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Video Games Suck doesn't know any fucking real games!
PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:34 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 41

Yo, so I heard VGS reviews video games. Well they don't. These bastards haven't heard of real fucking video games. I mean, what the fuck? They review stupid games like Gothic 3 and fucking EA titles! I mean who the fuck, no, why the fuck would you play games by EA? They don't even show tits or shit! No they're crappy. So anyway I'm gonna show you fuckers some actual GAMES that you can play and have a fucking good time, not like most of the games reviewed here. You got a problem VGS admins? Well play these fucking games and you'll see what how PC game should be played.

Warlords Battlecry
Ok so you fuckers like good a RPG and good RTS, but you can't play both at once. Well guess fucking what! This game is two in one! Combines RPG and RTS elements and it's fucking amazing (And isn't afraid to show tits). Ok so basically you choose to be a fucking leader of about up to 16 fucking different races. Count that 16! What other game has 16 races? None you idiot! Ok so you can choose a class, it has RPG elements like stats, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Charisma (which improves your army for no fuckin reason). So you have up to 25 fuckin classes and 16 fuckin sides for that's up to over 100 fuckin combination. So yeah you start a fuckin game, and there you are in a rts game with your fuckin hero leading the race. You can cast spells, build, convert buildings and kill those mother fuckers as your hero is the most important unit on your side. You can choose fuckin fun races like lizardfolk, that control fucking dinosaurs, The Swarm, with fuckin Scorpions and Scorpionmen and shit, and many more. All races have basically their own fuckin playstyle. There are 3 fucking elven races and each play fucking different. So yeah anyway, you an train dragons for each fucking race and each fucking race has a titan. And get this, each fucking unit has it's own experience points and can level and shit. And that's not all, you can take that fucking bastard in future games and level that mother fucker even more. Speaking about leveling, your hero gains experience during and after the battle. You can level stats and the a skill panel is thrown to you with skills that differ from race to race and class. You don't know what RTS means till you haven't tried this fucking game, fucker.

So if you like casting spells and controlling armies in a RPG, play this baby here. This fucking game sets you as a wizard. Yea you can cast spells. But most important, summon an army. You can choose from five fucking spell books with unique spells and armies or create your own fucking spell book. So get this mother fucker, you control your army from a 3rd person perspective like in Overlord, but it's not that fucking stupid, no. You also get to cast awesome fucking spells, like summoning enormous wines, a fucking tornado or get this, make a hole in the earth. So being a RTS, you still get fucking resources, like army limit and mana. You start with souls, which are your army limit. You use them to summon fucking ugly creatures, the artwork on this bitch is really unique, and if you kill an enemy creature you can convert its souls if that fucker's hero doesn't claim them back. As a resource, you got mana, which you use to cast fucking spells or summon monsters. You regenerate it pretty fast. And as a fucking mortal hero, you can get killed, and become a fucking ghost. You can revive back tho. Your point in this game is to kill the fucking enemy hero and destroy his altar, banishing him from the map. But the maps are fucking huge and the game is really fucking fun.

Ghost Master
As the game says, you're some sort of spirit controlling fucking ghosts. You can control ghost scarecrows, ghost mobsters, ghost serial killers, the headless horseman, even elementals. Your goal here is to fucking make all those wimpy fuckers called mortals shit their pants and leave their house in shame. It's really fun. The game isn't as easy though. But it's fucking fun. You get to scare all sorts of people in all sorts of places, and to make it even harder, you get some fucking trapped hosts you need to set free. And it's really hard to set those fuckers free. Seriously though no game does what this fucking game tries to do.

Freedom Force
Ever played Marvel Ultimate Alliance? And liked it? Yes? No? Either way this game is fucking awesome. Ultimate Alliance is bullshit compared to this baby. You can shit on marvel and their fucking game, because this game does it any fucking time. Ultimate Alliance is fucking trash compared to this. So anyway this game here is about making super heroes. You can customize your fucking heroes with powers like shields, laser beams, etc. You can set your heroes to fly, choose their stats, and all those fucking things. Set weaknesses/strengths. You can equipt them with fucking 'nades that blind, stun or knock away and all that bullshit. Some fuckers can go invisible, burrow underground, even fucking duplicate or clone your fucking bastards. You don't edit the mesh in-game, but you can import other meshes, you can even import Marvel's fan-made hero meshes and they are fucking better. Fuck ultimate alliance it's shit! Anyway you can choose to go the campaign or have your heroes mindlessly slaughter other heroes, controlled by Ai. Really fun experience as the game has superb graphics. Heroes can interact with every fucking item in game. Destroy buildings, throw cars, destroy cars, pick up lampposts, pick up mail boxes, and all that fun shit.

