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Titan Quest is the Diablo III, cause Diablo III sucks balls!
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:35 am
Joined: Apr 14, 2012
Posts: 41
Ok so I haven't really played Diablo III yet and I never will. Just because it's Diablo III, doesn't mean it's great. So basically Blizzfart managed to fuck up a great series by turning it into some sort of retarded MMORPG. Sure, it's still Diablo III but it doesn't feel ike Diablo. Titan Quest feels like actual Diablo, it's better than Diablo III and should replace Diablo III. I've read a review to see if it's worth buying. It's not. Lemme take the score down from "We're paid to give it a ten" to it's real score and show you what the review actually means. Why? Lemme tell you!
Emphasis on Co-Op Play. Basically, Diablo III is some sort of retarded MMORPG now. You play Diablo lonly with other player. The stupid issue is, well, the business model. No other MMORPG uses the same model. You pay first to play the fucking thing? Don't. Why? Cause it SUCKS!
Diablo isn't supposed to be for multiplayer. In Diablo you're a mother fuckin hero fucking up hordes of fucking enemies. Sure it has multiplayer, but focuses on single player. Titan Quest still does that. Might as well play that instead of Diablo III.
Public games are based on quests and are level-restricted... Maple story did it first. You have to level below levels, play them again and again with retarded narutards to be able to unlock better levels. That's not what Diablo is about, replaying levels like a retard, it's about going forward and doing fucking quests. NEVER looking back.
Stats now auto-distribute. No more fun smart stats distributing. The game does it for you now. Because Blizzturd thought people are too fucking retarded to share stats, and all they want to do is play play play. They fucked up the whole character customization. Also Stats have simple effects for each class, because if it's simplier more Narutards get to play it, because the game doesn't use a fucking brain.
Also, remember the complex item system in Diablo II? Well fuck that, because in Diablo III all abilities scale off of weapon damage so that any class can equip nearly any piece of equipment, because since they don't have actual stats, every fucking class can get any fucking item. So a big part of the game was fucked up. You liked the satisfaction of finding a good item for your class? A item that benefits you? Well fuck that you won't be feeling that anymore because every fucking item benefits your class, some are super beneficial while some are just super beneficial. You can build intelligence on barbarian. Why fucking not?
In Diablo III, Blizztard tries to make classes unique, because everything else is like a fucking brainead baby mode MMORPG. Sure, your barbarian will use different resources, but what does that mean? Your barbarian will use mana, which is called probably rage, that regenerates off intelligence and increases the same way. But even so, you will still have skills that cost 0 mana. But don't worry, the classes have been completely reworked so it doesn't feel like playing the classes you enjoyed in Diablo II. 5 New Classes. Wow. Titan Quest has 8 classes, that is if you don't multiclass, that's like 64 unique classes overall.
Well if Diablo II doesn't suck now, guess what? Blizztard makes sure you will never play the game. Ever. How? Well it fucks up the skill system. You don't get to level your skills, noo. Instead you gain new skills upon leveling up, like in some sort of retarded MMORPG, which it has become. Oh and you think it's ok? You will still have all your skills? BAM! No! You can only have 6 skills per game. Some sort of retarded WoW system. Except in WoW you get 25ish. In Diablo just 6. And 3 passive also. Wow. 3 passive at once. That's just wow. Retarded?
Also Blizzard promises more linear quests and more crafting. Yay! We can craft more, like in any retarded non Diablo RPGs. Sure Blizzard adds some useless random changes, but will these actually change the game? The core is what matters, after all, not the small retarded changes.
You like the complex, interesting Diablo II? Well Blizard tells you to go fuck yourself with Diablo III, because not only it is a MMORPG now where you get to deal with retarded kids, it is also dumbed down so that kids get it. Sure, you get party mode for 4 players, down from 8, but who the fuck cares? Without the great elements from Diablo II, why the fuck play Diablo III? It's just a dumbed down Diablo copying MMORPG. And we suure love those.
If you want to go play Diablo III, go play Titan Quest, cause it's more Diablo than Diablo III. Fuck you Blizzard, first Warcraft, than this? What's next? A DLC with the new "Bieber" class that gets to sing on the battlefield? Or a mix between Starcraft and Warcraft? You are taking the same path Activison and EA take and that doesn't end well...
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 5:09 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
always on DRM big fail...
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:30 pm
Flame Me
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Posts: 11
I thought Titan Quest was meh. The combat felt dull as fuck, like beating a dummy with a stick, it lacked any impact. It was even more mindless than Diablo 2.
I mean hack and slash is already brainless, at least put some fucking variety in there, ie when you had sometimes to kill a leader enemy that ressurrects others and so on, and it copied Diablo to a fault and the only truly different thing was the classes and picking the combinations and all that.
