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PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:12 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
Joined: Jun 18, 2009
Posts: 1711

luv it !! great game...just like FO3. This is how games must be! icon_cheers.gif

skipped gym, skipped my sprint...hehe to play New vegas.

I added the 4gb texture mod and it was worth it. looks decent on my 7680x1600 triple screen setup

its game time! gonna get me sum carlsburg byer drunken_smilie.gif = blissful hrs of gaming today

have a miserable day bitches!

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 3:40 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 356

Now ain't he a happy camper!
although... have to admit, I myself finally started to play New Vegas just a few days ago. Never get around to do it since when I bought it, I had to stop playing right after I barely tried it because of stuff. But in the meantime... I was still there and the game lingered in my mind while I constructed the perfect plan for the Ultimate New Vegas Charater!!!
And holy shit my desert ninja will rock so much ass in the game it's unthinkable. I planned every single level up form the perks to what points will I spend at what time and now.. it's time to finally execute it. No bullshit with dumping charsima down at 1 like most faggots do but taking the best stuff that no one else does. It's a lightning fast melee/unarmed sneaky bastard abusing drugs and alcohol. Master of only a few stuff... but bringing out the most of it and not just the way one might think as I discovered that the benefits and opurtunities that lies within several perks, traits and even items, going much deeper the what the average man might believe. This chain of abilities are now basically the very formula of the one perfect character. There's no mistakes as everything is chained and connected together, one perk leading to another utilizing the benefit even more until everything will be linked boosting the character towards perfection and reaches much closer to it than any other build possible.
With a name which rocks just as my character's FACE. It's so amazing, it might even be a weapon in itself, while I made it, my body was posessed by Michalangelo's spirit and we sculpted the masterpiece of his existence as a head for my character. Awesome.

Now please do state the details of your character. Want to see the stats and perks, I like reading about characters of other players. Bonus for screenshots.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:40 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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sure...even better i put up a video. test my new go pro camera.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:23 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711

craterface wrote:

Now please do state the details of your character. Want to see the stats and perks, I like reading about characters of other players. Bonus for screenshots.
video is

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:16 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 356

We know you have 3 monitors, ok. Since the enviroment is not in motion, there's no need for a GoPro or at least it should not be in your head which is moving all the time.
But with all that being said, thanks for showing the character of yours. Few suggestions: Even if you only have the base game, you shouldn't have more INT than 6 (my char has 4 without Educated) with implants since it's a waste especially if you have the Educated perk. But I cannot properly say anything since you clearly suffered in something with some of your stats being lowered.
But your Traits are great! Each of them are amazing while not favored by many, but much worthful than some of the most used. Although the perks are a mess... Swift Learner? You will reach the level cap eventually so why waste a perk slot just to hasten the process with 10%? Also, Strong Baaack? WTF, one can manage the inventory without this, it's useless especially if you already have a companion (which you should with CHA of 6) which is functional pack mule. And Intense Training LOL another waste. Friend of the night? If you took it for roleplaying reasons... then it's okay. Otherwise: go for LIGHT TOUCH. (did I mention that Light Armor is far superior than anything else especially if you intend to use ranged weapons?)
Of course you can play however you want, this above is just my personal opinion. I advise you to restart the game and start anew while you're still at level 11.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:14 am Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522

_Master_ wrote:
luv it !! great game...just like FO3. This is how games must be! icon_cheers.gif
skipped gym, skipped my sprint...hehe to play New vegas.
I added the 4gb texture mod and it was worth it. looks decent on my 7680x1600 triple screen setup

Are u certain all textures have been enabled?....NV is weird in that if you miss a step, many of the HD textures don't load.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:03 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711

craterface wrote:
We know you have 3 monitors, ok.
i luv them. never go back to single monitor gaming. so much depth and clarity, adds to the immersion

craterface wrote:
Since the enviroment is not in motion, there's no need for a GoPro or at least it should not be in your head which is moving all the time.
gopro is a great cam. it wasnt on my head, but on the desk. I wasnt willing to use my slr with the custom fisheye lens as it would give out too much of my surrounding (my videos are linked by well established sites over the net) Gopro has a smaller fov so it was perfect to show you kids + not reveal my setup ( just in case some lunatic like bezerker id's )

and abt your other comments, i am not a crazy gamer who has all the time in the world. so i doubt that i will replay it. in fact i dont remember replaying any game in the last 10 or more years! except for unreal and deus-ex. i take a game as is and explore it. not much into detailed analysis and planned strategy as yours. but if you have the time go for it!