Honorable mention: Impossible creatures
A fucking game where you fuse 2 animals together to make a fucking unit. From 9 units you make a army you may use in a RTS game. Fucking fun. You can give those fuckers Web Throw, put the whale head and make them fuckin shoot sonic beams, tongue attacks, make a fucking tiger with pincers and all that bullcrap.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:26 am Reply with quote
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Most of these unknown games are unknown as they're usually crappy.....there are exceptions of course.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:21 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 41

Pogma9 wrote:
Most of these unknown games are unknown as they're usually crappy...

Nobody has ever heard anything about your mother, therefore...

Anyway these games are better than anyfuckingthing that appeared lately. If you haven't played these games you wasted your life.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:47 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 356

this is stupid. yea there were man good games in the past, but here where like 1 review comes after 3-4 weeks, we review new ones with the exception of a few.
thing is, we have a good amount of games reviewed already since i dont know when. there is no use to start writing about Grim Fandango, Outcast, or Heroes of Might and Magic III. We know they are good.
Although the games you mentioned are shit compared to these, if you put up a top 5 these games are like at thr 134th place.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:01 am Reply with quote
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All these games are well known, but you must have realized that not many RTS games are reviewed here because apparently Suislide doesn't like this genre.

I played Freedom Force and gave up halfway because it was utterly boring. And I wanted to like it (it was made by the guys who gave us System Shock 2 IIRC, which was one of the best games of all times, a game you miserably forgot to mention BTW, so I gave it more than a fair chance). Anyway, superhero games generally suck, this game was no exception.

Sacrifice was great though, and I don't even like RTS games. It's been many years since I played it but I still get flashbacks of this game now and then. I agree that this is a must-play.

If I wanted to play a RPG-RTS hybrid (I don't BTW) I'd try Spellforce first, certainly not Warlords Battlecry.

I had a copy of Ghost Master but never bothered to play it, it seemed a completely silly game, and nothing you say changed my mind so far.

Anyway, tt is hard to take any recommendations seriously from anyone who calls Gothic 3 "stupid", this is in my top 10 of the best games ever (which is still lead by Outcast, yet another game you failed to mention).
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:40 pm Reply with quote
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Compared to Gothic 2 and 1, Gothic 3 is fucking stupid, worthy of a title on the Wall of Shame. Could have been done so much better. I never bothered playing this piece of crap more than 5 minutes. It has no interesting story, and the combat system is really fucked up. Instead, I played Gothic 2 again, and it was fuckin worth it.

Plus, Spellforce is a piece of crap. I mean, all you do is spam the same 2 spells or skills while your side of 3 combined races (with 4 archers and 4 melees) does the shit. I mean you can level your army but you can do so in WBC too! Also I've never seen two heroes differ from eachother. Just the same stupid high tier equipment and the same high tier strategies.

As for Freedom Force, the 1st is kinda repetitive, but hard, and the second is fucking easy but less boring.

And the only thing silly about Ghost Master is the cover. The game is fucking awesome. Shit!
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:13 pm Reply with quote
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I'm not going to retreat to old games just cause many new ones suck!!!!...FUCKEN UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:17 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
I'm not going to retreat to old games just cause many new ones suck!!!!...FUCKEN UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm playing old games sometimes because they are cheap and can be played on an old PC or at work during lunch. In addition, some of them are just great and not everyone absolutely must have state of the art graphics. It is a pity you cannot play older games, but apparently that's the way it is.

Sometimes it takes years before you run into a game at a low price, it took me years to get Penumbra Collection and Gothic 2 Gold Edition BTW (but recently was able to acquire both, cannot wait until I can finally play Night of the Raven).
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:26 am Reply with quote
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Faestus wrote:
Compared to Gothic 2 and 1, Gothic 3 is fucking stupid, worthy of a title on the Wall of Shame. Could have been done so much better. I never bothered playing this piece of crap more than 5 minutes. It has no interesting story, and the combat system is really fucked up. Instead, I played Gothic 2 again, and it was fuckin worth it.

