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Who said I'm an authority.....all I ever said was I tell the truth....
..That's claiming to be the authority on what's right and wrong in gaming, you utter and complete mental reject.
How do you fail at basic common sense this badly unless your mother huffed paint thinner when she was carrying the seed of some alcoholic trucker, i.e. you, you brainless, gormless derpfuck.
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:22 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:40 pm
Joined: Jul 31, 2013
Posts: 66
Pogma9 wrote:
Because being such a wonderful wannabe philosopher like yourself, this is all you can say while ignoring all logic that has been presented to you. I suppose senility does hit in the 40's after all. So, you got a job?
I also call complete BS on you reading 80 books. A normal adult in society probably doesn't have much time to devote if he works in a job especially with being such an self-proclaimed esteemed "gaming intellectual". So you're likely to have been busy reading in prison while taking dick in the ass as a prison bitch. But oh wait, that explains why you're projecting your homosexual tendencies on others throughout this whole thread from the start.
Poor little Piggs. You need to go see a shrink, old man.
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:46 pm
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Mikey1345 wrote:
I also call complete BS on you reading 80 books. A normal adult in society probably doesn't have much time to devote if he works in a job especially with being such an self-proclaimed esteemed "gaming intellectual".
While I am no 'gaming intellectual' I can say from own experience that it is easy for a normal adult in society to have read 80 books. I read more books than that in the last 3 years alone. These were almost exclusively history books BTW, which may have been a slightly easier read than philosophy books, I must add.
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:44 pm
Joined: Jul 20, 2013
Posts: 280
I'm going to assume 78 of those books Pogma read were "For Dummies" guides, the 79th was the Bible, where else would you find that level of self-aggrandizing ignorance? And number 80 was the back of a milk carton.
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:30 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
The operational basis of philosophy is logic, but the meaningful basis of philosophy is ethics aka as truthtelling, so whether it's discussing games or politics, I tell the truth.
From an objective POV, Skyrim is a very good game, but things like technical merit and effective gameplay mechanics have to matter....of course this is where we strike a problem with those who love consoles or dusty old PC's that struggle with 800x600.
For those who have instant gratification issues, there's always pornography.
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:40 pm
Joined: Jul 31, 2013
Posts: 66
Yeah, I love how you're trying to pretend to be decent while a few pages back you've been screaming at us to have anal pumps up our ass. Truth? You make me laugh. I may not be a philosopher, at least I don't swaggering around pretending to be one, but I'm pretty sure Sophists like Protagoras have said that there isn't a solid truth.
I find it disturbing that you only see the world in black and white, old man. I suppose it's the senility finally catching up. "I tell the truth"? Logic? You have none. These people from before have presented logic, and yet you reject it.
Graphics serve no purpose of showing how advanced the gameplay is. It never has and never will be. If I wanted good graphics, I would've gone to watch a movie instead. Why does your brain comprehend good graphics = good gameplay? That makes no utter fucking sense. It's just drawn people/objects through computer animation, which doesn't really contribute much to gameplay at all.
Why are you so retarded?
This is like saying I'm driving a good looking and expensive car with crappy mileage and breaks down a lot. I think you need to consult the dictionary on what the meaning of quality really means. But then again, your idiocy and senility probably prevent you getting the clear picture.
I suppose having no life outside of the computer does a good number on your mental state, Piggs.
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:43 pm
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Location: Makkah
I can't believe I spawned a 15 page argument involving Skyrim and graphics just by asking Pogma to be friends with me.
_________________ swag
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:08 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
To the general idiots.....
Most of you are young, sexually inexperienced with women{but know your way around a man's bare ass}, impulsive and constantly idiotic, so my advice is to continue consuming large quantities of pornography, IOW, just do what you normally do in your spare time.
I wouldn't be surprised if the very reason any or all of you found employment wasn't for the express purpose of buying hi-speed dildo' also wouldn't surprise me if you've robbed prostitutes of their payment and dildo's.
With excess sexual energy, but no money or means to attract normal women, turning to pornography and dildo's is your only chance to satiate yourselves.
None of you will admit it, but I strongly suspect many if not all of you have ingested staggering quantities of fresh semen and have had your stomachs pumped so often you're on a first name basis with the clinic staff.
If any of you are over the age of 25, then I'm almost certain you've had rectal surgery, however, I also suspect it failed and you now "don colostomy bags" to prevent the contents of your bowels seeping out if not gushing out.
It's too bad we can't find you an upper anus colostomy bag.
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:29 am
Joined: Jul 31, 2013
Posts: 66
Pogma9 wrote:
To the general idiots.....
Most of you are young, sexually inexperienced with women{but know your way around a man's bare ass}, impulsive and constantly idiotic, so my advice is to continue consuming large quantities of pornography, IOW, just do what you normally do in your spare time.
I wouldn't be surprised if the very reason any or all of you found employment wasn't for the express purpose of buying hi-speed dildo' also wouldn't surprise me if you've robbed prostitutes of their payment and dildo's.
With excess sexual energy, but no money or means to attract normal women, turning to pornography and dildo's is your only chance to satiate yourselves.
None of you will admit it, but I strongly suspect many if not all of you have ingested staggering quantities of fresh semen and have had your stomachs pumped so often you're on a first name basis with the clinic staff.
If any of you are over the age of 25, then I'm almost certain you've had rectal surgery, however, I also suspect it failed and you now "don colostomy bags" to prevent the contents of your bowels seeping out if not gushing out.
It's too bad we can't find you an upper anus colostomy bag.
And there you go, projecting yourself on others once again. It's unhealthy, Piggs. Seriously, you should go see a shrink. But I guess I'll give you a cookie for doing a half-assed way of trying to be classy about it.
