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It's always too hard for you to understand apparently, that still doesn't ring a bell?
obviously i saved my sanity by not clicking on that link and u will have to excuse me if i dont understand your hee-haws
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Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:01 am
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
_Master_Of_Half_Assery wrote:
no half assery mother bitch, more like half-dickery esp when this is exactly what happens when your dick gets chopped off by my samurai sword...your panicking response is simply a normal reaction to the loss. take rest, heal yourself and get back.
Like my balls, my dick is made of steel, and I got your mom to take your samurai sword about a month ago, SO QUIT FUCKING DELUDING YOURSELF, SHITTY... although your delusions are complexily an abnormal reaction to the loss of many, many, MANY brain cells almost all at once. Stop thinking too much, maybe scrape that hardened shit off your skin for once, instead of just smearing the soft layer on top of it, and DON'T GET BACK, unsanitary prick.
ya I also got me a high-end sony erricson. their phones are is just the activision/ea of cellphones.anyway....
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:24 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
puk wrote:
We really need one of us to be admin, to monitor the fuck out of this guy.
Which guy?
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:18 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711
Like my balls, my dick is made of steel,
steel rusts, that explains your gaping vagina
and I got your mom to take your samurai sword about a month ago, SO QUIT FUCKING DELUDING YOURSELF, SHITTY...
haven't made a visit to my parents over the last couple of years. talk about delusions.
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Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:48 pm
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puk wrote:
We really need one of us to be admin, to monitor the fuck out of this guy.
Which guy?
Master AKA the Captn.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:09 pm
Flame Me
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puk wrote:
Master AKA the Captn.
_________________ Mandrake The Magician
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:15 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
_Master_ wrote:
steel rusts, that explains your gaping vagina :cheers
Only weak steel, steel with very low vibrations, like everyone else steel, actually rusts, due to neglect, and pure puniness. YOU ARE SO FUCKING PUNY it's kinda sad.
_Master_ wrote:
and I got your mom to take your samurai sword about a month ago, SO QUIT FUCKING DELUDING YOURSELF, SHITTY...
haven't made a visit to my parents over the last couple of years. talk about delusions.
Of course you haven't visited your parents, moron. Your mom, with her now clean vagina (I fucking rejuvenated that always potentially awesome skin), filled with my omnipotence (cum), snuck in and took your shit. Well, not literally. That would take a whole crew of cleaners.
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:40 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711
_Master_ wrote:
steel rusts, that explains your gaping vagina :cheers
Only weak steel, steel with very low vibrations, like everyone else steel, actually rusts, due to neglect, and pure puniness.
thanks you just confirmed you have a gaping vagina.
YOU ARE SO FUCKING PUNY it's kinda sad.
try to cheer up, here is a little song i wrote, you might want2sing it note for note, so dont worry, be happy
Of course you haven't visited your parents, moron. Your mom, with her now clean vagina (I fucking rejuvenated that always potentially awesome skin), filled with my omnipotence (cum), snuck in and took your shit. Well, not literally. That would take a whole crew of cleaners.
pretty lame man, i give it a 1/100
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Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 4:31 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
Carlin is a fucking fagot, who on it's way to cross the public transit train tracks, slipped and fell off of the sidewalk and onto the tracks, just before the train came by cutting off Carlin's head, and all because SOMEBODY spilled some slippery sunflower oil...
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:18 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711
_Master_of_Disaster wrote:
Carlin is a fucking fagot, who on it's way to cross the public transit train tracks, slipped and fell off of the sidewalk and onto the tracks, just before the train came by cutting off Carlin's head, and all because SOMEBODY spilled some slippery sunflower oil...
thats not how be died mother bitch, he died of heart failure. its possible that you are perhaps in another universe where events have been occurring in a different sequence. that certainly explains the gibberish you have been pooping out. in our universe things work differently here, so just listen carefully and quietly to me and you may get back to your shitty universe OR else prepare to rot here smelly gorebelly u flimsy weeble wobble flabberjelly
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Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:38 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 630
Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
So master is the idiotic, deluded, and generally inferior one, it should be obvious why his posts are becoming more and more irrelevant.
But master isn't the only idiot. YOU ARE ALL FUCKING RETARDS, and many of you would not realize who master is, so I give evidence:
So here's a retarded business plan of his, clearly revealing his weird fetishes and general stupidity. Note how poetic he tries to sound. Also note how stupid Leonardo Da Vinci was (he's also a poet, right? Whatever, hes a dumb fag from that faggish era):
master wrote:
since you asked, let me explain to you. In short, its an employment opportunity for your mom to practice her skills on your dad. I still don't know which one is your dad really, doesn't really matter. In long, she is required to submit to my tranny dogs for documentary video "Mom's In Heat". This would usually mean penetrating her with their evil smelly canine cocks, pumping gallons of filthy animal cum burrowing deep into her while she moans and growns like a bitch she is. finally a splendid smile for the camera in the after glow of dog-cum sprayed all over her ugly crooked face as she lets a howl of extasy.....AaauuuOOooouu.....AaauuOuuuuu.....AaauuuOOooouuuuuuuuuuu.......breathing/panting heavily like a helpless pathetic bitch-whore, while more and more of them leap over here and polish her again and again with their massive alien pink dicks while she basks in the afterglow. The grand finale! Your slut bitch worthless ugly cunt mom then surps all the blobs of goo, all neat & tidy, like an Olympic vacuum cleaner on steroids. well id say its a hearty power packed breakfast for her, enough to go by her daily mundane activities by the day.....yeah man to keep it short, like i said its a respectful employment arrangement for your mom. Don't hesitate to bring your sister, cousins or aunts, unless they already died of AIDS. you could joint in too, but please have a bath and use deo, my dogs like it clean.
master wrote:
new beefy dogs have arrived. can you do that sunny?
