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I just tried the Gothic 4 demo on PC
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:08 pm Reply with quote
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LOL, what utter crap....simple minded cheesy dialogue, a pretty but unconvincing world, dumbassed combat, and a general feel that this was made for halfwits who watch soap opera's.

It's no wonder in Angry Joe's review of Skyrim, he said that Skyrim was the benchmark by which all other RPG's must be compared.

awww, fuck this is mindless shit made for mindless idiots....within 15mins I was shooting my soon to be wife in the head with arrows, that's how bored I was, of course, it had no effect on her.
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Re: I just tried the Gothic 4 demo on PC
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:21 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
LOL, what utter crap....simple minded cheesy dialogue, a pretty but unconvincing world, dumbassed combat, and a general feel that this was made for halfwits who watch soap opera's.

awww, fuck this is mindless shit made for mindless idiots....within 15mins I was shooting my soon to be wife in the head with arrows, that's how bored I was, of course, it had no effect on her.

Well, what did you expect, it is a demo of a game that NO ONE likes, it's generally considered a bad game.

Pogma9 wrote:
It's no wonder in Angry Joe's review of Skyrim, he said that Skyrim was the benchmark by which all other RPG's must be compared.

Only if you limit yourself to recent, western-style RPGs maybe, and leave hybrids out of the picture too.

It's a pity you came onto the RPG stage only recently and are unable to look back to what you missed all those years.
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Re: I just tried the Gothic 4 demo on PC
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:12 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

It's a pity you came onto the RPG stage only recently and are unable to look back to what you missed all those years.

Not really, I mean, I did miss out on Oblivion, but I'll play that in 6-12months time, otherwise the rest of it doesn't seem remotely appealing to me as they fail hard from a technical POV....I also question whether these older games had these amazing stories, for example, I watched a fair bit of Oblivion's DBHood quest on ytube, and it didn't seem anything special.

To me, Skyrims Thieves Guild got it plenty right, plus Skyrim has so much going for it from a technical POV+combat, that my main concern regarding it's ending was that it would be something stupid or dramatic for the sake of it, but it was just uneventful.

One of the reasons I've always liked FPSers is that guns seem to work so well with a M&KB, whereas slashers seem to be a mash fest......that said, I've moved on from run and guns, especially with the technological stagnation.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:33 am Reply with quote
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What I meant was: you could have played RPGs 15 years ago also, and then you could have played games like Baldur's Gate 2 and Planescape Torment, not forgetting the Gothic games and Morrowind, maybe even Anochronox or Final Fantasy 7/8. I'm not suggesting you play any of those now, we've been there.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:00 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
What I meant was: you could have played RPGs 15 years ago also, .

Yo...I keep telling you that one of the reasons I rejected many games in the past was because they looked like always seemed to be the AAA FPSers pushing the boundaries of technical merit, and I have no interest in going back to Donkey Kong/Space Invaders looking low tech crap, nor did I have any interest in them at the time.

I went from Space Invaders to Doom, and certainly up until FEAR2005, technical innovation leading to improvements in GFX, sound, animations, AI, slick gameplay mechanics etc, were progressing nicely, but for ex Crysis isn't much of diff to FEAR except for resolution....however, FO3 was very different, a blend of FPS and RPG which reignited my interest in shooters, and opened my mind to swords and sandal type RPG, but only of a high standard.

So called "great stories" mated to low tech crap is unappealing to me, it's half an experience, and as I mentioned before, FPS mechanics work well, even HL1 was decent, but Oblivion has very ordinary animations and combat mechanics, of course, MW is even worse and so unconvincing as to immediately break immersion.

It's the same with the racing sims coming out this yr...I'll buy most of them because they're offering greatly improved GFX and claims of better physx, however, should another batch be released in 2014, they'd have to somehow come over the top of the latest bunch otherwise what's the point...
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:31 pm Reply with quote
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FO3 was "very different", but compared to what? It's not very different compared to Morrowind at all I'd say, quite similar inf fact really. If you must have guns for a proper comparison, then how is it fundamentally different from System Shock or Deus Ex, games that could have appealed to you back then because they were FPS/RPG hybrids (Deus Ex didn't have top of the line graphics on release, but System Shock had)?

