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It's average. Average gameplay, below-average questing, below-average balance, above average graphics, below average voice-acting, below average story. The blind declaration that something so average would be 'epic' is a blatant sign of fanaticism.
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:04 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
Just to focus on one example from your list, the voice acting is the best of any game I've ever played, in fact, it's a known fact that improving voice acting was a priority over Obl, yet here you are calling it compared to what?
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:50 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
Hamo's thrilling drive in Spain inspired me to write more poetry.
Tyres were a factor at Barcelona Hamo, but you did all you could
You embarrassed Spainman, who over drove his car and destroyed under the hood
Spainman says he’s ready to enjoy racing, but forgets he’s a chump
You’re the best, and we all know you’ll kick his rump
I saw you on Parkinson, and you were calm, positive and coherent
But Spainman speaks a mix of Spanglish and gibberish that defies reason
No matter, he’ll be at the ass end of it all season
He’s a joke and the luckiest man alive
Each time I see you I’m excited, my heart rate elevates
And Spainman can’t deflate it.
The Italians don’t want him, and his own country is suspicious of him
Ron gave him a chance, and he used deception to advance
He’s a joke and looks like a bullfrog
Hamo, we’re separated by vast quantities of water, but I would love to have your daughter
You’re my hero and the world’s sexiest sportsman
Spainman is lucky to be anywhere near you
If I was there, I would nibble your ears for you
Spainman’s a joke and a laughing stock up and down pitlane
If it was up to Spainman to provide the entertainment
We’d all kill ourselves or banish ourselves to our basements
But you’ve re-ignited the season, and I love you for that and other reasons
I know you’ll be numero uno soon, then you can teach him to speak English
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:36 pm
Joined: Jul 20, 2013
Posts: 280
Pogma9 wrote:
Just to focus on one example from your list, the voice acting is the best of any game I've ever played, in fact, it's a known fact that improving voice acting was a priority over Obl, yet here you are calling it compared to what?
The Arkham games had better voice acting than Skyrim. Hell, even though New Vegas got shafted with Cunthesda-grade voice acting, at least you could tell the fucking characters apart, unlike Oblivion, Failout 3, and Skyrim's "same voice outta-every-NPC" bullshit.
Also, even a PS2 game had better fucking animations than Skyrim, Berserk. In Berserk, you could feel the weight behind your swings. The Witcher 3's going to do the same thing, Geralt moves in with the swings, and the weapons will have weight. And that's in contrast to Cunthesda's idea that all medieval weapons are nerf bats that you can flail around like a ten year-old on a fucking sugar-high.
Shit, Dark Messiah had awesome animations for combat, well above Skyrim's. But I suppose since both Berserk and Dark Messiah have inferior graphics to Skyrim, they don't even count in your eyes, right?
The claim that Skyrim has the best voice-acting, the best animations and the best graphics out of any game that you've ever seen just proves one fact and one fact alone, and it isn't that Skyrim is the most epic great game ever. It's that you have never played a good game in your life.
You are among the lowest common denominator. The MacDonald's fast-food gaming crowd that Bethesda panders to with each mediocre release.
Also, your "poetry" is fucking shit. I can tell from the first four lines that this is shit. Ya know how I can tell? There is absolutely zero rhythm. This "poem" is more or less what you'd hear from slurring drunkards in a pub, trying to string together rhyming words in desperation without caring if the words flow in any kind of coherent sense.
Hell, half this shit doesn't even rhyme coherently. One moment it goes:
'Rhyme A rhyme A
Rhyme B
Rhyme B
Rhyme ..C?
Rhyme A??
Rhyme B Rhyme B
Rhyme C Rhyme C
Rhyme A Rhyme A
Rhyme B???
Rhyme C???'
This shit is all over the place
Lord Byron's skeleton is vomiting in its grave as we speak. It's so abysmal it's defying reality by having bones excrete in repulsion.
You are the very definition of a self-adoring narcissistic twit.
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:15 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:39 pm
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Yep, a completely surprising response. Unfounded, baseless, and totally ignorant, just like you.
Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:32 am
A Winner is me!
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Skyrim's a far longer and bigger game than most, so the number of main characters and general NPC's is huge, so there's a time and money component that large scale games like Skyrim always suffer from.