Last edited by _Master_ on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:06 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711

Pogma9 wrote:

Are u certain all textures have been enabled?....NV is weird in that if you miss a step, many of the HD textures don't load.
i installed the nmc 4gb texture pack. when the game loads it shows nmc in the main menu. apart from them i have no clue. it does seem to look like as descibed on the site. game settings are running at could be video codec compression and plus it was recorded from a go figure

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:07 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Do the road textures look HD or similar to vanilla?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:34 pm Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Pogma9 wrote:
Do the road textures look HD or similar to vanilla?

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:23 pm Reply with quote
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Just hit lvl 30 and with all the speed enchancing perks, I actually move much faster than other characters and I literally sneak as fast as I run so stealth is almost always on. And now with Implant GRX + tons of Turbo (can craft it too), Logan's Loophole, Chemist and Day Tripper, my character lives in the EtHeReAL DiMeNSiON.
But it's not just that shit, I drink an absinthe and the effect lasts for A DAY. Fuck yeah. And since there's no addiction at all thx to Logan's Loophole, I'm always high with several stuff. Crafted a lot of Slashers and Rushing Waters too (increasing my attack speed with a +90% with Slayer and Melee Hacker), my desert ninja guy is offically an unstoppable ghost grinding machine.

I cannot advance any further because of the the LL trait, but I can't let that perk go, it's so useful. Not to mention that my character does not need to improve any further. With a BASE INT of 4 and without the Educated perk, I still had (although barely) more than enough skill points than what I need to max the essential trinity of Sneak+Melee+Unarmed and still reach 100 at Lockpick, Science and Speech with items, while 90 at Survival and 70 for Repair and Medicine.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:28 pm Reply with quote
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Strange that since my character cannot advance anymore, I still like it more and more. Of course there are still some skillbooks to be hunted down, but I managed to construct the ultimate melee weapon:
The fully modded KATANA at last. With all the 3 mods in my posession, I upgraded it and it's cool that it actually SHOWS on the outside. The hilt became red (although I liked the black one better), but it got a cool sheath on my belt and now I do look like the desert ronin samurai ninja. Can't wait to get the Courier's Duster too. Probably goin' with Ulysee's one for even more CHA-Nerve bonus. Sad thing, that without Jury Rigging, I can only repair it with weapon repairing kits, but I aready made 45 of them and secured it on ED-E, so I think I'm gonna be alright. But this weapon is awesome! It's one handed (more like a wakizashi), so it does not slow me down and geezus it's crazy-fast with the mod. Also deals enourmous damage. Best of all, the special move makes me dash forward like lightning with a single strike. Amazing.
I go and explore the Strip now. Never went inside yet, but there are a few quests already lureing me there, but my most important goal is to get a formal wear for Veronica. Wish to do this fast, so I can learn her secret move, then switch back to my most favoured Cass with a "come back-gift" of Dinner Bell. I know V is unarmed just like me and she's doing great with Pushy, but Cass has the much favoured Whiskey Rose - perk that is much favored by my type of character. Being drunk with an already high CHA, Feroucios Loyalty and now Dinner Bell / Big Boomer will make us the next Vicky and Vance!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:13 am Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522

I'm pretty sure The Riot Shotgun is still better than Dinner Bell....I know i sold Dinner Bell after realizing this.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:32 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
I'm pretty sure The Riot Shotgun is still better than Dinner Bell....I know i sold Dinner Bell after realizing this.

Maaybe.. I know the Riot Shotgun has better rate of fire, although I like that Dinner Bell has less spread so it can be useful for targets within longer distance. But I never used any of them myself to actually make a valid opinion.
I was furious when both of them got stolen by Gomorrah since they were in the posession of my companions and due to a bug, weapons packed on them remain "secured" after I leave the place. Can't believe Bethesda left this bug in the game after several patches. Thank god I use a pc, just after 10 min I found a 4 bit-sized mod that fixed that. Next time I left the place I recieved everything back that has been confiscated.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:01 am Reply with quote
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craterface wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
I'm pretty sure The Riot Shotgun is still better than Dinner Bell....I know i sold Dinner Bell after realizing this.

Maaybe.. I know the Riot Shotgun has better rate of fire, although I like that Dinner Bell has less spread so it can be useful for targets within longer distance.

None of the shotguns work very well other than short range, especially if you're playing on very hard, anyway, I found Dinner Bell a let down so it was sold.

