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PC Games on the Demise?
PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:12 am Reply with quote
Flame Me
Flame Me
Joined: May 10, 2006
Posts: 2

Is PC gaming being flushed down the toilet by its developers in the quest to position their selves in the console gaming boom? A recent article in NY Times only listed two PC games in the Best of the Best catagory, and neither of these were shooters, unless you consider killing a Sim with your mini van an fps.
It appears developers are concentrating a very significant portion of their budgets into console games for XBox Live, and the future release of PS3. Does this mean the demise of the PC powerhouse gaming industry? Will the PC hard core gamers just get stuck with the same old same old? Are we just going to be handed revamps of what we currently have, such as more add-ons for BF2, with an offshoot that looks like a cross between Mec Warriors, and Terminator.
The Battlefield Series appears to be dying a slow and painful death because of its inherent flaws. The Battlefield 2 series complete with its pack of flaws in coding, and the developers inabilities to properly fix its problems in a timely manner to appease the consumer, leaves this author with a sour taste in his mouth, and a legion of unhappy customers.
What does this really mean for the upcoming release of BF2142, more surprises for the paying public? Is the consumer going to be waiting for patch after patch to fix a game that should have been right from the onset of its release? When are the developers going to learn that the consumer is not happy waiting for patches to fix its mistakes? When is the consumer going to take the hint that they really doesn’t care about your opinions, and will do as they please? $50 U.S. is alot of money for a game full of ifs.
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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:53 am Reply with quote
VGS Admin
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I find it funny how M$ is paying companies like epic to make games like gears of war "XBOX Exclusives" even though we all know the engine and game belong on a PC. Of course the game will end up on PC, but its an example of the way M$ operates.... they don't innovate in any way what so ever. To try and compete with the innovation of Sony and Nintendo they are attempting to push much of the PC gaming industry onto thier platform. In the process moving the focus from producing quality games for the PC to making quality games for XBOX and then tossing a rancind port to PC gamers.

As for PC gaming dying? I doubt it. Getting shittier at the moment? Yes.

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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 3:57 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 72

picture xbox being a front for more games to be devoloped on the PC.
weather its a port to PC or not, its still nice to have a device that boosts up the PC's index of games.

unlike the jews that sony that keep most of their shit playstation exclusive whore mommy.

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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:20 pm Reply with quote
VGS Admin
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Yes, like the latest shining example of an XBOX driven PC port.... Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. sad3.gif

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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:17 am Reply with quote
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its better then: no recon, advanced no fighter.

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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:58 am Reply with quote
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we could also mention Oblivion: consolitis dickheaditis.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:54 pm Reply with quote
Flame Me
Flame Me
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flaming_ass_packet wrote:
its better then: no recon, advanced no fighter.

Not by much.

You're also forgetting that Ghost Recon started off as a PC franchise. If the X-Box hadn't come along, it probably still would be, along with Deus Ex, Thief, Serious Sam, and God knows how many other franchises that have become complete shit or died off altogether, thanks to porting to the X-Box.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:41 am Reply with quote
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yes it did start on PC. but its not a PC friendly game anymore. in orther words in consolwhoristic. meaning it has no need to be on pc. its a tactical shooter, who cares. games like deep epic RPG's and RTS games still best reamain on PC no matter how hard M$ trys to push it for xbox.

but the fact remains that right now for gaming consoles are more popular then PC because the ast majority of people are idiots and consoles happen to be cheaper.

but still, PC offers a solid beyond ass kicking platform no modern next-gen console can replace.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:46 pm Reply with quote
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Location: sydney,australia

meh, consoles will always have better graphics

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we salute you allmighty ass!
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:57 pm Reply with quote
Flame Me
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jackass wrote:
meh, consoles will always have better graphics

I hope your fucking kidding because thats absolute bullshit...Fuck Microsoft and their cock sucking shitty consoles.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:47 am Reply with quote
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jackass is a fucking fetus. only fetuses and bitch crackheads play consoles.
edit: while I fuck their mothers.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 1:30 pm Reply with quote
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Games, both PC and Console, are fucking RECREATION MEDIUMS, and that this much bitching can revolve around something as trivial as the quality of the experience of machinegunning/sniping the same character models over and over and over is hilariously absurd. You don't like the game/medium? #1: Don't fucking play it and #2: Find something better to play with. PC/console whores repeatedly bitching about the faults of different gaming mediums that they (apparently) don't own are a lot like this whiney little bitch. He's spent the greater part of the last five years living in Mexico, but has found plenty of room in the bulk of the columns he's written since then (the observant will see that almost all of them are rewrites of previous ones) to bitch and moan about a system that he no longer has to "suffer" under.