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:30 am
Joined: Jul 20, 2013
Posts: 280
So basically as I read it, you've stopped trying to even pretend that you know what the fuck you're saying because you've been cornered based on the basic principle that "grafix = qualiteez" is full of shit, so now you've resorted to homophobic slurs? Stay classy, my Aussie friend....
"omgarr u've nvr had puzzyy dat mens yoo dont knw sht abt gaemz liek meeeeee!111"
You have the mental attributes of an eight year old with such severe mental decay that he eats his breakfast bowl with the cereal, then complains his throat is bleedy and he doesn't know why.
Radiant isn't as great as you make it out to be. Changing up the spawned enemies for a fetch quest doesn't make it vastly different. Not to mention these amazingly different enemies all have the same shit-nerfed gear making them useless encounters. Plus this so-called amazing system doesn't apply to dragons, once you reach a certain level all you face is ancients unless you run into a specific area where one specific blood dragon is or the likes.
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:04 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
Nutjob....time to sober up and go away as I've already outlined why Skyrim is not only a great game, but far superior to oblivion.
No one's forcing you to like it, but you keep pretending to have the upper hand in this discussion when the truth is you simply have a differing viewpoint.
You strike me as someone with a mini dick and mini dictator mentality whereby your aim was never a discussion, but always about control and ultimately forcing your backwards assed opinion down my throat.
For the love of God STFU, I really don't want to read your whiney drivel anymore, it was moderately boring 10 pages back, now it's giving me fucken headaches.
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:51 pm
Joined: Jul 20, 2013
Posts: 280
Bla bla bla 'I'm whining because people won't believe my full-of-shit reasons for glorifying a turd but rather than just accept it I'm going to insist that everyone is wrong and I am magnificent.'
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:07 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
burningdickman wrote:
Bla bla bla 'I'm whining because people won't believe my full-of-shit reasons for glorifying a turd but rather than just accept it I'm going to insist that everyone is wrong and I am magnificent.' do you know what everyone thinks nutjob?
As I've said, Skyrim has a bunch of problems, but it's still a compelling experience, of course it helps to be at 1920x1200 ULTRA+ SSAA.
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:47 am
Joined: Jul 31, 2013
Posts: 66
Piggy9 wrote:
burningdickman wrote:
Piggy9 wrote:
Nutjob....time to sober up and go away as I've already outlined why Skyrim is not only a great game, but far superior to oblivion.
No one's forcing you to like it, but you keep pretending to have the upper hand in this discussion when the truth is you simply have a differing viewpoint.
You strike me as someone with a mini dick and mini dictator mentality whereby your aim was never a discussion, but always about control and ultimately forcing your backwards assed opinion down my throat.
For the love of God STFU, I really don't want to read your whiney drivel anymore, it was moderately boring 10 pages back, now it's giving me fucken headaches.
Bla bla bla 'I'm whining because people won't believe my full-of-shit reasons for glorifying a turd but rather than just accept it I'm going to insist that everyone is wrong and I am magnificent.' do you know what everyone thinks nutjob?
As I've said, Skyrim has a bunch of problems, but it's still a compelling experience, of course it helps to be at 1920x1200 ULTRA+ SSAA.
There's a difference between summarizing what bull you've been weaving yourself around and what everyone thinks. I love how you're being so beta right now on your views on Skyrimjob after being shown the fallacy of your reasoning about quality.
You complain about reading "drivel", but no one's compelling you to even come here. What are you? A ten year old kid? Need your mommy and daddy by your side? Seriously, you're forty years old and you can't make the sensible decision to drop out to go on your own merry retarded way? Man, so much for being a philosopher.
But considering your immaturity, I bet you don't even have a job right now.
Jesus. I bet you're like a few steps away before becoming like this dude:
But then again, you're the dumbass that's been projecting his own sexual inadequacies/insecurities on others while being a complete beta. So I probably won't have to worry about you being like him. Best good news of your life, Piggs.
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:23 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
Sorry cunts, but the truth hurts, especially cunts who self define gameplay.
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:01 am
Joined: Jul 31, 2013
Posts: 66
Pogma9 wrote:
Sorry cunts, but the truth hurts, especially cunts who self define gameplay.
Ahahaha. There you go again, doing the same old "truth-telling" shit. Weren't you the one that were self-defining gameplay = graphics? That doesn't really make sense, you know. Though of course, you reject all logic except your own like any ten year old. But since we've already milked you enough about it (and you were already horrendous about it), how about we go into the topic of how you're contributing to society. You got a job, Piggy?
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:09 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
Silly cunt...
I explained that GFX contribute to gameplay....though it's too bad if you're playing on shitty console with vomit inducing GFX.
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:09 pm
Joined: Jul 31, 2013
Posts: 66
Pogma9 wrote:
Silly cunt...
I explained that GFX contribute to gameplay....though it's too bad if you're playing on shitty console with vomit inducing GFX.
Silly kid. Just because you say it is, doesn't mean it does. You can keep telling yourself that and delude yourself even further. :)
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:39 pm
Joined: Jul 20, 2013
Posts: 280
Pogma9 wrote:
Silly cunt...
I explained that GFX contribute to gameplay....though it's too bad if you're playing on shitty console with vomit inducing GFX.
Graphics contribute nothing to gameplay. They are simply the visual medium of portrayal. Citing that graphics contribute to gameplay is like saying that the cover art of a book improves the book's quality, or that the plate or the way that a cake is designed to look like has any bearing on how it tastes. Sure, making a cake look impressive certainly helps with its presentation towards a potential purchase, but it means fuckall if the cake is dry and tasteless.
I also love how you resort to calling out anyone who opposes your point of view a console gamer. Perhaps I am a PC gamer who had built his own PC, but simply prefers actual gameplay over "ZOMG GWAFFIKS!"
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