Fell asleep trying to finish the game.
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 8:02 pm
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
Path to Exile or something is another Diablo-kinda game. Might be an alternative if you are into these games.
But Diablo III sucks donkey balls. Never played it but was kinda hyped like half a year before where I did not know shit about the game. I enjoyed playing with the necro and the assassin in the previous title.
But after I saw some gameplay videos I lost all interest. The gameplay became like 3 times slower than how it was in D2. And everything looks shitty. WTF's with the pink-ass shaman? Unleashing the mighty horde of exploding FROGS?! Just Who's stupid idea was this? And the fact that I cant allocate my stats freely and the skills are not upgradeble only changeable is lame. Not to mention that there are no skills for PVP.
Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 9:57 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
What is going on with the Diablo hate? I don't think anyone likes the always-on connection requirement, but that's just how it is. Get over it or move on and stop complaining.
Here's a comment from some cunt at the Techreport forums regarding D3.....seriously, what kind of cunt says something like this?
Most of the message boards I've been at over the yrs always has these type of pro dev cocksuckers, and often they're mods, so I have a hard time believing these cocksuckers aren't working for various dev's.
Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 7:06 am
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Posts: 41
Pogma9 wrote:
What is going on with the Diablo hate? I don't think anyone likes the always-on connection requirement, but that's just how it is. Get over it or move on and stop complaining.
Here's a comment from some cunt at the Techreport forums regarding D3.....seriously, what kind of cunt says something like this?
Most of the message boards I've been at over the yrs always has these type of pro dev cocksuckers, and often they're mods, so I have a hard time believing these cocksuckers aren't working for various dev's.
Yea they're obviously retarded.
Not sure how retarded, but retarded enough to not realize that it's not just the permaconnection we dislike.
It's also that Diablo III isn't a fucking Diablo at all. Blizztard is getting even more EAtarded. Sure SCII was a good game, but WoW 3 and all it's expansions fucked the whole Warcraft series. And now THIS? I'm sure MMOs are a way to avoid piracy, but dumbing down the game isn't.
Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 9:53 am
Flame Me
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Posts: 11
Blizzard has done a great job of giving anyone on the fence a terrible impression with the whole launch bullshit.
Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 1:23 pm
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Posts: 41
It's funny how Blitztard drones go like "Diablo II sucks? No because I can click you to death with my dollar played weapons. If you don't like it, go play D2. Obvious troll"
Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:59 pm
VGS Admin
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I think Diablo 3 is pretty fun so far
Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 2:03 pm
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sorry but any game that costs 60$ and still requires me to WAIT IN QUEUES to play it on singleplayer is an automatic 0/10 in my book.
Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:25 pm
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Posts: 356
also the user's metacritic scrore of this game is 4.0 according to almost 4 thousand people. just saying.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 5:35 am
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Posts: 41
I'm amazed it isn't reviewed yet. While not the worst game ever, it's a degradation, a humiliation to the Diablo series. You have to be some sort of brainwashed retarded blizzombie to say otherwise.
I hate Blizzard now. The only company that still makes good games is Valve (and Irrational Games aka 2kBoston).
Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 5:36 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2350
How many bad games did Piranha Bytes make? And are Starbreeze and Bethesda really so bad? Dice maybe (never played any of their games because their focus seems to be on multiplayer, but I do not think they have a bad reputation)?
Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:45 pm
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Faestus wrote:
I'm amazed it isn't reviewed yet. While not the worst game ever, it's a degradation, a humiliation to the Diablo series. You have to be some sort of brainwashed retarded blizzombie to say otherwise.
I hate Blizzard now. The only company that still makes good games is Valve (and Irrational Games aka 2kBoston).
Convenient how the major sites like Gamespot and Giantbomb waited more than a week to review the game, isn't it? Can anyone think of a single big name title other than an MMO in recent memory that wasn't reviwed on launch day or shortly thereafter?
Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:49 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2350
They probably needed to dust off their PC first, used as they are at reviewing console games only.
Anyway, what's the conspiracy behind this you think? It's not like the reviews are bad and would have scared potential buyers away.
Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 4:49 pm
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berzerker wrote:
They probably needed to dust off their PC first, used as they are at reviewing console games only.
Anyway, what's the conspiracy behind this you think? It's not like the reviews are bad and would have scared potential buyers away.
They waited so that they could ignore the server problems that were most severe at startup. These sites would otherwise have a reviewer pulling an all-nighter to get the game played and reviewed before anyone else.
Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:45 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
doctor_kaz wrote:
They waited so that they could ignore the server problems that were most severe at startup. These sites would otherwise have a reviewer pulling an all-nighter to get the game played and reviewed before anyone else.
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