I could only bother with Batman AA for a few hrs before boredom kicked in anyway, so obviously I don't see it as an example of a great game, it's more like an interactive movie with unsatisfying combat.
Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:54 pm
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It's big, that's it. It isn't long unless you count the pointless grindfest padding. In which case, we can safely say WoW is the longest game in history. The number of 'main characters' is small, and general NPCs are all the same ten NPCs in essence, copy/pasted across the worldspace.
And I love how you say AA's combat isn't satisfying, while claiming that Skyrim's combat is. So tell me, what's so satisfying about the weightless combat of Skyrim?
I love how at one point, you said that Skyrim's voice acting is the best you've heard in a video game, then when confronted with the fact that the voices are pretty much the same across the board, you justify it. Isn't flip-flopping to praise a game a behavior of a mindless zealot?
Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:24 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
Explaining the details is just that, nothing more....and btw, I never said Skyrim or any Cunthesda game was perfect, in fact I can't even get FO3 to run properly on my new PC.
Skyrim has the best voice acting of any game I've played, and the best overall GFX as well, plus sound, and it rarely crashes.
If you don't like it, that's cool, but don't waste you're time telling me that other inferior games are somehow better when I can barely stand to play them.
The fact is, you don't like the game, so fuck off and play some crap that sold 1/10th as much as the mighty Skyrim hahahahaahahahah!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:06 am
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One of the criteria I use to judge a great game is how it stands up over time, and being that I either do or at least want to regularly play some games, I think that desire to continue playing years after release is without doubt the strongest indicator of what is or isn't a great game, of course, this is only from my POV.
Skyrim and the large open world games all have numerous issues, some of these issues are undeniable, though some are subjective, ie, some will think that FO3 needs more NPC, but others may feel that the numbers are just right and contribute to the wasteland vibe of the game.
When we turn our focus to Skyrim, it also has numerous issues, both objective and subjective, but I've put nearly 500hrs into the game, so it's obviously won me over, bear in mind that after playing Skyrim, I went and bought Oblivion and was hugely disappointed with virtually every aspect of may've been a landmark game in it's day, but after experiencing the vastly improved Skyrim, not to mention FO3's improved Cuntesda's framework, I dumped it.
Burningdickhead whinges about weightless combat, but is the blocking weightless, NO, is the bow fluid and effective, YES, is the magic effective and a MILLION times better than Oblivion, hell YES!!!.....would I have liked more weight to the striking range, of course, but given that I mainly use the bow and The Thum!!!!! it doesn't bother me, though it's not something that can be denied.
The GFX and the sound play a huge role in the visual and audio narrative of the game, but this doesn't seem to matter to some people who play on shitty console or who love/prefer top down turds.....but these critical factors are written off by the real zealots, console zealots, wankers who hate progress and are full of nostalgic bullshit regarding the quality and merits of old turds of games.
I can only judge games I've played, and by that criteria, Skyrim has the best GFX, sound and voice acting, and it now has an excellent difficulty level, ie, Legendary, granted, modders quickly created a higher difficulty mod shortly after the games release, which in my opinion was better, but either way, Skyrim can be played in a casual manner or you can crank up the difficulty and really make all your upgrades worth it.
For me, Skyrim is a great game as I always want to play it, that alone is all I need as proof, but objectively speaking it's also excellent in many regards, but is hardly perfect.
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:05 am
A Winner is me!
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Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:27 pm
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Skyrim only sold as much as it did because Cunthesda overcharges based purely on overhyping the shit out of garbage knowing that putzes like you will buy it. And again, 'that you've played', which just reinforces the previous point: you clearly haven't played a decent game in your life.
Cause we all know: How many idiots paid for it = How good it is. Just like the Twilight books!
In fact, I'll just outright say it: Skyrim is the Twilight of video games.
"I've sank 500+ hours into Skyrim, therefore it is good!" - I guess that makes Farmville Game of the Year material, given how many mindless drones sink their time into that black hole of an excuse for gaming.
I also love that you claim that your criteria for judging a game is whether you want to go back and play it again.. when I hardly know anyone who went back to Skyrim after beating it the first time, because of the boring, repetitive sameshitness of it. And this is excluding the mods, and including the DLC. Because if you need to resort to modding your game to make it replayable, then no, it isn't a good game. It means that the modding community is better at making content than the game is at providing it.