He talks about his birth in this one:
master wrote:
she gave birth to me when she went to shit one fine morning....more on that memorable story later.
Now folks you must remember that, despite his decent vocabulary, master is retarded.
master wrote:
well let me remind putrid neurons in my rotting intestines that it was them who started off with the facination of droppings.....
You do NOT want to play chess with master.
master wrote:
All I see is juvenile-jealousy, eh you couldn’t even keep up with Masters dogss in a simply game of chess.
Early today, my fodder spy managed to record master confessing at a church. Impressive work, Mr. Spy. Too bad you won't live... well, too bad for you. I still get to run my mercenary operation without any body knowing a thing, so too good for me.
Since I hate computers, and don't care for uploading, I'll simply type out what was spoken by master. It's trippy, because earlier in the year master was defending himself with insults, which he posted all in this thread here:
If you read the thread carefully, you'll notice that masters posts are very similar to his confessions. It was his way of confessing at the time. Anyways...
In this part, master reveals how childish and stunted he is due to his upbringing.
master wrote:
The aroma of droppings dropping out every where from the deep recess of my bum must have been very thought provoking and emotionally upheaving than anyone ever imagined. maybe thats how I get hi and crap out at vgs; my memory is pretty bad, so I don't know exactly. So please, let me continue with my smelly shitty self-indulgent investigations. I will be a very big boy! I'm a special shit officer, but er just keep the findings confidential to yourself, father.
A sick fantasy of his:
master wrote:
Which makes me a clamidia-pussy-crack-ho thrash with no fucking originality. Perhaps the next time I get hi, I'll stick a needle in your penis instead, father
More weird confessions:
master wrote:
er i dont drink coffee and neither do i have a coffee table... I gotta stop shitting from my butthead mouth, time to cork it up or cock it either way.
Obvious retardation:
master wrote:
Yeah yeah! new shit will materialize,
And here's proof that he's gay.
master wrote:
well maybe thats something you do on a regular basis and drive around with your gayfriends wearing pink t-shirts. As for me i had put in a cd in, so much for your comment "nobody can hide anything from me". IMO only mandrake has that ability. That pretty much nails the shit on your head. SPLAT!
So, yeah. This guy is fucked. Anywho, FUCK YOU ALL.
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:46 pm
A Winner is me!
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
And here's a great update (you know, the update for proof that master is fucked?); if you've been following the evidence then I shouldn't have to caption this quote. You can determine that he still has ideas (he's smarter than the average retards, such as his parents), but he still like his feces. So without further a due:
_Master_ wrote:
_Master_of_Disaster wrote:
Carlin is a fucking fagot, who on it's way to cross the public transit train tracks, slipped and fell off of the sidewalk and onto the tracks, just before the train came by cutting off Carlin's head, and all because SOMEBODY spilled some slippery sunflower oil...
thats not how be died mother bitch, he died of heart failure. its possible that you are perhaps in another universe where events have been occurring in a different sequence. that certainly explains the gibberish you have been pooping out. in our universe things work differently here, so just listen carefully and quietly to me and you may get back to your shitty universe OR else prepare to rot here smelly gorebelly u flimsy weeble wobble flabberjelly
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:32 am
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This is such an interesting flame
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Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:59 am
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who's got hours to carefully search through one's every single comment just to pick some lines out then twist them to a new meaning? that maybe suits master more instead of the guy who acts.. i mean TYPES mostly out of bare and spontaneous instinct.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:47 am
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So master is the idiotic, deluded, and generally inferior one, it should be obvious why his posts are becoming more and more irrelevant.
Why do u think I don't read his posts anymore?
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:16 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711
So, yeah. This is Anywho, FUCK YOU ALL.
roger that!
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Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:17 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711
puk wrote:
So master is the idiotic, deluded, and generally inferior one, it should be obvious why his posts are becoming more and more irrelevant.
Why do u think I don't read his posts anymore?
you lack basic reading, writing and understanding skills, in other words you excel in islamic skills
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Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:39 am
A Winner is me!
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
@craterface: Only weak people would assume it takes too much time and energy to point out peoples flaws. Only somebody who would ultimately be destroyed be me would think that.
Anyways, this next post of master actually has him showing off his 'STUFF', so it's blatantly obvious that he likes shit.
_Master_ wrote:
roger that!
And Alez, it's still more than you, and you ARE nothing. Why you were so fucking insignificant, you practically killed yourself, as your body didn't have enough energy to sustain itself. Now your barely holding on. You will inherit the earth.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:33 pm
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And you will weak and in need of a pair of currently leaving my pair of sennheisser HD205.
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