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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
PlanetSide 2.
Must find better Outfit (vanu) on matherson server.
Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 2:45 am
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berzerker wrote:
Just installed the Witcher (Enhanced Edition) and played if for an hour or so. So far it doesn't seem to be my type of game: I understand why this is often compared to Baldur's Gate, a game I couldn't get into at all. I had hoped it would be more like Gothic / TES. Anyway, I'll give it a few more hours.
In the OTS (over the shoulder) mode it plays better alright, if you avoid the isometric view the BG-references disappear. I kinda like the game so far (having spent 10- 15 hours or so). The notorious sex scenes are a bit of a letdown though, but it is good that they put them in I suppose if only to show how stupid it is that even such innocent scenes are usually not allowed in games. I don't like the upgrade system a lot (it is confusing, I very much prefer the Gothic system), and there are bosses too (I hate those in games). Graphics and voice acting are pretty good IMHO. Geralt is a pretty arrogant SOAB, but I got to like him nonetheless. So far I'd say this is a pretty good game.
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:05 pm
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Playing BF3 and Jak II. Jak II is horribly outdated and BF3 is glitchy as fuck but still enjoying myself. Canceled my preorder of RE Revelations since the only preorder bonuses were powerful weapons and the game is sure to have a price drop. Waiting till 6/14 for The Last of Us.
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Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:56 pm
A Winner is me!
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berzerker wrote:
Just installed the Witcher (Enhanced Edition) and played if for an hour or so. So far it doesn't seem to be my type of game: I understand why this is often compared to Baldur's Gate, a game I couldn't get into at all. I had hoped it would be more like Gothic / TES. Anyway, I'll give it a few more hours.
Just finished it and liked it. It's a solid game, not brilliant though, I'd give it a 7/10, there are just too many minor annoyances to warrant an 8/10 IMHO.
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:21 am
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Playing Deus EX HR( rented it but never finished it). It's my first Deus Ex game and I'm fucking terrible, but I like it.
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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:30 pm
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Posts: 356
zachofat wrote:
Playing Deus EX HR( rented it but never finished it). It's my first Deus Ex game and I'm fucking terrible, but I like it.
I like the third Deus Ex a lot. The game was awesome, with good story too. Skills were great and useful and all I needed was my fully upgraded Pistol for the bosses (it was wonderful) and my tazer for close combat. And grenades since I loved the variety of them and how they served as utility.
Sneaking was a great, useful and valid way all through the game and that's quite an accomplishment to make it happen like that in a game as this.
Just get the double takedown, the temporary invisibility and some extra cells. I only used the latter two only from mid-game, but regretted not to invest in it earlier as it helps a lot.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:11 am
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Currently playing The Last of Us, this game is fucking good. The multiplayer is fun as well and doesn't hurt the overall package. I do have some problems with it though, and I'll probably go over them in my review. I've been playing since June 14th, I'm about 12 hours in (I don't get a lot of time to play, very busy).
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:26 am
Joined: Nov 14, 2011
Posts: 125
zachofat wrote:
Currently playing The Last of Us, this game is fucking good. The multiplayer is fun as well and doesn't hurt the overall package. I do have some problems with it though, and I'll probably go over them in my review. I've been playing since June 14th, I'm about 12 hours in (I don't get a lot of time to play, very busy).
I would like to play that game but I'm not buying a PS3 for one game. Console Exclusives are absolute shit.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:12 am
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Yeah, Naughty Dog is owned by Sony so it's an exclusive. I see what you mean, I liked alot of the exclusives so i got one for free from my friends. If you ever get the chance to play it you should. I'll probably finish in a couple days.
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:52 am
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Posts: 125
zachofat wrote:
Yeah, Naughty Dog is owned by Sony so it's an exclusive. I see what you mean, I liked alot of the exclusives so i got one for free from my friends. If you ever get the chance to play it you should. I'll probably finish in a couple days.
I dont understand the business logic that goes into that. They think people will buy a PS3 just to play Uncharted and Last of Us? Good luck with that.
I'm sure they would sell TONS of PC version of The Last of Us.
I just finished Bioshock Infinite and Far Cry 3. Bioshock Infinite was good and Suislide's review was spot on. Far Cry 3 was just like Far Cry 2 in the sense that it could have been a 10/10 game of the year but several terrible decisions ruined that game. Primarily the fact that Jason Brody's voice actor should never work again and the fact that the writing in that game was garbage. And as someone in a YouTube video pointed out, the physics in Far Cry 3 are actually worse than Far Cry 2 somehow in some areas.
Just started The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition and continuing to play Morrowind with Sounds and Graphics Overhaul.
Also finished Stalker: SoC and playing Call of Pripyat now.
I'm getting tired of all these quicktime events and interactive movies.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:32 pm
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Posts: 356
if some ps3 somehow ends up in my hands i would try heavy rain.
it was made ny quantic dream, the ones who made the ever-awesome OMIKRON which is clearly one of the best games on earth.
Although heavy rain is indeeed an interactive movie although it branches into many paths and it's probably great.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:23 pm
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Posts: 2350
Currently playing Call Of Juarez 2, so far it seems a little better than part 1 but even more linear so far. Really much too consolized to my taste but still half-decent.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:11 pm
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craterface wrote:
if some ps3 somehow ends up in my hands i would try heavy rain.
it was made ny quantic dream, the ones who made the ever-awesome OMIKRON which is clearly one of the best games on earth.
Although heavy rain is indeeed an interactive movie although it branches into many paths and it's probably great.
Heavy Rain was great, besides the voice acting. Very intense as well and lots of different paths to take.
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Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:17 am
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Alright I beat TLOU, I'll write my review today but right now I'm too fucking tired.
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Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:17 pm
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zachofat wrote:
Alright I beat TLOU, I'll write my review today but right now I'm too fucking tired.
I was in the middle of doing my review and my computer turned off for no fucking reason, so I'll probably redo it tomorrow. Have been playing multiplayer and will do New Game+ run soon. Have also been playing Saints Row the Third, not sure if I like it or not. Last of Us took me about 15 1/2 hours to beat, pretty good I think.
_________________ swag
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:30 pm
Flame Me
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Posts: 7
Actually, I changed my mind. The Last of Us sucked. It was just consolized overrated crap.I don't even know why I have a Shitstation 3. PC ftw!!!!
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:08 pm
A Winner is me!
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You are not zacho because you don't fancy fucking dead baby puppies in the ear.
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