Give it a bit more time and play it with the latest community patch. The game is rock solid now and while he fighting controls are not as good as they were in G1 and G2, it didn't bother me after a while, and the game is great. In my review I mentioned that G2 was better, but I wrote it less than 50 hours into the game: after completing it I changed my mind and consider it just as good as G2. The world is much bigger and varied and quests are pretty good too and it really feels like a true Gothic game (more so than Risen).
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:25 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
I'm not going to retreat to old games just cause many new ones suck!!!!...FUCKEN UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm playing old games sometimes because they are cheap and can be played on an old PC or at work during lunch. In addition, some of them are just great and not everyone absolutely must have state of the art graphics. It is a pity you cannot play older games, but apparently that's the way it is.

Sometimes it takes years before you run into a game at a low price, it took me years to get Penumbra Collection and Gothic 2 Gold Edition BTW (but recently was able to acquire both, cannot wait until I can finally play Night of the Raven).

Seriously after playing shitty games of today it's such a delight to play some of the old ones.
Seriously since Doom 3 EVERY game looks the same. It's like they've been made with the same engine. The characters and their faces, the enviroments, the bloom and shit EVERYTHING seems the same.
Now with older games the diversity is so much more and maybe it's just me but seeing old ass graphics after the new ones is as much delightful as the other way around.

Wonder if pogma's having the same approach with movies... I mean does he think that Mummy 2 is better than Indiany Jones and the Temple of Doom? Because there are no special effects in the latter. Does he like Star wars The Phantom Menace more than The Empire Strikes Back just because it's more flashy and now in 3D?
This approach is stoopid and childish.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:05 pm Reply with quote
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craterface wrote:

Wonder if pogma's having the same approach with movies... I mean does he think that Mummy 2 is better than Indiany Jones and the Temple of Doom? Because there are no special effects in the latter. Does he like Star wars The Phantom Menace more than The Empire Strikes Back just because it's more flashy and now in 3D?
This approach is stoopid and childish.

Most old games have crap everything compared to SOME of todays games, and I for one want more realism, ie, better more realistic GFX, animations, weather etc.
As for those movies, as if I watch shit like the mummy!!!!!!
Also, for those one PC, many mods can fix the dev errors/idiocy.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:08 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
It is a pity you cannot play older games, but apparently that's the way it is.

I can't take most old crap seriously these days, also I've never been a fan of platform games or top down crap etc....I want the realism of 3D games, but hardly appreciate dumbed down shit.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:42 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
berzerker wrote:
It is a pity you cannot play older games, but apparently that's the way it is.

I can't take most old crap seriously these days, also I've never been a fan of platform games or top down crap etc....I want the realism of 3D games, but hardly appreciate dumbed down shit.

You're one of those retarded kids that only play for graphics. A gaeme ain't fun if it doesn't have 3d graphics. It's gameplay can be fucking bullshit, but if it has graphics guess what? It doesn't fuckin matter!

Kids like you power up trash companies like EA games. They don't care about fucking gameplay. They just want to jack it at high quality tits. Cause that's all these fucking games do. They show big tits. No gameplay, no dificulty, just sit in your fucking Shit Station 3 or Crapbox and jack it at the big boobs from Soul Calibur or other retarded chicks with jugs bigger than their head, fighting in underwear and high heels.