It's only different to you because you didn't play any comparable games, but they were out there. It seems silly that you could stomach Doom's graphics on release but not Morrowind's (which had absolute top of the line graphics on release).
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:33 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
FO3 was "very different", but compared to what? It's not very different compared to Morrowind at all I'd say, quite similar inf fact really. If you must have guns for a proper comparison, then how is it fundamentally different from System Shock or Deus Ex, games that could have appealed to you back then because they were FPS/RPG hybrids (Deus Ex didn't have top of the line graphics on release, but System Shock had)?

It's only different to you because you didn't play any comparable games, but they were out there. It seems silly that you could stomach Doom's graphics on release but not Morrowind's (which had absolute top of the line graphics on release).
keep pressing bezerker....i think your onto something here...its only a matter of time before he cracks open

follow me or get out of the way
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:00 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
FO3 was "very different", but compared to what? It seems silly that you could stomach Doom's graphics on release but not Morrowind's (which had absolute top of the line graphics on release).

Doom was on a 5k 486, and presumably 17in CRT, so very easy to stomach especially when you don't know any better.
MW's problems are varied, but the combat and the animations look like they'll suck hard and remind me of Benny Hill skits.

FO3 was simply different to the typical run and gun FPS that also had crappy stories/dialogue/characters etc, so FO3's strength was the impressive open world, the well developed Bethesda RPG framework and that the game encouraged you to play beyond just the shooting.

Now that I have both Skyrim and Oblivion, and that Gothic4 is a POS compared to Oblivion, I know I haven't missed out on much, but I now know that playing a non guns RPG is viable just as long as the combat is decent as that'll compel me to continuing playing the game, and if it is of a high standard overall, then I could finish it.
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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 9:57 am Reply with quote
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Angry Joe buckfucks RISEN 2.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:22 pm Reply with quote
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Latest Gothic 3 patch/overhaul.....anyone played this..?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:40 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Latest Gothic 3 patch/overhaul.....anyone played this..?

I played it with community patch 1.71, I reviewed it here at the time. 1.70 was supposed to be the final patch, there have been some minor amendments later anyway, no substantial changes, so my review should still accurately describe the current state of the game.

I loved this game, there isn't any other game I put so much time in. But the Gothic games are not for everyone and you need to put some serious time in it to appreciate it. Graphics are of course not state of the art any more either and we know how much you value graphics. I wouldn't recommend it to you, you are simply not the type to appreciate anything other than state of the art games.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:47 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
I wouldn't recommend it to you, you are simply not the type to appreciate anything other than state of the art games.

Textures are one aspect of the whole package, and the SS's of the game look reasonable enough, but if combat sux or questing/dialogue sux, or animations and sounds are unconvincing, then I most likely would have a problem.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:12 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
berzerker wrote:
I wouldn't recommend it to you, you are simply not the type to appreciate anything other than state of the art games.

Textures are one aspect of the whole package, and the SS's of the game look reasonable enough, but if combat sux or questing/dialogue sux, or animations and sounds are unconvincing, then I most likely would have a problem.

Combat in the Gothic games is always something that improves while you evolve in the game, so it may be sucky in the first 10/20 hours or so. Anyway, combat in G3 was considered disappointing by Gothic-fans, your mileage (not burdened with the Gothic 1/2 heritage) may vary. I got used to it pretty quickly (in my review of course I exaggerated the control problem a bit, this being a VGS review where you are supposed to leave out the nuances).
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:23 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

Combat in the Gothic games is always something that improves while you evolve in the game, so it may be sucky in the first 10/20 hours or so.

I'm referring to a combo of the combat mechanics and the visceral nature of it, not the difficulty levels or amount/type of weapons.
Even though Skyrim's slayed them all, I prefer Oblivion's combat to that of Gothic4 and Risen2 demo.

The Risen2 combat reminds me of Batman, where the moves are fancy, but the computers doing most of the work for you=mashfest.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:18 pm Reply with quote
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Graphics have NOTHING to do with the developers. It comes naturally with the passing of time as technology advances. Only art design is linked to the makers of a game and skyrim have unoriginal looking items and enviroment. While Morrowind excels in this department too.

Baldur's Gate 2 and Morrowind are awesome.
Putting graphics as the main merit of games, placing gameplay and story as secondary qualities? Comparing a game of today to one that's 10 or 15 year old? It's like saying that Miley Cyrus is better musican then Chopin since she got more followers on twitter and Chopin's dead anyway.

That's not the way of a "gaming intellectual" or whatever.
At least allow yourself a chance to be proven wrong/right. If you don't, then you'll never find out the truth.

Although i remember you often speaking about truth and how you always live by it and stuff.

