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Do you have moments of inspiration upon creating your character? Feeling like a fucking Michalangelo while sculpting the face of your incarnation after waking up at Doc Mitchell's shack or while being sentenced to death in the frozen land of the Nords?
Then show yourself.
Here's two pictures of my characters. I wanted them to be believable, like a normal guy that might as well exsist IRL. Not that stooopid grotesque gnomes that most people make. Of course dark elves and argonians are a diferent matter but you know what I mean. I didn't want my characters to look like they were made using a character creation method and just look awesome like an NPC made by the old masters. These things matters as I don't want to look to a retarded face during dialogues or cinematic shots of critical hits.
Fallout 3
Dragon Age
Why they are both niggers you might ask? I don't know. Yeah, now to think of it I recieved very little hospitality down south in Point Lookout...
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:45 pm
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
Screw you guys for none of you post any screenshots of your characters.
Oh well.. thought I present you with another fine example of my virtual sculpting skills. Marvel at my character in New Vegas:
Thought since he was buried once, he should look a bit like someone who just got back from the grave.
I plan to make him undead-like with perks like night person, cannibal, ghastly scavenger, tribal wisdom, with maybe rad child and atomic!.
Perfect for trying Hardcore mode.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:39 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 01, 2006
Posts: 2350
I didn't play many games that allowed you to create a character with a non-standard look, and where I did, frankly, I didn't care about how the character looked, only what his stats were.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:43 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Posts: 2522
I always play as a female in FO3/Vegas/Skyrim.....I don't want to hear endless grunts from male characters.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:25 am
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
I always play male characters in any game, but especially in the Fallout series where gender matters in dialogues. In F2 for example you can sleep with various women including the wife of the mob boss and his daughter (the girl can go with you even if you're a woman so as I heard). Take out Miss Kitty after you beat the game or donate to the sperm bank of Vault City and so on...
While females can act like whores, you can sleep with the head of the Slaver Guild for the release of a possible addition to your party (in F2 with 10 CH I had 5 followers and we kicked so much ass) and such but who wants to sleep with men? RPG-s like Dragon Age or Baldur's Gate and such I sure as hell don't want to play as a female and get guys attracted to me.
But that doesn't matter. At least describe your stats if you mentioned it. I'm still at the beginning and I'm torn between a Gun using Sniper and Unarmed Ninja. The game features lot of close corridors or wide open places?
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:11 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Posts: 2522
Vegas is heavy on sniping, but scoped weapons are useless close up, so a fully modded hunting shotgun or the Riot shotgun are essential at some point.
I just finished Vegas on Very Hard in Hardcore mode, and it was very difficult, so I couldn't afford to chose any fun or lesbian perks, I had to choose perks that gave me a global advantage, ie against all opponents.
In hardcore mode your companion can be killed, so I had to always be mindful of what I did with her{cunny cass}....however I executed her and was hoping Ron Pearlman would give me kaka for doing so, but he didn't.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:11 pm
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
The character will go unarmed. I think that suits his ghoulish ways better. I planned every step all the way through level 50, with all the stat requirements kept in mind for perks and weapons.
I hope the Cannibal, Ghastly Scavenger and the Adamantium Skeleton perk helps me get through Hardcore mode. Although I chose those for roleplaying reasons (just like Atomic! and Rad Child), both seems quite useful and interesting too (some even alters a few dialogues).
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:51 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
craterface wrote:
helps me get through Hardcore mode. .
Yeah, but make sure it's also on "very hard".
Very hard in casual mode is harder than Hardcore + normal diff level for example.
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:36 am
A Winner is me!
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Location: iCarly Studio
ur gmaes r 4 faggits,dis is da k00lest madafuckker eva.haha kreating karakters is ghey lel.
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:43 pm
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
this guy above is a created character. although you can also recreate him in fallout games, making the same face and using the same beard, but mimicing other characters instead of your own sounds a bit ghey to me
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:31 am
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
New Vegas is a nice game, good perks and at least the stats holds some meaning.
But the graphics are clearly a lot worse than Fallout 3. This game looks like shit. The desert is somewhat resembles the quality of F3, but the interiors are like from Blood 2 from 1998. And they are empty. The furnitures are made from like 3 poligons. The Strip is empty too it looks like some MMO from 2001. And I just don't understand why they fucked up the colors in this game. F3 had the colors right, why did they changed that? Why's everything orange? Is there a mod for that? I mean the desert are orange, the people are orange too, it looks like all of the Mojave suffers from some liver disease. I had to waste tons of time to finally make a character that somewhat healthy looking in the sun, because it was either orange or greenish-greyish.
Anyway, here's my badass gunslinger guy
Go ahead. Click on it and see the pic in all it's glory.
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:13 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Posts: 2522
craterface wrote:
New Vegas is a nice game, good perks and at least the stats holds some meaning.
FUCK THE GFX, though you can dl a 4gig HD texture pack from the Nexus......but the cool thing about NV is the challenge of hardcore mode and the dramatic improvement in weapons, especially sniper rifles, which is epic as this is a big assed long ranged game at times.
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:49 am
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
Pogma9 wrote:
A comment i wouldn't expect from you of all else.
Do you think that it is worthful to take trigger disciple for more accurate shooting, or you are fine with 100 guns?
Another thing, I'm thinking to try a character with the Hot Blooded trait and high charisma + Ferocious Loyalty perk so my team become a deathsquad if I keep my HP below 50%.
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:09 am
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Posts: 2522
craterface wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
A comment i wouldn't expect from you of all else.
Do you think that it is worthful to take trigger disciple for more accurate shooting, or you are fine with 100 guns?
Another thing, I'm thinking to try a character with the Hot Blooded trait and high charisma + Ferocious Loyalty perk so my team become a deathsquad if I keep my HP below 50%.
As I said before/elsewhere, "if" you play on very hard in hardcore mode, you won't want to risk any perk that doesn't do global damage, thereby giving you a constant bonus.
I can't remember whether I took any trigger discipline, I may have, but I think around 75 on small guns you're quite accurate......and another thing, your companions will be killed on the hardest difficultly mode, so you don't want to send them in, you need to protect them and use them as pack horses and virtual companions, but they play a limited though useful role in hardcore mode.
Don't forget to ensure your weapons are constantly repaired for maximum effectiveness.
I went with something like...
Small Guns
I also upgraded my endurance perk so as to use the medical upgrades at New Vegas Medical, I made sure to get every med upgrade before the finale and it was still tough.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:00 am
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
Yea that's why I want to try Ferocious loyalty, to keep my companions alive since that perk not give a 50% uncrease of their DT, but halves the damage they recieves. Which is nice. And since it kicks in when I'm half dead, why not recieve further bonuses? Hot blooded gives me a 15% damage increase when I get to 50% of my HP. And that's a nice overall damage increasing trait, you said that it's important to have these.
Although I want to get other perks, more like the ones that gives me bonuses hile using light armor. I always use light armor if I can in a game. Speed is important. +crit chance too.
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:41 pm
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
Finally I managed to plan the perfect character when all the already nice perks and traits make the best of their uses (especially combined) while negating their downsides as possible.
Now I've got a radioactive friendly unarmed cannibal with exceptionally tough allies. Wohoo!
Got lost in the character creation again so I got some new faces as a result:
I have a question for those who completed the Lonesome Road DLC.
At the end, you can leave Ed-E behind to get a good perk, but do you get the other one for choosing which faction should (or not) be nuked?
Or you have to choose between the leaving E-dE perk and the one you get for the missle lauch.
Thanks in advance.
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