Oh you can't fucking take seriously old games because of their graphics. No! You're too retarded to play real games. You play easy games with easy puzzles that tell you what to do. When you meet a puzzle that takes more than one try to complete you cry to your mommy and throw the CD away. You fucking idiots are the reason EA and Activison are still alive!
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:30 pm Reply with quote
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For example Fallout 3 is a good game, pogma likes that too and with a reason. But Fallout 1-2's way better still, when I played that even if it was from an isometric angle, the feel was so spot on, you could more easily lost yourself in it that in F3. Because despite the 3D game world you can clearly see that it's still a game. The raiders all look like the same. The mutants looked like the clones of each other too. The places, the textures, everything and I know that of course they can't make new models for each and every piece of grass in a field, but as long as games are not photorealistic and we play through a monitor and a keyboard, there is no reason to search for realism in games.
Although I respect the opinion of others but realism may only ba a factor in racing games. As for the others... the most importan thing is the gameplay, and fun factor. Not to mention that back then, the level of technology was not made it available to make graphics like the one's of today. And I can't give credit for the makers of today's games just because they look good since it's not because of them, it's because it's fuckin' 2012.
The problem with 3D games is that they are just what you see and nothing more. You don't need to use your imagination AT ALL. You can see the badly made polygons, and that most characters because of this, are looking like they're suffering from autism. Bad, numb facial expressions displaying people like their faces are being moved with thin threads. But a 2D game like Baldur's Gate, Heroes of M & M III, Full Throttle and other ones, you get many more is so many ways, design, character, athmosphere and the feeling that there is more to this than what it meets the eye, it leaves something for thre mind it's like reading a good book. And books are only enjoyable to people with a little imagination. It's their system requirements between eyes and the ability to read.
Maaan I remember the cartoonish look of the original Sam & Max and it was so awesome, full with great ideas that made you love every minute of it. It is perfect like that. But when I walk the wilds of Skyrim I just can't stop noticing that the water although looks better then in the first Half Life, but it's somehow like Gatorade jelly. The vegetation has an unnatural green to them too. So far, the most realistic enviroment for me was what I've seen in Dear Esther. There, the colours were done RIGHT.
Graphics for me is like looking at a painting. Pictures of Van Gogh are clearly not fotorealistic, but still pleasing to the eye. I have enough realism in life, I don't mind if things get a bit different when it comes to entertainment.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:43 pm Reply with quote
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To Faestass....

Dumb cunt, you have the privilege of conversing with a 44yr old who's been playing PC games since the original Doom.
I've already been thru shitty gfx, animations, sounds, game/gun mechanics, and I don't want to go back anytime soon.

FYI, I also prefer tactical shooters and PC racing simulators, I also installed difficulty enhancing mods for OPDragon Rising and Skyrim, and racing sims come with extreme difficulty that literally takes months of you're not talking to some dumbfuck who keeps buying EA shit, fact is, I've boycotted EA/Origin{at launch}.

As far as puzzles are concerned, I always found gaming puzzles an odd interest, I mean, why not just play chess, either with your mom or online against a computer, then you'll have an ongoing series of dynamic puzzles to solve.....but I for one don't care for puzzle games for their own sake.

Also, as for your general whinge, if you have a read thru some of the threads here, you'll find that many of us have a healthy contempt for modern gaming, but that's not to say that there aren't any games of merit, but if you're a gaming addict that requires endless mindless stimulation, then perhaps you should consult a mental health professional.

Last edited by Pogma9 on Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:57 pm Reply with quote
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craterface wrote:

. But when I walk the wilds of Skyrim I just can't stop noticing that the water although looks better then in the first Half Life, but it's somehow like Gatorade jelly. The vegetation has an unnatural green to them too..

Ah, you must be a console only mofo.....well man up bitch, all of your problems can be solved with mods on PC, there are mods for virtually every aspect of Skyrims environment....that said, you don't seem to appreciate the beauty and scale of Skyrim, but that's probably due to how horrid it looks on console.

I have the Bethesda HD pack, a realistic colours mod and also a darker nights mod, so for me, the game is beautiful and has an enormous sense of realism, not to mention the impressive animations, character models and sounds, all equating to one of the best games ever made.

That's not to say everything about the game is perfect, but I still find it hard to believe Skyrim was made considering how bad something like Far Cry2 was, plus with the integration of steam, all mods are a simple point and click install.

Also, as I alluded to above, some genres of gaming are better than ever, particularly racing sims, and 2012 is set to be the yr of the racing sim.
That said, if both Max Payne3 and Far Cry3 suck, then it might be the case that all FPSers/standard shooters can be written off as a ruined genre.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:57 pm Reply with quote
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Dunno about the other games on the list, but Freedom Force was pretty fucking great.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:10 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
To Faestass....

Dumb cunt, you have the privilege of conversing with a 44yr old who's been playing PC games since the original Doom.
I've already been thru shitty gfx, animations, sounds, game/gun mechanics, and I don't want to go back anytime soon.

Oh so you're 44...

Tell me how well you spent your life.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:27 am Reply with quote
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Faestus wrote:

Oh so you're 44...

Tell me how well you spent your life.

You came here as fucken moron, and I'm certain you'll leave as one.
You fucken dipshit, this is one of the few forums on www that at least allows for uncensored opinion......unfortunately, that includes your bluster.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:56 pm Reply with quote
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Sigs are for n00bs!
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