Are you afraid of it?
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:59 pm Reply with quote
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In most cases when it comes to games, I want EVERYTHING up to standard, it's not my fault casual gaming retards buy consoles or any crap on, I've rejected many games of late for all sorts of reasons, and will continue to do so, as such, I vote with my wallet, however I'd much rather pay twice for a quality gaming experience than pay $10-$20 months later and not really like it.

Just so we're clear, I'd happily pay $120 per game if that meant all aspects of games raised their values, but having missed out on some older games and been exposed to more advanced games, I have no desire to go back, as story by itself is meaningless without technical merit.....that's my attitude, too bad if you don't like it.

It's also the case that what you like in a storyline/characters may not be what I like....and FYI, I didn't have a huge problem with Skyrims ending, but just as I don't replay FO3/NV for the ending, so it'll be with any future playthru's of Skyrim.

I agree with the common view that Skyrim DBH quests sucked, so I went and watched a good 30mins of Oblivion DBH on ytube and I couldn't say it seemed any better, maybe I need to play/watch more, either way, I have Oblvion and whilst it's no Skyrim on a technical* level, I will eventually play that game, in fact, I'd probably mod the hell out of it rather than bother with vanilla.....but MW, or any other shit isn't appealing to me, too old, too tedious, too boring.

It's funny, cause other than Bethesda post2006, it seems like most action adventure RPG's are utter shit, yet there seems to be this air of superiority associated with them, but in reality, they're often deeply unfinished and ultra boring.

*Skyrim one of the best sounding games on my 5500's, Oblivion one of the worst.....but I do find the game appealing, so I'll end up playing it.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:38 pm Reply with quote
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Oblivion's music is better than Skyrim (but Skyim is still good).

It's not just the story in Skyrim that was bad (the sidequests anyway) but the fact that you do a quest and get nothing for it. That's the opposite of what is supposed to happen.

Also it's clear that they are slowly streamlining their games for consoles so I am sure Elder Scrolls VI has a 50% chance of being garbage, which makes me really sad.

The dialogue in skyrim sucked balls. 90% of the time there is only one response so basically it is "Press A to talk"

Once I have a new computer in a month I'm going to play through skyrim with full mods and we'll see how it goes. Visually it does look awesome even without mods, but the quests and dialogue is massive disappointment.

Dragon Age III....yea....I can't wait for Suislide's review.

Also, I really think you should look up some YouTube videos of Morrowind Graphics and Sounds Overhaul and then make your decision. The combat in Morrowind is still old-timey though.

Here is one video:
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:39 pm Reply with quote
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Oblvion's audio quality sux....i'm not referring to the music
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:29 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
I have no desire to go back, as story by itself is meaningless without technical merit...

Bad move. Wonder if you find any pleasure in reading books.

Maybe it's just me, but graphics is something I can easily get accomodated to. I can get used to it, even like it if the art design is spot on. While stupidly executed controls, or annoying gameplay mechanism is something that can really ruin the game for me.

The upgraded graphics of Morrowind features a bit too vivid colours in my opinion, although it's still nice.
but for example some 2D wonders like Heroes of Might and Magic III and the Baldur's Gate series (both having great hi-res mods) are quite pleasing to the eye with everything being hand drawn and colorful.
When I play BG I get the feeling that the graphics are just perfect for this game as this solution is also the best way to serve the gameplay, everything is visible (and beautiful) and easily accessed to, while in Dragon Age (Origins was a great game, but) being a 3D version of the BG mechanism, it slowed down the gameplay as you constantly have to manage the camera angles while playing especially in tight corridors.
BG (especially the second title) still managed to look great with nice animations, living, breathing characters, wonderful and rich enviroments. and it featured one of (if not the) best voice acting in gaming history.
That game is timeless.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:33 am Reply with quote
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craterface wrote:

Bad move. Wonder if you find any pleasure in reading books.

Maybe it's just me, but graphics is something I can easily get accomodated to. I can get used to it, even like it if the art design is spot on. While stupidly executed controls, or annoying gameplay mechanism is something that can really ruin the game for me.

I generally prefer to read NonFiction as I get older.

WRT to control schemes etc, I agree, for example, in a FPS, if the shooting sux, then no matter how good anything else is, I for one am put off, so that means ME1 in particular will always be a POS as a shooter to me regardless of any other merit it may have.

Same with racing games, if they work well with my wheel, then I can forgive all sorts of things, but it never hurts to build a good game all over.

Please, do me a favour, no more talk about 2D games ok....please!!!!
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