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this whole post considering islamic stuff does not belong to vgs. at least not in tis manner. it should be more like the fuck niggers-post, not like something out of the discovery channel.
Then start such a thread and ignore this one, problem solved.
Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 3:34 am
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berzerker wrote:
Palestinians were not known to be extremists muslims, it is only Israels repressive and discriminatory policies combined with the corrupt PLO rule after the Oslo accords that make them extremists.
that was only because they didnt have to live with non muslims untill the creation of Israel. likewise jews are very peace loving people and only reciprocate due to Islamic terror.
berzerker wrote:
Mind you, PLO is not religious at all,
sorry i dont buy that. talking the PLO is not a good example. one could get into a full fledged debate about the disputes which are just a waste of time.
berzerker wrote:
It is exactly like I said, if you are in a desperate situation you are willing to accept anything that promises you a way out, even religious fanatics. I guess this is the more the case if there is an adversary that has lots of religious fundamentalists itself.
i do agree with the desperate situation ideal. And somehow such desperate people are drawn to Islamic radical beliefs which the religion had formulated to take advantage of such situation. One example is the brother hood and how all muslims must meet and pray together. it gives a sense of common identity in desperate conditions, so that more desperate people come together and
feel even more desperate and justify to do jihad. if they any brains they would be more individualistic instead of herd behaviour
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Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 3:45 am
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puk wrote:
Wow that was a mind fart!
Tibetans are buddhists, but there is no peace in Tibet.
Tibetans dont resort to jihad and everyday violence or blow up other random people like muslims do. Again your sense of comparison phenomenal.
puk wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
...i dont have an issue with ignorant muslims...
It doesn't sound like it here
_Master_ wrote:
BS. Palestinians are islamic, where there is islam and other cultures, there will always be problems, because Islamic culture is radical and savage...
see the bolded point. i have zero tolerance for radical primitive beliefs and Islamic view that non-believers and others as infidels. If a muslim is ignorant of this then its cool, are we are ok, if not aka radical then i do have a big problem.
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Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:26 am
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islamic activity #4: Biological alarm clock
After years of suffering this aural assault, Muhammad finally put pen to paper to make his displeasure felt.
He sent his complaint to the Ministry of Religious Endowments, which oversees issues of public worship, saying that high noise levels coming from the dozen mosques in his immediate neighbourhood ruined the real religious meaning of the azan.
read here and i thought i was the only one who felt this was a PITA LOL
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Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:59 am
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islamic activity #5: Terrorize the disbelievers
It is clearly said in the quran to terrorize the disbelievers!! dont belive? then you should watch this interview on CNN. skip to 1:55
watch this excellent video commented by an arab guy here towards the end you can see hamas train small kids to be terrorists. They send them to isarel and naturally they get shot and blame Israel for killing their children when they train those kids as terrorists in the first place. very destructive people.
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Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:55 pm
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_Master_ wrote:
berzerker wrote:
Palestinians were not known to be extremists muslims, it is only Israels repressive and discriminatory policies combined with the corrupt PLO rule after the Oslo accords that make them extremists.
that was only because they didnt have to live with non muslims untill the creation of Israel. likewise jews are very peace loving people and only reciprocate due to Islamic terror.
Not true.
Ilan Pappe wrote:
A Palestinian employer, the Atlit Salt Company, had invited 500 Jews to live and work alongside the 1000 Arab inhabitants of the village. However, in the 1940s, the Hagana (de facto Zionist army) turned the Jewish part of the village into a training ground for its members, whose intimidating presence soon reduced the number of Palestinians to 200.
Furthermore, Jews had begun migrating to Palestine in the late 1800s, and by the time of UN resolution 141 the country was roughly 1/3 Jewish. Your claim that they had never lived with Jews is unsubstantiated. AND, the palestinians were used to living under the rule of different countries/empires, such as the Ottoman empire and the British empire, and they had learned to live side by side with Christians as well.
Also, the Zionists struck the first blow by orchestrating this mass ethnic cleansing operation in December 1947, even before the Arab League came to aid the Palestinians in May 15, 1948
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 1:03 pm
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_Master_ wrote:
BS. Palestinians are islamic, where there is islam and other cultures, there will always be problems, because Islamic culture is radical and savage......see the bolded point. i have zero tolerance for radical primitive beliefs and Islamic view that non-believers and others as infidels. If a muslim is ignorant of this then its cool, are we are ok, if not aka radical then i do have a big problem.
You seem to be under the impression that Islam is a violent religion. If we were to go based on facts and figures, I'd think Christianity is the most violent for waging so many wars and crusades, and killing infidels, and then Judaism for causing the current crisis in the middle east by refusing to give the Palestinians their land back.
But that would be stupid. b/c I'm smart enough to know Christianity was tainted shortly after being established, and Judaism has little to do with zionism.