After a few months of playing BF2 and the associated expansions, I found them to ultimately be a heap of cow shit dressed up in air freashener-laden BDUs, so I simply stopped playing them, no grudge or incessant bitching towards EA or DICE, despite the fact that the former is the Genghis fucking Khan of game publishers.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:08 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 193

M0nKeY wrote:
I find it funny how M$ is paying companies like epic to make games like gears of war "XBOX Exclusives" even though we all know the engine and game belong on a PC. Of course the game will end up on PC, but its an example of the way M$ operates.... they don't innovate in any way what so ever. To try and compete with the innovation of Sony and Nintendo they are attempting to push much of the PC gaming industry onto thier platform. In the process moving the focus from producing quality games for the PC to making quality games for XBOX and then tossing a rancind port to PC gamers.

As for PC gaming dying? I doubt it. Getting shittier at the moment? Yes.


I've just tried Red Alert 3 and it's even MORE CONSOLISTIC than Tiberium Wars. I give up, M$ has won his fucking shit-war to downgrade the whole videogame industry so they adjust to his fucking piece of garbage hardware and destroy any chance of something fucking capable of compete with it. THERE IS NOT EVEN A FUCKING PREVIOUSLY ONLY PC SAGA THEY HAVEN'T FUCKED YET.



-Bully: Worst port ever, critical bugs, unplayable
-Fallout 3: Absolutely XBOXED, same as Oblivion but broken and unplayable
-Red Alert 3: Absolutely PS2ED (YEAH, TWO AT LEAST), back to 2001

If I had a time machine I definitely would use it to kill the fucking MOTHERFUCKER from M$ that came with the whole xbox idea, in the most violent and painfully way possible with my own hands.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:02 am Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
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Hey guys, I'm 25 and I've been playing video game since long before I started masturbating (we're talking on the order of 15 years here).

On the topic of C&C, only the first two games were good (Tiberium Dawn and Red Alert 1...didn't play Red Alert 2). The reason they were good was cuz EA had shit all to do with them. C&C1 was based [loosely] on the bible, also it's story was cool. For example Tiberium is claimed to be named after the Tiber river where it landed, but Kane claims he named it after Tiberius Caesar. It was just a gutsy game, and you felt like you were a part of the war. Enter EA and they fucked it up. Also the music was good.

Sometimes developers make games too hard, Like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Evolution Underground 8, Hey fuckhead, if I want to learn how to skate, I'll buy a board, just let my fat ass do an ollie.

Here's a random list of other games which have gone down the drain

-Burnout Paradise
-Hitman Trilogy
-Far Cry 2
-Rainbow six

I don't know if this is just b/c of 'consolization', but games are just getting shitier and shitier.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:15 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
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also add to that list FEAR 2, I have a feeling walking around in a mechanized suit is not scary. And I'm all for open world environments, but I don't think it will work well in the world of FEAR
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:50 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 193

And that's it the new videogame business model:

-Shit games with average graphics at most: Everybody with just a fucking laptop Intel Graphics and chineses with Pentium 90 can play it so they don't need to spend more in better graphics

-Casual player gameplay and totally multiplayer or MMO focused: To expand the basic play time as much as possible, taking advantage of Xbox Live and exploiting the "l00k my l337n3ss" of preadolescents just learnt the word "fuck"

-If possible getting any saga fame: Ensure a certain amount of selling

And of course:

THE PUBLISHER PAYING OFF EVERY REVIEW SITE OF AVERAGE SIZE TO HYPE IT BEYOND 10/10 AND MAKE SEVERAL FLASHY AND 100% MANIPULATED TRAILERS, because consumers buy it first guided by the hype and when several thousand of not blinded fanboys realise it's a fucking shit it's too late for them to get a refund and everyone else (casual players, fanboys, kids, etc...) just don't notice it.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:49 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Here's my take on the video game business model

1)Form a team of developers and put out a quality game. Pray that EA doesn't buy you out

2)EA buys you out.

3)GameTrailers criticizes development team for not including online multiplayer.

4)EA rushes a sequel with online multiplayer.

5)GameTrailers praises it for it's online multiplayer.

6)VideGamesSuck's review falls on deaf ears
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:01 am Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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M0nKeY wrote:

As for PC gaming dying? I doubt it. Getting shittier at the moment? Yes.

We need more CPU and GPU power to elevate PC games ever closer to being don't overspend for another few years or you'll suffer from consolitis.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:46 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
M0nKeY wrote:

As for PC gaming dying? I doubt it. Getting shittier at the moment? Yes.

We need more CPU and GPU power to elevate PC games ever closer to being don't overspend for another few years or you'll suffer from consolitis.

Oh god one of them.... Look, mate the Matrix isn't real, its like wishing for Princess Leia to give you a handjob, it ain't going to fucking happen. But booze is, booze is real so drink up and escape the depressing reality that is your inferior existence. Cheers.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:52 am Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522

Cabbie-Galah wrote:

Oh god one of them.... Look, mate the Matrix isn't real, its like wishing for Princess Leia to give you a handjob, it ain't going to fucking happen. But booze is, booze is real so drink up and escape the depressing reality that is your inferior existence. Cheers.

I prefer Julia Ann, not some pompous mainstream TV whore.
Get back to your PS2 and aging PC games that run on your near dead PC you freakin nutcase.

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