In most instances, my approach to the casino's is a mass murder spree.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:25 pm Reply with quote
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oh long time since i played....i guess i wont be playing it anymore....i remember getting to the Mr botguys place and he offered some choices after i got the chip, didnt make sense to continue the game since i explored the part where i saw him in the sarcophagus....oh well it was fun while it lasted.......currently playing borderland2, actually i quite like it

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:48 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 356

_Master_ wrote:
oh long time since i played....i guess i wont be playing it anymore....i remember getting to the Mr botguys place and he offered some choices after i got the chip, didnt make sense to continue the game since i explored the part where i saw him in the sarcophagus....oh well it was fun while it lasted.......currently playing borderland2, actually i quite like it

See, that's what happens when you make a character in an rpg, you don't care about. With role playing games, one has to be somewhat devoted to his avatar, so the leveling progress keeps us getting back to the game. I'm just at the Legion Fort, going down to the Lucky 38 building with the platinum chip at hand. Of course I did a LOT of the sidequests, explored the whole game world and played through 3 of 4 DLC-s (excluding Lonesome Road). My character is glorious to play.
The game is interesting and I know that from this part onward, my decisions will matter a lot. When things getting serious, when it really kicks in, you are at this moment too and you want to abandon your game here?
Borderlands leads to nowhere. It doesn't have any meaning, Just shabby characters and pointless waste of time. But this game deserves attention.

Oh and did you see this?

It foreshadows the next Fallout game, and when it is finally released, I will be calm and at ease, knowing that I did my homework, played all the previous titles through the end and they were awesome. Fallout is in my life since '98 and I love FNV, though I know now that it will be a bitter end, leaving the Mojave and all it's inhabitants, my favourite NPC's, my own well built, character. But just as the game's current state, being done most sidequests and explored most areas, for me, the only way will be forward. With the main story and after I let it sink down, then onto the next one. Smiling and with a state of pureness and thankfulness, backed up with the memories lore and experience, destined to win.

Until then, I enjoy every minute of what remains of this great game that is FNV.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:31 am Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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craterface wrote:
See, that's what happens when you make a character in an rpg, you don't care about. With role playing games, one has to be somewhat devoted to his avatar, so the leveling progress keeps us getting back to the game.

Yes, I never understood people replaying an RPG as a completely different type of character. I would think you choose a type of character because it suits your own character somehow, because it appeals to you somehow, not merely because if offers you a random way to experience the game mechanics or game options.

Just to try I once replayed an RPG (Planescape Torment) as a completely different character, but the second run I felt much less involved than in the first run, and never made this mistake again.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:26 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711

craterface wrote:

See, that's what happens when you make a character in an rpg, you don't care about. With role playing games, one has to be somewhat devoted to his avatar, so the leveling progress keeps us getting back to the game.
Not really CF.....i liked my char, just that you need to have you need to keep playing it on a regular basis to make the connections....if you stop playing for like 2-3weeks due to various reasons like job...etc, you tend to loose the interest to come back to the game esp when you played most of it and almost came to the i really dont like the inventory system, i mean the usability part....when the game gets cold, these are to move on and try something new, so borderlands2 it was for me, though not related to FONV

craterface wrote:

The game is interesting and I know that from this part onward, my decisions will matter a lot. When things getting serious, when it really kicks in, you are at this moment too and you want to abandon your game here?
never said it was not i said it was cool and had its dazzling a move you get the end part where you kinda know how its gonna end.....or perhaps not....maybe i may continue it someother time....but not atm

craterface wrote:

Borderlands leads to nowhere. It doesn't have any meaning, Just shabby characters and pointless waste of time. But this game deserves attention.
did you play borderlands2 ? anyways they are different games....borderlands2 is not strong in the rpg deptartment as fonv is, but it has its strengths too.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:42 pm Reply with quote
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_Master_ wrote:
craterface wrote:

See, that's what happens when you make a character in an rpg, you don't care about. With role playing games, one has to be somewhat devoted to his avatar, so the leveling progress keeps us getting back to the game.

Not really CF.....i liked my char, just that you need to have you need to keep playing it on a regular basis to make the connections....if you stop playing for like 2-3weeks due to various reasons like job...etc, you tend to loose the interest to come back to the game esp when you played most of it and almost came to the i really dont like the inventory system, i mean the usability part....when the game gets cold, these are to move on and try something new, so borderlands2 it was for me, though not related to FONV

I now exactly what you mean. It is like this yeah, but the interest can be regained if you give it a try. At least that's what happened to me with this game, but it's not always like this.

_Master_ wrote:
craterface wrote:

The game is interesting and I know that from this part onward, my decisions will matter a lot. When things getting serious, when it really kicks in, you are at this moment too and you want to abandon your game here?

never said it was not i said it was cool and had its dazzling a move you get the end part where you kinda know how its gonna end.....or perhaps not....maybe i may continue it someother time....but not atm

If you went to visit Ceasar for the first time, it's still not even half the game. That is the point when you just choose which of the 4 side you want to fight for. Still relatively at the beginning.
Not to mention that Old Wolrd Blues DLC was so awesome, great characters and really funny lines and happenings. If you're past level 15-20, you have to try it.
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