On top of which, you've dismissed just about every game that had replay value based solely on OMGGRAFIXSUCK. So you're not only full of shit, you're also inconsistent and backtracking like crazy on previous points because you're losing ground fast.
You'll of sunk 500+ hours into Skyrim starting a new character over and over again and redoing the same shit over and over again, and playing modded content. Seeing as how the main campaign itself is shorter than the Dawnguard DLC is. And even if we do include the so-called quests, then that's what? 450+ hours of 'run here, kill that guy', 'run here, get this item', with zero roleplaying, across multiple characters. AWESOME AS FUCK.
Baldur's Gate 2 has 200+ hours of meaningful gameplay, roleplay and questing, each quest you have various ways of ending and handling things, with multitudes of highly characteristic and roleplay-oriented dialogue options, many of which are altered by your class or your ability scores. And that's on a single character's playthrough. Not including the 200+ hours additionally from playing the game again, this time with different stats, different classes and different party members, and making different choices.
Skyrim is 'same shit no matter who you are'. Think I'm full of shit? Take the time to grind your stats up, and you can go and do every single quest on the one character, after which, there's fuckall point to play the game again. Ya know why? Cause barely any of that shit has meaningful choice.
But then, I suppose Baldur's Gate doesn't count, because it's an "old game." Because, as we all know, Game of the Year awards only count on games that he thinks they count for, even though Baldur's Gate 2 is a multi-award winning, greatest RPG of all time. "But it's old, so therefore it's shit." Even though Skyrim is also old and dated and runs on an archaic engine. But that don't matter, does it? Just so long as you get to drivel more bullshit about how you're right.
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:04 pm
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shits going down
_________________ swag
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:52 pm
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Piggy is mad.
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:35 pm
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Meteora wrote:
Piggy is mad.
What did you expect from someone whose asshole is the size of the Grand Canyon from how many times he had to pull out shitty excuses for a shitty outdated game like Sky Rimjob?
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:54 pm
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burningdickman wrote:
"" Even though Skyrim is also old and dated and runs on an archaic engine. But that don't matter, does it? Just so long as you get to drivel more bullshit about how you're right.
Unlike you, I want GFX and tech to constantly improve, that's the whole point of buying an expensive PC every few yrs, and in my case, games like Skyrim justify my PC.
You obviously don't care about GFX, sound, UI, and tech as you're stuck in the 90's and can tolerate horrid animations{2d "ant" crap doesn't have better animations than full 3D}, crappy sound+low resolution everything.
Skyrim has a radiant AI/quest system, so no 2 people can ever play the same game, even upon reloading, Skyrim can and does change the enemies and the loot, on top of the natural beauty of the game{on PC of course} driven by the best sound/soundtrack of any game I've ever played.
Anyway, you and your fucken army of clones and sycophants don't agree, that's cool, but millions of other like Skyrim, so I suggest you take a chill pill and STFU...
Actually anyone is free to dislike or criticize Skyrim, but this has become an infantile battle between you and I, with you adopting the role of superior gamer who favours 240p GFX and fuck knows what other technical deficiencies and pretending that gameplay alone can compensate, well it can't.
As for mods, that's part of the Skyrim experience, just the same with heavily modded Oblivion, FO3/ for those with a powerful PC, you can mod the hell out of most Cunthesda games and create a new experience.
It's the same with sim racing, all these fucktards who cut their teeth on older crappy sims claim that some of the newer sims are inferior, but it's the other way round, racing sims for the most part are getting better and more realistic as time goes on, but that won't stop retards claiming low detail games like "Live for Speed" to be better/comparable to newer titles, IOW, some people are stupid and subsequently full of bullshit, and here's looking at you "kid".
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:21 pm
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TL;DR: "Graphics are all that matters. Fuck content."
Nowhere in that pile of rambling trite did you state that you cared more about the importance of actual GAME quality than VISUAL quality, which just proves the repeated point: you're not a gamer. You should just stick to watching movies. And it's hilarious how you claim people like us hate progress. Yes, because hating games for going backwards rather than forwards in content makes us hate progress, you fucking idiot.
