew that always even when i was heavily involved with them. And the more buzz they make about this idiotic entertainment, the more it starts to piss me off.
Now you have to bow down to the DRM platforms like Steam or GFWL. I'm sry, but i don't want such invasive software on my computer and i dont even care what it could do for me. I was fine with games that had me enter a product key on install. But what's happening now goes way to far. If i buy a game for 10 bucks i dont expect the DRM department to give me alot of trouble and technical issues, but that's exactly what's happening and what i hear from so many ppl. I just had it with this whole goddamn industry.
I mean all these gaming platforms and the DRM shit is a further waste of my time. I can barely stand the fuckin games and they expect me to give a rats ass about account management and access rights and all that shit. I dont give a damn about achievements. I don't give a damn about managing my games, b/c there isn't enough of them to even bother. Why would you make a list, if you only got like 2 or 3 items on it? Make that shit optional, but dont push it down my throat. And honestly, i dont give a shit about a community when it cycles around the content of such stupid video games as Left for Dead. That's not a community that's a fuckin freak show. Ive seen how ill-mannered ppl behave inside these games and it makes me sick.
Yes video games are a travesty and the more you get involved with them, the more they suck the life out of you. In the process of playing stupid zombie games they'll gonna turn you into a RL-Zombie. And isn't that an irony by itself. Anyway it's an unhealty addiction.
You know, the industry tries to get you involved and all excited about all the different systems, but in truth its all the same crap. They want you money and they serve you fictional trash. They pump it up with fat gfx, but it's still trash. You know ive seen this through and i can tell you that you are retards when you waste your hard-earned money on this full-priced rubbish.
And then look at all the MMOs or MMORPGs for that matter. What a pile of shit. I mean who plays these games? This is nothing but boring generic anime trash out of a garbage can. You could take all these games and dump them in the sea and no one would even notice. They had to pay me money to even touch that.
I really dont want to go into details, but don't you hate the anime influence in games? When i see these cheesy cartonish style with the oversized weapons and sloppy effects it makes me puke.
So ok since i used to like dungeon crawlers i wanted to give it a shot with Dark Souls. Think again! Crappy pc port, unplayable controls, forget it. This is stealing my time and it isnt even that good. I could pull that story out of my ass and the NPCs in this game are a joke, they all sound the same. The game does an awful job at creationg an atmosphere, it is not even trying. This is just enemies and bosses thrown into random environments. If that is enough for you. I expect more from a game with these fuckin high scores. And speking of the battle system, i had more fun with the crazy mass battles in mount&blade. But of course that wouldnt even be possible on a cheap-ass console hardware.
anyway im tired and this is it for now and this rant...comment if you games suck..peace
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:39 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Dec 23, 2012
Posts: 521
Location: Makkah
Oh no guys, I'm an asshole! It's an atrocity!
Last edited by zachofat on Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total _________________ swag
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:03 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Posts: 2522
I'm cool with steam, but hate GFWL and origin with a passion.
Most games are rubbish these days, in fact other than some Bethesda RPG's and racing simulators, the whole industry is boring and unappealing.
Racing sim software and hardware are now better than ever, in fact some of the HW is downright impressive and it's only been this way for a few yrs.
One possible gaming exception might be GTA5 because of the improved GFX.
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:16 pm
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
I agreee with most of the stuff this fella said especially about useless software standing between me and my games like Steam and other shit. And that gfx got above gameplay and contect which is a sad but clear fact. Although there was a time though when they were how they meant to be.
That is why I like GBA for example. Some products are full of awesomeness and it's just me and the games, nothing else. It's the same difference with a crappy ebook with wifi, cosntant updates, popup ads here and then, and a good hardback book where you hold the story itself not some device that let's you peek at it with a completely bland and empty vision while averting your attention all the time and limiting your senses. When I first saw those dreaded steam messages in my game for the first time I knew gaming has turned for the worse.
But with all that being said, videogames are not a waste of time. Yes, there are a lot more useful activities that one can be involved with, but playing good games are good for you and I'm happy that I had Grim Fandango, Baldur's Gate and The Void in my life.
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:19 pm
Joined: Apr 04, 2006
Posts: 130
This is why I'm starting to play a lot of older games that I missed out on on Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS2 and DOS. No DRM, no mandatory updates, no bullshit, just gaming the way it was meant to be.
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:41 am
Joined: Jun 14, 2011
Posts: 55
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:42 pm
Flame Me
Joined: Sep 14, 2013
Posts: 21
Location: MO
The essential problem is that game ideas are dead.
Everything is a repeat of something you've already 3x the cost. Or "free" with a micro-transaction-wallet-enema with every other mouse click.
New gaming ideas are few and far between and you really, REALLY have to search for them. And as soon as anything marginally new hits the market, 30 reiterations will choke on it. And fanboys and reviewers will gag on a 5" dick imagining all their noise and tears will turn that 5" into the magical 9" of their dreams--for them and for everyone else.
It's time all of us got honest with ourselves, each other, and developers and starting calling 5" what it is. There is no incentive to unzip and haul out 9" for someone who gleefully pays to gag on 5".
And, finally, if you've got 9", then step up to the plate slugger and show us what you've got.
Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:59 pm
Flame Me
Joined: Dec 10, 2013
Posts: 1
Play "To The Moon" and "Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons".
EDIT: and your dick will get hard as teak
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 1:35 am
Joined: Nov 20, 2013
Posts: 49
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:24 am
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
I just tried out Kentucky Route Zero.
AWESOME. It's a point and click game but like a Murakami novel or a David Lynch movie. The story seemed really interesting to me and I don't want to tell anything about it. But as like the above mentioned books or movies the game is slow paced, really sinks into a moment or a dialogue while nothing really special happening, but every now and then some strange, bit surreal stuff goes on that often not get explained, they just happen. One of the best scene for me was right at the beginning when you have to get down into the cellar of the gas station to restart some generator. That scene was amazing. And the whole game's done with graphics resebling a classic from the old masters: Another World. At least it reminded me of that game, very moody. Sound and music is great too. There is 2 episodes out of 5 that came out, can't wait for the others.
It's really something else, a break from the demanding games of today. It's like finding an old radio that somehow let's you hear some unknown stations from the twilight zone. You just need to lauch the game, pop up some beer, or even better pour some whiskey to sip ocasionally, then lay back and play.
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