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:55 am
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Ilan Pappe wrote:
A Palestinian employer, the Atlit Salt Company, had invited 500 Jews to live and work alongside the 1000 Arab inhabitants of the village. However, in the 1940s, the Hagana (de facto Zionist army) turned the Jewish part of the village into a training ground for its members, whose intimidating presence soon reduced the number of Palestinians to 200.
yeah makes for some nice fiction material.
puk wrote:
the palestinians were used to living under the rule of different countries/empires, such as the Ottoman empire and the British empire, and they had learned to live side by side with Christians as wellp
Palestine state was only created in 1948 it didnt exist before that. The jews where alloted that region by the U.N. So if they had a problem then, it should have been brought out at time.
puk wrote:
Also, the Zionists struck the first blow by orchestrating this mass ethnic cleansing operation in December 1947, even before the Arab League came to aid the Palestinians in May 15, 1948
its good, lesser crazy islamists lesser mad people in the world.
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Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:01 am
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now setting this all aside, let us analyze how the two countries have fared. it been around 50 years. If the Palestine people where actually sensible people, why have they not made developments in science and technology or for for the matter in arts, music or commerce? i dont see any development except how they train their young pre-teenage children to blow themselves up. i think islamic nations are always problematic. in 70-100 years its only gonna get worse for these Islamic countries . there will be a world war for sure. between the scientifically established liberalized countries and medieval countries.
Last edited by _Master_ on Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total _________________ follow me or get out of the way
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:20 am
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puk wrote:
You seem to be under the impression that Islam is a violent religion. If we were to go based on facts and figures, I'd think Christianity is the most violent for waging so many wars and crusades, and killing infidels, and then Judaism for causing the current crisis in the middle east by refusing to give the Palestinians their land back.
actually they where all islamists. they later discovered their true potential and became true islamists.
puk wrote:
But that would be stupid. b/c I'm smart enough to know Christianity was tainted shortly after being established, and Judaism has little to do with zionism.
I'm bored so let me say something about one of the other chapters. It is about US politics in the period of 1890 - 1902 (and is called "the end of a dream", because in this period the US turned from anti-imperialistic into imperialistic, as evidenced in Cuba, Hawaii and the Philippines). It centers around Thomas B. Reed, who according to this book was by far the most important politician at the time in the US. He appears to be quite an intriguing character indeed, who refused to adapt his views to the popular views, I'd say we need such characters in modern day politics. I do not want politicians to do what the public would do but what he thinks is in their best interests.
Last edited by berzerker on Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:14 pm
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Seems interesting, just ordered the book and it cost less than £2
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:24 pm
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puk wrote:
Seems interesting, just ordered the book and it cost less than £2
That's cheap, I paid 16 euro or so. It was well worth it though, only the chapter about Germany (the upcoming power of that time) was disappointing IMHO.
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:43 pm
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One of the reviews states that the chapter on England was the most disappointing
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:53 pm
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puk wrote:
One of the reviews states that the chapter on England was the most disappointing
There are 2 chapters about England, The first is also the first in the book and is a bit tedious but I think gives a nice picture of the aristocracy at that time who gouverned the country and saw it as their duty, not so much their right, to do so. They clearly didn't do it to get rich (they already were). So it starts a bit slow but I found it interesting enough.
The second English chapter is about the first liberal government a decade later and its struggle against the House of Lords, that chapter was much less tedious.
The chapter about Germany centers around Strauss, the composer, so a 'light' cultural subject, that's the only chapter in which I skipped some pages.
I have "Guns of August" too, will start reading it shortly, that's supposed to be Tuchman's best work. I also have her book "Stillwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-1945", that seems interesting too but it will take some time before I can start reading that one.
I'm currently reading Dunn's "the war the infantry knew 1914 - 1919", a sort of diary of an entire English batallion in WWI. Very interesting and really humourous at times, but quite hard to get through. And a little Pelican pocket about the history of England 1815 - 1914, that so far does not seem to focus on the building of the colonial empire and all the wars of that era, as I had expected, but rather social issues. Quite interesting anyway. E.g. it mentions the Factories Act 1833 which outlawed the employment of children under 9 in the textile industry. Apparently employing childeren under 9 actually took place those days (and remained allowed in other industries than the textile industry, which, as the book mentions further on, employed 1.650.000 people in 1851, making it the second industry after agriculture.
Last edited by berzerker on Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:03 pm, edited 2 times in total
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:45 am
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Yeah child employment was quite common in that era(I.R)
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:18 am
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The book just arrived
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:46 am
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
The sate of Israel is one of the biggest criminals on this planet. I would gladly annihilate them all, but they're getting sloppy, people are starting to realize. Their downfall is imminent. However, they're pulling out all the stops to try to win.
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