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Now, with my whole "JEWS BE KILLIN' WHITE NATIONS AND TAKIN' AWAY DEY' FREE SPEECH" thing goin' on in the "i fuckin hate jews" thread, you'd think I'd give a shit about this. WRONG. I'm posting what I post in that thread mostly to piss off any anti-racists who read it, since I'm no longer as enamored with White Nationalism as I used to be, and now simply find it amusing. The Internet (at least the portion of it that doesn't consist of stupid shit, porn, websites like, porn, music websites, porn, etc.) is comprised mostly of politically immature/zealous fucktards who think that they and the 200 or so lifeless shitmops who regard their irrational screeds as Gospel can MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Bullshit. I'll admit that the Liberal/Communist websites are making bigger waves than the various "reactionary" elements scattered across the web, but that's mostly because they back it up with retarded public demonstrations that scarcely effect any significant change and are mostly excuses to fuck and do drugs anyway. "Conservatives seldom protest, whereas Liberals seldom stop." So far neither group has (via the Internet, anyways) managed to end the Iraq War, save the rainforest, raise educational standards, bring about racial harmony and understanding among the world's various warring ethnic groups, or give the United States anything even remotely resembling a responsible leadership.
The Constitution? That outdated rag's been dead since the 30s, I think. Remember the various anti-commie "Red Scares"? The tight restrictions on automatic firearms that remain to this day (what part of "shall not be infringed" do these shitheels not understand?) The Federal monitors spying on everyone's E-mail? What of the eerie Political Correctness that is now de-facto governing policy with regards to the Schools, Universities, businesses, etc? We're a less-honest version of (formerly) Communist China, I tell you, except we're actively building ourselves into a 3rd World country, whereas China's going in the opposite direction:
Stop worrying about it, in other words. Good shit doesn't last forever, and if the majority is okay with non-Kosher speech being restricted/outlawed (like it is in most of Europe) then, hey, it's THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, bitch.
Oh, and if any of you actually bothers posting a three-page essay that seriously attempts to criticize/refute what I've posted here, I swear to God I'll mail an exploding birthday cake to your house.
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