Fixating on tech isn't progress, tech is always going to evolve. Fixating on tech and placing the actual utilization of tech to create deeper and more involved and innovative gaming experiences in last place is the opposite of progress, it's a regression of the medium. The fact that this has eluded your pea-sized brain just confirms that you're nothing more than a pandering lowest-common-denominator peon who places all of your value on how the book's cover looks, not what's in it.
The games from the 90's are better -not- because of their graphics. They're better because in spite of their dated graphics, they are not only more playable, but also more enjoyable as a medium of gameplay and interactivity rather than the bare bones bollocks of today. That you can't understand this just makes you a sad excuse for a person rather than anything else. I'd feel sorry for you if it wasn't for the fact that you choose to bask and wrap yourself in your ignorance like it was a golden fleece. People like you are what make the gaming industry the shithole it is today
I also love the fact that in the entirity of your rambling, you never once acknowledged the simple fact about Skyrim's lack of replayability beyond mods, its minimalistic content, and overall lacking in comparison to BG2, instead just relying on the same old 'WAH WAH GWAFFIKS' argument yet again.
It's pretty obvious by now that you're incapable of processing legitimate comparison, contrast and criticism.
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:11 am
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burningdickman wrote:
TL;DR: "Graphics are all that matters. Fuck content."
Skyrim is a proper open world RPG, there's tonnes of gameplay options, it's not my fault you don't like it.
As for GFX and the overall technical quality of the game, I was pointing out that Skyrim was a good example of a great game that also had a strong technical underpinning.
Btw, I hate or dislike most games these days, so I don't buy them or endorse them, so suggesting I'm part of the problem is idiotic, but it's a meme you've become comfortable with so keep the faith DUMMY!!!!
Compare Bioschock In, that's a game that has a reasonable technical basis, but has exceptionally dull gameplay, as such I can't be bothered to playthru it once!!!!.....but I've played Skyrim 3-5 times, and will play it again sometime in the future.
Going backwards technologically is unacceptable to me, I want forward progress on all fronts, and Skyrim delivers in many ways, but without doubt has many issues, "but" these issues aside, it's still fun to play and explore the beautiful enviroments, well, as long as you have a powerful PC and aren't a console fag or some soft cunt who won't spend more than $100 on a discrete GPU.
I should re-interate, GFX are more than just HD textures, there's also the fact that Skyrims environments are some of the best in gaming, if not the best, and when you mate that with the epic soundtrack, it's a truly beautiful world to explore and "play" in.
Of course, for anyone who hasn't actually played Skyrim, you not only play different characters, but you can go where ever you want as it's a proper open world game and exploration/discovery is a gameplay factor, too bad if some don't like it, I and many others do.
Don't forget the radiant quest system which ensures that no 2 players can ever play the same game....yep, overall a very good game, sure it's got undeniable problems, but there's plenty in there to compensate.
Once again, tough luck if you don't like it, you're not the authority on what qualifies as a good game, and despite your feeble attempts to undermine Skyrim whilst simultaneously trying to cast me as some dopey console casual gaming retard, I've exposed your views as exaggeration, lies and general idiocy.
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:55 pm
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Because the guy who throws all gaming aspects out the window based purely on 'graffiixx' is clearly an authority.
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:49 am
A Winner is me!
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burningdickman wrote:
Because the guy who throws all gaming aspects out the window based purely on 'graffiixx' is clearly an authority.
Who said I'm an authority.....all I ever said was I tell the truth and unlike many fucktards online, I'm prepared to acknowledge all manner of faults, however in your case, you simply don't like the game compared to others and that's okay, but you're going to run into a freight train of opposition from me if you continue the nonsense that it's average.
Obvlivion for example is flat, 2D and bordering on ugly on some occasions even with the full HD texture pack, so discovery and exploration are of limited appeal in that game, granted this is a 2012/13 also has horrid combat, and horrid magic casting mechanics...yuk!!!!
FO3 especially with the HD texture pack is quite beautiful at times and has a strong sense of scale, impressive GFX on many occasions, awesome imagery and a much improved UI and overall cunthesda framework, well, Skyrim went even further, yet you're going to defend lowly Oblivion and some older shit cause of very specific gameplay options that may or may not be appealing these days anyway.
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